Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| API - Documentation for gateway updated | The documentation for submitting a gateway via the API now correctly states that the gateway_completion_date is a required field. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EP-1208 |
| Gateway Specification - Allow for the phasing out of old specifications via start/end dates | We've improved how multiple gateway specifications can be managed, allowing for the phasing in/out of gateway specifications. They now have similar functionality to assessment schemas. A start and end date can now be specified against a gateway specification. Similar to schemas, these two dates will be used to calculate which specification an apprentice is given at gateway. The calculation for this uses the apprentice's start date to find a matching specification for the standard and specialism the apprentice is on. Due to a standard now having the ability for multiple gateway specifications, controlled via dates, the way these are linked together has been adjusted. A specification is no longer chosen when editing or creating a standard. Instead, standards and decisions can be configured on the edit gateway specification screen. We've also adjusted the menu to show the new requirement, standards are now shown above gateway components and specifications as the standards must now be created first. We've migrated all of your existing standards and specifications over to this new format, setting a start date to today minus 20 years and end date of today plus 20 years, this will keep everything working as it is now and provide enough leeway to include older apprentices as also provide some time to review the dates and make adjustments as required. Similar to assessment schemas when a gateway is submitted the calculated specification to use is stored against the gateway, this means should the gateway specifications have their dates or active states changed apprentices through gateway will not be affected. If the gateway is rejected this reference is cleared. We've also migrated existing apprentices who are pending gateway or who have passed gateway to include this reference, linking them up to the calculated specification. The apprentice details and past programmes reports have both been updated to account for the changes in this ticket. The apprentice details report will now only show the gateway specification once the apprentice has been submitted for gateway, this is because until they have been submitted the gateway that will be used has not yet been calculated. If the apprentice has not been submitted and so has no gateway specification assigned to them the column will show as empty, this is different to how it was displayed previously. The past programmes report follows a similar direction except it uses the gateway specification of the apprentice's previous programme, if they were not submitted to gateway before starting a new programme then they will not have a gateway specification against their row on the report. To account for these changes we have also made various behind the scenes adjustments and recommend testing: As always we would also suggest testing the system as a whole to ensure it meets your needs and you do not have any side effects as a result of these changes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EP-1942 |
| EPA QA Standards and Specialisms | This introduces the functionality to allow QA standards and specialisms to be set against and EPA or EPAM, that will be completely separated out from their EPA standards and specialisms. This will restrict the EPA/EPAMs view of the QA screen for both Component and Certification QA's. QA reports for EPA/EPAMs will now be based on the standards/specialisms assigned to them, and not their apprentices; this is a change in the behaviour for the following reports:
The view an EPA would have of this report (where they do not have QA permissions) has only been restricted by Standard/Specialism filtering determined by those selected on the EPA standards profile tab. This will have no effect on their view of anything outside of the QA screens or QA reports. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EP-2006 |
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API - Extending the Apprentice endpoint
The /apprentice endpoint for the EPAPro API has been changed to return 'pages' of apprentices rather than a simple list; this does not affect the format of the data but please see the API documentation for details. To aid in the use of this a new query parameter 'page' is available to select which number page you wish returned and the existing 'limit' parameter will be used to determine the maximum number of apprentices per page to return.
In addition a new parameter named 'provider_id' may be supplied to limit the apprentices returned to a specific provider.
Please see the API documentation and the appropriate version for more details.
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Gateway Specification - Add ability for optional uploads at gateway
We've updated the gateway specifications to allow for a component to allow uploads but not necessarily have these required.
The components tab for a specification will now show a new checkbox for each component 'Enable file upload' this will show the upload form but have it set as optional. If you would like this to also be mandatory then the existing 'Mandatory file upload or link' checkbox can be checked, this one works exactly as it did before with the exception of it no longer toggling the upload input on/off.
As part of this change we've migrated any existing gateway specifications that have the 'Mandatory file upload or link' checkbox ticked to also have the 'Enable file upload' box ticked, this will ensure all your existing gateway specifications should work as they did before.
As part of this change, it's recommended that the gateway process and gateway specification screens are tested to ensure they remain suitable for your business needs and this change doesn't highlight any potential issues for your process.
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Cohort Booking - Add a way for providers to provisionally book assessments
We have extended the cohort booking functionality to include the ability for providers to provisionally book assessments.
This extension is optional, and by default is not enabled for any providers. This is all controlled via the 'Cohort Booking' permission and when given to providers will allow them to access the cohort booking screen and book (or bulk book) assessments for one or more apprentices. When providers use this screen they are given enforced restrictions compared to an AO user using the screen.
The key changes include:
-- The cohort booking permissions has been separated out into its own permission, this is to enable it to be selectively given to provider users. Please note that as part of this change the migration will give permission to any user or role that currently has 'create-assessment' or 'update-assessment'. If you have custom roles or user permissions who you do not wish to give this permission to then they will need to be adjusted after this is deployed.
-- Providers, if they have permission, can now access the cohort booking screen and book one or more apprentices as AOs can currently. The popup they receive is very similar to what an AO will receive, with the exception of the component details tab, this is something the AO will enter when approving the booking. The calendar portion also introduces additional restrictions which AO users do not receive. This includes:
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-- Enforced opening times - if the assessment centre is closed in the period they're trying to book then they will be unable to book the component, this is illustrated by the entry being greyed out (disabled).
-- Enforced capacity - if the assessment centre's capacity and components have been configured (this remains the same process as it did before) then this will be used to determine if the component is able to be booked. If the assessment centre is at capacity (based on approved and pending bookings) then the entry will be disabled with the message 'Fully booked', if the assessment centre does not offer the component they're booking then it will instead say 'Unavailable'. When saving the apprentices on the last step, EPAPro will validate the capacity for each apprentice being saved, meaning some apprentices may get rejected due to capacity being reached.
-- Enforced duration - whereas AO users are able to drag the small handle under a component on the calendar, providers are not able to do this - they must use the duration that is defined on the component as set up by the Awarding Organisation. |
-- A new screen has been added called 'Manage Cohort Bookings'. This new screen will show any apprentices that have elements that are in a 'Pending' state, this means the provider has booked these apprentices via the Cohort Booking screen. Until a decision has been made for the apprentices on this screen results cannot be added to the element and on assessment progress, a warning will be shown. The screen supports processing single apprentices using the 'Process' button on each row, or by processing an entire batch by using the bulk button at the bottom. It's important to note that bulk processing only works on this screen if you have apprentices with the same batch number selected, this ensures that all of those apprentices have a matching schema, standard and components when approving/rejecting the booking. This screen also has a batch filter at the top where you can easily filter the results to a single batch. The component info, for example, location type, will be entered by the Awarding Organisation at this stage. Bookings can also be rejected on this screen by clicking 'Reject Apprentices' on the last tab, this will prompt a reason which will be shown within a notification the provider receives. If rejected then the elements are removed and the plan is cancelled allowing the provider to reprocess via Cohort Booking if they wish. There is no persistent logging of the reason as this process is not intended to have an audit history.
Other changes of note:
-- Assessment centres popup on the Cohort Booking calendar now has an 'Assessment Centres' heading
-- The assessment menu has been split up into 'Planning' and 'Assessment' - the permissions still remain under 'create-assessment' (excluding Cohort)
-- The Assessment Plan will now show the pending elements under a different colour, please note, that a user with permission can still edit pending elements and this will automatically approve the booking if the edits are saved, a warning is shown about this on the popup
-- Notifications will be sent out to providers if a booking is approved or rejected
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Reporting - Engine improvements
We've made multiple improvements to our reporting engine to allow greater ease of development in future. In addition to this we have also made changes to how the search and sorting works for a majority of the reports currently available in order to bring them into line with each other so that all reports behave in a similar, more predictable fashion.
Below are the list of reports and the changes made to each (grouped by category):
Completed Gateway Billing - No addition changes.
Registered Apprentice Billing - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Assessment Resits - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Late Registrations - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Result Outcome Actions - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Apprentice Details - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Change of Circumstance - The default sort order is now by the creation datetime of the record. You can now search by the apprentice ULN or provider/employer name.
Past Programmes - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
EPA Allocation - No addition changes.
EPA Information - No addition changes.
EPA Conflicts of Interest - No addition changes.
Assessment Before Gateway Completed - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Planning Meeting Details - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Assessment Elements - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Certification Overview - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Result Tracking - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Completed QA - You can now search by the apprentice ULN.
Certification Pending QA - You can now search by the apprentice ULN.
Results Pending QA - You can now search by the apprentice ULN.
Assessment Required Uploads - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Ready for Certification - No addition changes.
ESFA Submissions - You can now search using the apprentice ULN.
Result Adjustment - No addition changes.
EQAO - No addition changes.
QA Audit - No addition changes.
Support Materials - The default sort order is now the creation datetime.
User Details - The default sort order is now the user id.
Employer Details - The default sort order is now the employer id.
SLA Overview - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search by the apprentice ULN or provider/employer name.
SLA Detailed - The default sort order is now by Apprentice Id. You can now search by the apprentice ULN or provider/employer name.
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API - Get apprentice endpoint field 'provider_external_ao_id'
We have undertaken work to add the external provider id to the get apprentice end point.
This will not affect how the API works, it is just an extra field being returned from the end point.
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Employer filter for providers on apprentice index
This fixes a bug where it was not possible for providers to filter the apprentice index page by employers.
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Gateway Specifications - Checkboxes sometimes could not be unchecked
Assessment Plan - Highlight and preselect the assigned EPA and prevent 'None' for Surpass tests
When booking a new element the Apprentice's assigned EPA will be shown at the top of the list with the tag 'Apprentice's EPA' to help highlight which one is assigned to the apprentice. This EPA will also be preselected but can be overridden if needed.
We've also adjusted the EPA tab for Surpass tests, the 'None' option can no longer be selected.
Actions - Integrate SLA timings
We've extended the actions functionality to now also include SLA timings when a configured SLA exists for the action. A countdown timer will now show next to each new action indicating the SLA time remaining until the action is breached. This takes into account the opening hours defined within the SLA settings and the action will automatically pause and resume when outside and inside these hours respectively.
For the countdowns to be visible the SLA thresholds will need to be configured along with the business hours and any days that need excluding - this can all be adjusted on the Settings -> SLA Management screen.
*Please note that once SLAs and opening hours have been configured this will enable the timers on all actions. However, any actions that were on the system before this release will have their countdown start as if they were new, due to the timer functionality being new as part of this work. This means the accuracy of the timers will improve overtime as the older actions are completed and new actions, with this functionality from the start, are created.*
The timer's visual look will adjust depending on the remaining time the SLA has, the styles are:
-- Grey background with black text - this indicates more than 25% of the SLA time remains
-- Grey background with orange text - this indicates less than 25% of the SLA time remains
-- Grey background with red text - this indicates less than 5% of the SLA time remains
-- Red background with white text - this indicates the SLA has breached and it's now in negative time.
Because the panel needs to be opened to see these details we will also be introducing a new popup that will show when an action breaches. This is similar to the 'You have logged out popup' whereby it'll not hide automatically and will state what action has breached. The small red dot that indicates you have actions will now also start pulsing if any of your actions enter a warning state (orange text) to indicate one or more of your actions are running out of time.
Actions will sometimes get paused, this is indicated by a circle with a pause icon inside next to the countdown, hovering over the timer will show a tooltip explaining why the action has been paused. The valid reasons currently are:
-- Current time is outside the opening hours
-- Current time overlaps with a defined excluded day
-- The apprentice has a back into learning status
-- The apprentice has a suspended status
The actions are now also sorted by the percentage of time they have remaining for their given SLA. This means that any actions that are getting close to being due will be shown first.
The way an apprentice's actions interact with a change of circumstance has also been adjusted slightly. The below will now happen when the apprentice is switched to each status:
-- On Programme - Any paused actions will be resumed
-- Completed - Any paused actions will be resumed
-- Back into learning - Any actions will be paused with the reason of back into learning
-- Suspended - Any actions will be paused with the reason of suspended
-- Withdrawn - Any actions will be deleted
-- Cancelled - Any actions will be deleted
If any of the statuses allow for the meetings to be canceled, if this is chosen, then any actions post gateway for the apprentice will be deleted.
Due to actions hooking into various areas within EPAPro, it's advised to check the full workflow to ensure all the various systems still work as you would expect and does not have any changes that would affect the running of your business.
SLA Management Screen
The SLA screen, where you can specify timings for each of the SLA definitions within EPAPro, has also been adjusted to accommodate the new actions. The actions SLA timers requires hours and minutes to accurately determine how long is left, this meant adjusting this screen to change the days input over to hours and minutes.
We've converted all of the existing values over to this new format. However, this conversion means the timers have been converted to 24 hour days. For example, if your SLA has a period of 2 days for your business this might be two 8 hour days, so 16 hours total, the previous screen didn't account for this so the SLA thresholds will now be showing as 48 hours so it would be advised to check these are still correct and adjust them for your business.
If the SLA thresholds are changed while actions are in progress these actions will be automatically updated with the new thresholds and the timer will be updated to show the new time remaining. This does not affect any actions that have been completed as these have everything precalculated for reporting.
Reporting - Added Employer name to the Change of Circumstance report
The Change of Circumstance report has been extended to include the employer name field.
Assign Apprentice = EPA filter for Pending, Rejected and Confirmed screens
An EPA filter has been added to the following Assign Apprentices screens: Pending, Rejected and Confirmed. When searching on the Rejected screen, the last assigned EPA (the one that rejected them) will be the one that is used for filtering purposes.
Apprentices at Gateway dashboard widget
The dashboard widget that shows the apprentices at gateway is now sorted by estimated gateway date with the earliest first.
The change log screen has been updated to pull information from the new activity logging backend, introduced in an earlier release. The new screen shows a log of activities that have been performed to tracked records in the system.
A user search box is provided to allow searching for a particular user. The users that matches the search are shown in a dropdown - selecting a user from the dropdown & applying the filter will show activities performed by this user only.
Each row represents a user action - any data fields that were changed can be viewed by clicking the "Show changes" button.
The new screen filters results & navigates pages of results without requiring the screen to reload - this provides a snappier user experience. This allows for filters to be cleared by simply refreshing the page.
This work also fixes an issue in the global search where the email address was only being checked for the end of the text entered.
Reporting - Date Comparison Filters
New filters have been added to allow comparisons between two report specific dates for the following reports: Apprentice Details, Change of Circumstance, Past Programmes, Assessment Before Gateway, Assessment Elements, Certification Overview, EQAO, ESFA Submissions, Planning Meeting Details, QA Audit, Ready for Certification, Result Tracking, EPA Allocation, Assessment Resits, Late Registration, Registered Apprentice Billing, Result Outcome Actions, Support Materials, SLA Detailed, SLA Overview.
When used in conjuction with the Number of Days Threshold: Filters results by subtracting the '1st Date' from the '2nd Date' to get a difference between these dates in terms of days, to compare with the 'Number of Days' threshold using the comparison operator. For example, using the Apprentice Details report, to find all apprentice records that have been updated 30 days or more after they were created, you would select 'Last Updated' (1st Date), 'Created At' (2nd Date), '>=' (Operator), and '30' (Number of Days).
Where the selection in the first date (e.g. Start Date) has occurred before the selection in the second date (E.g. Audit Submitted Date), and the '<' or '<=' operators are used, results will still show, as any difference of days calculation will be negative, and thus less than the threshold provided. This may result in unexpected results. As such we would advise using the '<' and '<=' operators in instances where you know the first date selected occurred after the second date selected, logically.
When the 'Number of Days' threshold is not being used this will filter on a direct comparison between the dates selected in '1st Date' and '2nd Date' using the operator provided.
The operator filter meanings:
'>': this would be filtering records that match where the first comparison date is more recent than (greater than) the second comparison date
'<': this would be filtering recrods that match where the first comparison date is less recent (less than) the second comparison date
'>=': this would be filtering records that match where the first comparison date is more recent or equal to the second comparison date
'<=': this would be filtering records that match where the first comparison date is less than or equal to the second comparison date
'=': this would be filtering records that match where the first comparison date us equal to the second comparison date
These filters work in-conjunction with any other filters that have been specified.
Reporting - Certification Overview: added a filter for non-QA'd certifications
We have added a filter to the certification overview report to allow non-QA'd certifications to be filtered from the report output.
Allow file import when adding result to apply answers to assessment questions
A new tab has been introduced to the assessment components admin screen (Question Form). This new tab allows the entry of questions that will be asked against a specific component, along with a key.
When entering an assessment result, a new "Questions" step will be available if questions have been set up against the component (note that external assessments such as Surpass will not show the questions step). A PDF file upload can be provided on this questions stage - if this is done, saving the record will prompt the system to locate form fields for the questions that have been set up against the component, using the question key. Any questions that are found will have their corresponding answer made visible within the answers tab, when viewing / editing the result.
Because the questions are a snapshot in time, subsequent uploads of result documents (i.e. via edit result / result adjustment) will update existing answers, but will not add/remove questions.
Reporting - Financial reports now show records without an appropriate contract
Changes have been made to the following reports to include records even when an appropriate contract is unable to be found. In instances where this is the case the contract name will be empty as will any associated pricing fields.
The affected reports are:
Assessment Resits
Completed Gateway Billing
Late Registration
Registered Apprentice Billing
A contract filter has also been added to these reports for ease of use. It can also be used to return results where there is specifically no contract found for the respective record.
Change of Circumstance - Restrict for certified apprentices
We've updated the change of circumstance system to prevent a certified apprentice from being able to go through this process. The changes include:
-- The 'Change of Circumstance' button on the edit apprentice screen will now be disabled with a message indicating the apprentice is certified.
-- The change of circumstance screens will now show an error if trying to access it for a certified apprentice, the search will now no longer show certified apprentices
-- The API has been updated to also restrict this change, returning an error with the message 'Apprentice is certified' if attempted
-- Bulk upload will now also validate this and show an error for the relevant apprentices if attempted
Change of Circumstance - Support setting an apprentice back to Completed rather than On Programme
When creating a CoC for an apprentice not On Programme or Completed the screen will now display the 'Completed' status instead of 'On Programme' if the apprentice has a non-cancelled plan and meeting and all of the assessments have been completed. Otherwise, the 'On Programme' option will be shown instead.
The API has also been updated to prevent setting an apprentice to 'On Programme' if they have completed assessments, instead 'Completed' should be passed and is now a valid option.
Bulk upload has also been updated to take into account the validation, preventing an apprentice's status from being changed to 'On Programme' if it should be completed.
This change should help ensure an apprentice returns back to the correct state if they had all their assessments completed.
It's advised that the CoC screen, API and bulk upload are tested to ensure they all still function as needed by your business.
Added Content Type and Referrer Policy security headers
We have added the content type and referrer policy security headers to improve the security and safety of EPAPro.
Added Permissions-Policy security header
We have added the permissions-policy header to improve the security and safety of EPAPro.
Assessment Progress - Allow editing of Surpass results
Results based on Surpass tests can now be edited in the same way as normal results. Please note that this has no effect on the data in Surpass and the Surpass details are still shown within the results modal.
Element EPA list - Sorting by name
The list of EPAs available for assigning to elements (both in the Assign EPA to Elements screen and the Assessment Plan screen) have now been sorted by the EPA's name.
Bulk Upload - Sorting Provider list by name
When performing a bulk upload as an AO user the provider list is now sorted in alphabetical order by name.
API - Added provider_id to the apprentice endpoint
When retrieving apprentice details via the /apprentice API endpoint the EPAPro provider id is now returned with the current data.
Bulk Upload - Apprentice can be given the wrong specialism for the standard
We've fixed a bug where the bulk upload was not correctly validating the specialism. This meant an apprentice could be put on a specialism that is not part of the standard they're on. This will now error and prevent this from happening.
This change affects both bulk create apprentice and bulk start new programme.
Apprentice - ULN required for privately funded apprentices
We've fixed a bug when creating an apprentice via the screen, API or bulk upload where the validation would fail due to the ULN not being provided, even if the apprentice's registration type is 'Privately'.
This has now been adjusted, an apprentice does not require the ULN field if their registration type is set to 'Privately'.
Certification - Apprentice can be certified before their assessment plan is signed off
We've fixed a bug where an apprentice could be certified before their assessment plan was signed off. This has now been fixed so the 'Certify Apprentice' button is disabled with a tooltip.
We've also added a migration so that the existing certified apprentices can have their plans moved over to a completed status, removing the warnings shown on screens. For the status to be adjusted the plan must be in progress and the apprentice must have a completed and QAed certified (so that they're in a certified status).
Dashboard - Accept Apprentices widget bug
Fixed a bug where reassigned apprentices were not showing in the 'Accept Apprentices' dashboard widget.
Assessment Component - Standards not persisting after validation error
We've fixed a bug where the checked standards were not remembered if a validation error occurred.
Assessment Schema - Specialism does not persist if there is an error on save
Fixed a bug on assessment schemas where the specialism selection was not reselected if a validation error occurred.
Assessment Component - Unclear validation errors
We've fixed a bug where the 'Upload Advance' and 'Duration Allowed' fields would trigger a browser-based validation error, however, if you're viewing a different tab this wouldn't be apparent and look like the screen is not working as the form is not submitting. We've adjusted this to now submit as normal and any validation errors will be shown at the top as with the other fields.
Users - Awarding Organisation users cannot be deleted if they have a custom role
We've fixed a bug where it was not possible to delete Awarding Organisation users if they have a custom role assigned. This should now be possible.
Bulk Upload - Possible to enter invalid or very wrong dates
We've adjusted the validation for dates within bulk upload to try and reduce the number of dates that are very wrong, such as having a year of '0019' or '2119'. The following will be applied:
-- The minimum date allowed will be the beginning of the century 100 years ago. This means for the next 80 years the minimum date will be '1901-01-01'
-- The maximum date will be the end of the year 100 years from now, this will be a moving post every year. But for 2020 this will mean the maximum valid date is '2120-12-31'
Contracts - Error is sometimes shown when adding a new standard
We've fixed a bug where sometimes an error is shown when adding a new standard to an existing contract. This would usually be the case if the standard's schema's components are shared with another standard/schema.
All Screens - Resolved a layout issue where the title buttons may become invisible
We've resolved a visual bug that affected the majority of screens where long titles would cause the buttons to fall onto a new line but not be visible due to the white on white. This has now been resolved and the buttons should remain visible inside the title box.
Bulk Upload - Duplicate data sometimes passes validation
We've fixed a bug where in some instances duplicated apprentice ULN, IDs or other data were being allowed through and passing validation. This has now been corrected and will now trigger an error correctly.
This has affected the whole of bulk upload including:
-- Bulk Create Apprentice
-- Bulk Update Apprentice
-- Bulk Start New Programme
-- Bulk Change of Circumstance
-- Bulk Create Employer
Assessment Progress - Assessment info upload could be deleted post results
We've fixed a bug where an upload within the assessment info popup could be deleted without a new one being upload post results - this would cause an issue where both buttons would become disabled if the component has 'upload_required' ticked.
We've now resolved this, if the element requires an upload and it has only one then a new one will need to be uploaded before the existing one can be deleted.
Planning Meeting - Line breaks in reasonable adjustments
Fixed a bug where line breaks within the reasonable adjustments field would break the loading of the page.
Support Materials - Unable to search support materials
We've fixed a bug which prevented the search field on the support materials screen from working. This should now be working as expected.
Bulk Upload - can_login flag not setting the password login method
We've fixed a bug where the 'can_login' flag on create/update apprentice was not enabling or disabling the password login method. This has now been corrected.
-- On create apprentice if the 'can_login' flag has been provided and is set to 1 then the password login method will be enabled. If it's not set to 1 or is not provided then it'll be disabled
-- On update apprentice if the 'can_login' flag has been set and is set to 1 then it'll update the apprentice's password login method, if it's provided and set to anything that's not 1 then it'll be disabled, if it's not provided or set to nothing then it'll be ignored
Reporting - Missing date filters
Date filter options have been added to the following reports: Completed Gateways, Completed QA, Certification Pending QA, Results Pending QA.
Additionally, the date comparison filters have been added to the Completed Gateways Report, Please see the release notes for EP-2100 for detailed information on how the date comparison filters work.
Assessment Progress - View result popup sometimes shows the previous grade
We've fixed a display bug where the view results popup would sometimes show the previous grade if the result had been through a result adjustment. This should now show correctly.
API - Enhance token generation and deletion
Fixed a bug where an API token could be generated against a deleted user. We've also added additional logic when deleting users to revoke any API tokens that are attached to them.
Reporting - Result Adjustment SQL Fix
An SQL error generated when filtering by EPA has been fixed, and the EPA/EPAM columns have been added to the report.
Gateway can be submitted without ticking all checkboxes
Fixed a bug where a user can submit a gateway without ticking component approval boxes if e-portfolio field is populated under an appropriate gateway specification set up.
Employers - Fixed deleted employers sometimes showing on the screen
We've fixed a bug where sometimes deleted employers were still sometimes showing on the manage employers screen. This would then result in an error if trying to edit the employer. This has now been corrected and they should no longer be shown.
Provider/Employer - Multiple switches are created
We've fixed a display issue where multiple switches would be shown as the edit user popups are opened / closed. This has now been corrected and only one should show.
Reporting QA Audit report - CSV download failing
Fixed a bug where the CSV download for the QA Audit report was failing.
Reporting QA Audit - Unable to run for EPAMs
Fixed a bug where the QA Audit report would not run for EPAM users even with permission.
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