The screen will function as follows:
· Filtering by Retake Review
o The apprentices will be sorted with the apprentice that has been in Retake Review the longest showing first
o A new circle is shown containing the number of days the apprentice has been in the Retake Review status
· Filtering by Back Into Learning
o The apprentices will be sorted with the apprentice that is due to return from learning first
New assessments cannot be booked existing assessments cannot be rescheduled or rebooked
Elements cannot have their results added or edited
Elements cannot have assessment info uploaded or deleted, this also applies to the Apprentice Profile.
Results cannot be result adjusted
Apprentice’s cannot be change of circumstanced or have a new programme started
This applies to both the API and bulk upload too
QAs cannot be processed for the apprentice
Assessment plan will be in a read only state
ESFA screen will not show the apprentice
To accommodate this the ESFA screen has also been adjusted to only show apprentices with a certified status.
Note the Element EPA is also restricted, even in “Pending Results” status.
We’ve added a new report under the apprentice category, Back Into Learning. This is available to the owner and awarding organisation roles by default but can be assigned to other roles or users as required. This report also includes current and past programmes in the same results.