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Back Into Learning
This new screen will provide a way for users to easily see apprentices that are in a Retake Review or Back Into Learning status.
The screen will function as follows:
o A new circle is shown containing the number of days the apprentice has until they’re expected to return, or how many days over their expected return, if it’s been missed.
Info |
As part of the Back Into Learning process, it’s now no longer possible to update an apprentice’s status to Back Into Learning via the Change of Circumstance screen, API or bulk upload. An error will be shown if this is attempted. An apprentice can only enter Back Into Learning by following the correct Back Into Learning process. |
We’ve updated the change of circumstance logic to now have additional fields, where possible we’ve also backfilled these fields for existing change of circumstance entries.
The new fields are:
programme_id - Represents the Apprentice’s programme at the time the Change of Circumstance (CoC) happened.
start_date - This is the date the new status started and is generated by the system
end_date - This is the date the CoC record was replaced with a new record, this is not populated cross programmes.
We’ve added a new management area to the Assessment Profile, which is shown when an apprentice is either in Retake Review or Back Into Learning. The area differs slightly based on the status, new permissions and notifications have also been added.
Read Back Into Learning - This provides the user with the ability to read the back into learning details, seeing the relevant dates and the history of expected return date changes. By default, this permission is given to the awarding organisationAwarding Organisation, ownerOwner, EPA, EPA Manager, provider Provider and employer Employer roles.
Leave Back Into Learning - This will provide the user with the ability to have the apprentice leave the back into learning state, putting them back to on programme, completed or certified depending on the relevant status. By default, this permission is given to the owner Owner and awarding organisation Awarding Organisation roles.
· Update Expected Return - This will provide the user with the ability to update the expected return date via the back into learning side drawer. By default, this permission is given to the ownerOwner, awarding organisationAwarding Organisation, EPA, EPA Manager and provider Providerroles
Retake Review
When an apprentice is in Retake Review, a user with permissions will need to approve or reject this status.
If the status is approved, then the apprentice will be moved to a Back Into Learning status. The “Earliest Return Date” will also need to be specific, as this indicates the earliest date the apprentice can be returned from the Back Into Learning status. The provider, if they have permissions, can then go in and update the “Expected Return Date” (more on this below).
If the status is rejected, then the apprentice will be moved back to the status that is appropriate for them, ; this will be On Programme, Completed or Certified. During the rejection, the user will be required to provide a reason, which is to indicate why the request was rejected, plus as well as the new next action of either “Resit” or “Failed” that the triggering element will be updated tooto.
Permissions for Retake Review management feature
Approve Back Into Learning - This is under the “Back into Learning” section and grants the user the ability to approve Retake Review requests. This permission by default is given to the owner Owner and awarding organisation Awarding Organisation roles.
Reject Back Into Learning - This is under the “Back into Learning” section and grants the user the ability to reject Retake Review requests. This permission by default is given to the owner Owner and awarding organisation Awarding Organisation roles.
Both the approve and reject actions will trigger a notification, approving a retake review will trigger “Retake Review Approved”, whilst rejecting will trigger “Retake Review Rejected”.
Both of these notifications also have a default of only being an “In App” notification. Both require the user to be able to read“read-assessmentassessment”, in order to control the configuration of the notification.
New assessments cannot be booked existing assessments cannot be rescheduled or rebooked
Elements cannot have their results added or edited
Elements cannot have assessment info uploaded or deleted, this also applies to the Apprentice Profile.
Results cannot be result adjusted
Apprentice’s cannot be change of circumstanced or have a new programme started
This applies to both the API and bulk upload too
QAs cannot be processed for the apprentice
Assessment plan will be in a read only state
ESFA screen will not show the apprentice
To accommodate this the ESFA screen has also been adjusted to only show apprentices with a certified status.
Note the Element EPA is also restricted, even in “Pending Results” status.
We’ve added a new report under the apprentice category, Back ; “Back Into LearningLearning”. This is available to the owner and awarding organisation roles by default, but can be assigned to other roles or users as required. This report also includes current and past programmes in the same results.
Reporting - History of expected return date
We’ve added a new report under the apprentice category, Back ; “Back Into Learning HistoryHistory”. This is available to the owner and awarding organisation roles by default, but can be assigned to other roles or users as required. This new report also includes the current and past programmes in the same results.