When an appeal has been closed, a box will show at the top of the appeal details screen indicating the appeal has been resolved. It’ll It will show the date it was resolved, along with who and the description they entered. This box will be collapsed on mobile, but can be expanded by tapping.
This tab provides some useful actions for the appeal, along with the base information about the appeal, as entered when creating it. This is the first tab shown when viewing the details of an appeal.
The comments tab is an area where all parties involved, will be able to comment on the appeal. Each comment can be up to 1000 characters long and the current length of the message is indicated by the counter under the field.
The list of comments can be sorted with the newest shown first (default) or the newest shown last. The add comment “add comment” form will also move to the top/bottom of the list depending on the sort. As you can see from the image below they appear similar to text messages with your comments “right justified” and the responder “left justified”.
When adding a comment, an internal user can choose to automatically toggle the status of the appeal to “Awaiting Provider Response” and external users can automatically toggle the appeal to “Awaiting EPAO Response”. If a comment needs to be added, but the user still needs to action something, they can untick the box to keep the status of the appeal the same.
Each appeal row in the side drawer will display the title and current status and then when clicked on, will also show the following details:
This widget will also show an info box at the top, informing the user of the date the appeal window ends and that the appeal window has finished.