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Forecasts Screen
The forecasts are calculated based on the financial years agreed in the contract between the EPAO and Skilltech Solutions. Typically this will run from August to July, with quarters being represented as;
Note that if the figure does not equally divide, the remainder will be placed into the last month.
New Permissions
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Note; that this is all based on the billing financial year with EPAPro which runs from August to July.
Overview Boxes
The four boxes at the top of the billing screen provide a high-level overview of the current credit status. All of these boxes are YTD (Year to Date) for the current financial year.
If more information is needed on how these figures have been calculated, you’re able to dive deeper using the summary, forecasts, gateway transactions, and credit history tabs.
Summary Tab
This tab provides two graphs to allow you to visually see the estimates vs actual vs purchased figures. The toggle in the top-right corner “Compare to previous” will overlay both the current and previous financial year figures to help with a comparison of the previous year.
This tab also shows a quarterly and monthly summary to allow you to see breakdowns and comparisons vs the estimated usage.
Forecasting Tab
This tab is where the forecasts for the upcoming quarters/months/year can be entered and viewed. More details on this can be found in the release notes above for Forecasts Screen.
Gateway Transactions Tab
The Gateway Transactions tab is fairly simple and shows a list of gateways that have been approved. This makes use of the foundation work we made in EPAPro Essentials and so includes the plan (since any gateway processed while on the Essentials plan does not count as a credit usage). This is paginated and shows the provider what the gateway was for.
Credit History Tab
Finally, the credit history tab provides a way to see details about how the credits are being managed.
Type - this will be Purchase, Carried Over, Adjustment, Refund, or Other
“Purchase” indicates that that amount of credits have been bought, for example when entering a new quarter
“Carried Over” is when we enter a new financial year, there may be a number of credits from Q4 that are carried over into Q1 of the new year
“Adjustment” is when a change to the credits is needed. For example any carried over credits that have expired at the beginning of Q2
“Refund” is when Skilltech has refunded a number of credits
“Other” is for anything that falls outside of the normal operations, the description will explain what/why this happened
Value - this will be a positive or negative number indicating the amount of credits
Description - will contain further details where necessary
Invoice Number - will sometimes be populated and will be the invoice reference relating to the action, such as a purchase
Processed By - will be the name of the Skilltech Employee that processed the credit change
Date - will be the date/time the credit change was processed, note that this may not be the same as when the entry was added to EPAPro, as the credit change may happen before it’s been logged into the billing screen
This screen introduces new permissions under the “Billing” heading, listed below: