The users dropdown will list users inside the planning meeting user group, and also EPAs on the system. We have limited the user selection to a maximum of 10, as this screen pulls in data from various sources, including existing bookings within EPAPro and any external Microsoft or Google calendars if they have been configured, this means it can take time to process and the more users are requested the longer it will take.
The drop down list will display up to 50 users, it will prioritise those from User groups if you have them, load those 10 (if you have them) and then load the remaining 40 as EPAs.
You can use the search box to search for other users, and that will load new results, but it will still follow the same limit on the quantity shown.
Do also note that the searching will retain your selection, so if you selected and ticked Ricky to search for h, then searched for Mary, it would show both of them ticked and would remember the selection.
Once loaded the screen will display a grid of cells that can be used to see the availability of the selected users.