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This work has been loaded to your UAT Production as part of Release 4.28.0 on

There is one outstanding part - the work for the generation of .ics attachments, this will be released in a later release - most likely 4.29.0



New permissions have been introduced for this functionality. Details can be found below under the “Permissions” heading.

Validation Windows

We have introduced optional booking window settings, within which planning meetings are booked. These can be found in the System Management → Configuration screen, on the Availability tab.



Where these configuration options have not been set, the slots will be calculated based on the user group, or EPA's availability - no notice periods will be taken into account, however, a one year restriction will be placed on when a booking can be made.


These optional settings will not be used in the slot availability calculations for AO users and will not change the functionality of the Manage Planning Meetings screen.

Booking Capacity Management

We have added a new screen to allow for a central place to manage planning meeting bookings (both provisional and approved) for the available resource.


Do note that when saving a booking, notifications will be sent for each one as described in the notifications heading above, and based on the communication configuration.



A new permission has been added called “Manage Planning Capacity” this new permission has been given to the owner and awardingorganisation roles by default. A user that has this permission will be able to view and use the new booking management screen.

Show source of the availability

We have added a new dropdown to the standard screen, allowing for the source the planning meeting booking screen will use for availability calculations. There are three options:

  • Default - This will cause this standard to behave as the system does currently. The system default group “Planning Meeting Bookings” will be used, and if that group has not been configured it will fallback to the apprentice’s assigned EPA if they have one

  • Apprentice’s EPA - This will force the calculations to always use the apprentice’s assigned EPA, if they have not had an EPA assigned then there will be no availability

  • Group - Currently only the system default “Planning Meeting Bookings” can be selected, this will force the calculations to always use the group selected. If the group has not been configured, then there will be no availability

Notification for Provisional Bookings

We have introduced a new notification for provisional bookings of planning meetings, found on the Planning tab of the Notification Management Screen (the Configuration menu item).



Please note: that some of the above users cannot yet be added as attendees, until some further development is undertaken.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRAcolumnskey,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution

Therefore currently notifications will only apply to the Apprentice, AO or EPA (if they are selected by the capacity engine).

The notification has been set to dispatch an email by default, but can also be set to send In-App Notifications or SMS (where configured).


We have added and tweaked the handling of planning meeting notifications to make them much more consistent between the various planning meeting screens/processes and to add more configurable options when a planning meeting changes.


When a planning meeting is updated, we will now handle triggering the relevant notifications, these differ slightly between a provisional and confirmed booking. Below is a list of the actions and details of what happened, do note that the majority of these were already being sent, but this is to clarify the processes following the new addition and tweaks:

Booking Notifications

Provisional Bookings


when a provisional booking has been booked via the slot-based booking screen the new provisional booking invite notification will be triggered


when a provisional booking has been updated the new meeting updated notification will be triggered

Attendee removed

when an attendee has been removed from a provisional booking that attendee will receive a meeting cancelled notification

Attendee added

when an attendee has been added to a provisional booking that attendee will receive a provisional booking invite notification


when a booking is approved the meeting invite notification will be sent


when a booking is rejected the meeting rejected notification will be sent

Confirmed Bookings


when a new meeting is booked that is not provisional the meeting invite notification will be sent


when a meeting has been updated the new meeting updated notification will be sent


when a meeting has been rescheduled the meeting rescheduled notification will be sent


when a meeting has been cancelled the meeting cancelled notification will be sent

Attendee removed

when an attendee is removed they will receive a meeting cancelled notification

Attendee added

when a new attendee is added they will receive a meeting invite notification

Note that all of the above is based on the default configuration of communications and may differ on customer environments.

Workplace Mentor as an attendee for planning meetings

We have extended the Schedule Planning Meeting screen’s Add Other Attendees popup to include shortcut entries for adding the Workplace Mentor and/or On Programme Assessor as a guest user.
