Date/Time & EPA - This section contains the details of when a booking is going to take place, as well as the EPA that is assigned. A convenient calendar showing the epas availability, either by week or day view is also displayed in this section. Please see this section for additional information:- Scheduling an assessment/ Epa availability
By using the next and previous arrows <> the user can navigate to check the selected epas availability for that day/week.
Hovering over the item in the calendar will show you further details
Location - This section contains the location of the booking. You can choose whether the booking is physical, online and where it’s taking place.
Proctor/ Invigilation - This section contains details of any ProctorU invigilation, that is required for the booking. Allowing you to add accommodations and notes. If ProctorU is not available for this booking, then this section will be hidden.
Attendees - This section contains details of any attendees for this booking. You may delete an attendee from the list shown, or alternatively add a new attendee by clicking the “Add attendee“ button and filling out the relevant details. If you know the name of the user you can locate them from the Select User drop down list.
We have updated our ProctorU integration to decouple it from Surpass, allowing for it to be booked for other components too.
We have improved the error handling of external calls when scheduling or rescheduling an assessment. Where possible we will store the error and where it happened and display this on the element booking screen. The user can then click to retry, if it was a temporary issue.
Please note: For ease of use, the assessment plan screen will not prevent you from booking an assessment if the booking is shown as conflicted on the timetable. The timetable is there to give awareness of the availability of the selected Epa, and to make scheduling decisions.
Note |
Permissions for the assessment plan screen have been reconfigured to be more straight forward. They are not new permissions and so the user permissions will behave as before. However it is worth checking that your users have the correct permissions on your custom roles. |
In order to see the details of an element, the user must at least one of the
permissions.In order to save an element, the user must have either the
permissions.In order to rebook/ reschedule any assessment type, the user must have the
Info |
This work outlined below, has been added the Assessment Plan Calendar Rewrite work a little later, so please ensure any testing covers this too. |
Status | ||||
We have added a new option for external assessments. When deciding that an assessment plan element requires an external assessment, you are no longer required to use surpass as the option available. We have added a new “Other“ option to allow for general external assessment information to be entered for any other service that you may wish to use.
Create/Edit Assessment Component:
Under the “External Assessment“ tab you will now be able to select Surpass and Other. You may select either or both if you want to have the option on the assessment plan element.
When selecting Surpass you may enter the references as normal.
When selecting Other, the option will show up under external assessment in the assessment plan element.
Note |
Please Be Aware: When selecting both Surpass and Other be aware that both options will be available on the assessment plan screen, but only one may be selected for an assessment plan element. |
Assessment Plan:
Under External assessment for an assessment plan element, the selected options for that component will be visible to the user. If none were selected, then the external assessment section will not be visible and will automatically be set to “no external assessment” for that element.
When selecting “Surpass” the details will be enterable as before, however when selecting “Other” the user will see 3 new text entry fields, which will allow them to supply the information for the assessment. These fields are:
provider name
assessment reference
any notes for the assessment.
These fields are designed to be generic and allow for any required information to be added.
Please Note: When completing the fields under “Other“, you should provide all the information required for that assessment to be able to take place, including any URL’s, passcodes or required information etc.
Component Reports:
Reports have been updated to include all selected external assessment options for that component to be listed.
Where possible the reports will also include details of the provider name, reference and notes added to an external assessment where “Other” has been selected.
The “assessment_details“ notification variable for element notifications has also been updated such that when Surpass has been selected as the external assessment, the relevant assessment details will be provided, however when Other is selected for the external assessment, details of the provider name, reference and notes will be provided.
Please Note: The assessment_details notification variable only provides the external assessment details to certain user types. This functionality has not changed with this new addition and the Other external assessment information will only be provided to the same user types as the Surpass external assessment information.