Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

We have made some significant changes to the Assessment Planning screen, it has had a full redesign in order to demonstrate a clearer flow throughout the whole process.


When you try to save or reschedule a component, the page will also check all the sections again and let you know if there are any problems. If there are problems, you will be taken back to the relevant section, with a list of what may need changing.


✴️ Notifications - To follow soon

To accommodate the changes to how attendees are dealt within an element, we have changed how the configuration for these notifications is handled and also deprecated a number of settings which are no longer supported, these will remain for the time being for backwards compatibility, but will be migrated to the new system in a future release.


The following notifications have been affected:

  • Component Resit

  • External Assessment

  • Component Cancelled

  • Component Invitation

  • Component First Reminder

  • Component Second Reminder

  • Component Rescheduled

The following changes have been made to these notifications:

  • These user types have been deprecated and will be migrated to the “Element Guest” user type in a future release, moving forward these guest types should be added as a guest attendees or regular attendees

    • Apprentice’s On Programme Assessor

    • Apprentice’s Workplace Mentor

    • Element Employer/Mentor

    • Element Provider

    • Employer Contact

    • Provider Contact

  • The “Element Guest” now encompasses all guest attendees and not just the technical expert attendee.

  • Employer user type now only applies to employer users who are an attendee of the element and does not send to all employer users

  • Provider user type now only applies to provider users who are an attendee of the element and does not send to all provider users

  • EPA user type also includes any other EPAs that are an attendee of the element and not just the Apprentice’s EPA

  • EPA Manager user type also includes any other EPA Managers that are an attendee of the element and not just the manager of the Apprentice’s EPA


ProctorU / Surpass

We have updated our ProctorU integration to decouple it from Surpass, allowing for it to be booked for other components too.
