Table of Contents | ||||
Summary of changes
Plan Details:
The apprentices’ name has been put in the header for convenience
The apprentices name is also a link, clicking on it will open the side drawer
The apprentices’ details are listed on the left hand side of the section.
The Epas name is a link which will open the side drawer, allowing you to check their availability, epa & user details, and their address.
The Schema details for the plan have been listed on the right hand side of the section.
To update the schema of the plan press the “Change Schema“ button if available and select the new schema in the following pop up window.
We have added a convenient button to view an apprentices reasonable adjustments. Clicking the “View” button will open up the information in a new pop up window.
Info |
Clicking either the apprentice name or the Epa name on this section, will open their details in the side drawer, making it easier then ever to get more information from the assessment plan screen. |
New actions on the top right hand side of the section allowing (when available) to view the assessment profile, submit a plan and cancel a plan.
New list of components for the plan with key information displayed;
including the current status of the element,
the location type of the element,
which Epa is assigned
the current date scheduled for the meeting.
A new message will display at the top of the components section if the selected component cannot be loaded for any reason. For example if the element has a pending QA against it.
Component - Details section:
We have introduced a new staged process with sections of the component being displayed on the left hand side and the details of the component being displayed on the right. You can easily jump to any section of the component by clicking the section on the left hand side, or by using the “Next” and “Back“ buttons at the bottom of the component details.
The sections for a component are:
Date/Time & EPA - This section contains the details of when a booking is going to take place, as well as the EPA that is assigned. A convenient calendar showing the epas availability, either by week or day view is also displayed in this section. Please see this section for additional information:- Scheduling an assessment/ Epa availability
When you try to save or reschedule a component, the page will also check all the sections again and let you know if there are any problems. If there are problems, you will be taken back to the relevant section, with a list of what may need changing.
Status | ||||
This work is yet to be loaded to your UAT but we have updated the notes to reflect the changes
These user types have been deprecated and will be migrated to the “Element Guest” user type in a future release, moving forward these guest types should be added as a guest attendees or regular attendees
Apprentice’s On Programme Assessor
Apprentice’s Workplace Mentor
Element Employer/Mentor
Element Provider
Employer Contact
Provider Contact
The “Element Guest” now encompasses all guest attendees and not just the technical expert attendee.
Employer user type now only applies to employer users who are an attendee of the element and does not send to all employer users
Provider user type now only applies to provider users who are an attendee of the element and does not send to all provider users
EPA user type also includes any other EPAs that are an attendee of the element and not just the Apprentice’s EPA
EPA Manager user type also includes any other EPA Managers that are an attendee of the element and not just the manager of the Apprentice’s EPA
ProctorU / Surpass
We have updated our ProctorU integration to decouple it from Surpass, allowing for it to be booked for other components too.
Please Note: When an invigilator has been requested on the component, the invigilator details can be entered in either the “ProctorU“ or “Other“ options under invigilation.
Scheduling an assessment/ Epa availability
We have made significant changes to the way we show Epa availability when scheduling an assessment. We have included a new time table in the “Date/Time & Epa“ section to give an indication of when an Epa is unavailable. By default this timetable will show the following:
Please note: For ease of use, the assessment plan screen will not prevent you from booking an assessment if the booking is shown as conflicted on the timetable. The timetable is there to give awareness of the availability of the selected Epa, and to make scheduling decisions.
Note |
Permissions for the assessment plan screen have been reconfigured to be more straight forward. They are not new permissions and so the user permissions will behave as before. However it is worth checking that your users have the correct permissions on your custom roles. |
Note |
This work outlined below, has been added the to the Assessment Plan Calendar Rewrite work a little later, so please ensure any testing covers this too. |
Status | ||||
We have added a new option for external assessments. When deciding that an assessment plan element requires an external assessment, you are no longer required to use surpass as the option available. We have added a new “Other“ option to allow for general external assessment information to be entered for any other service that you may wish to use.