Versions Compared


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  • Added a confirmation box when navigating away or refreshing if you have unsaved changes

  • Added loading icons to the delete and primary user buttons within the user list

  • Added a new “Bulk Import” button to the employer and provider user lists. This is shown if the user has permission, further details on this below, and provides a way for sub-users to import apprentice assignments and/or standard assignments

Sub user creation/editing improvements


We have added a number of new bulk upload imports for mass assigning apprentices and standards to provider/employer sub-users.

New Permissions

To accommodate sub-users being able to bulk assign apprentices/standards to other sub-users, when they have permission to do so, we have introduced two new permissions that controls the bulk upload/import for providers and employers:

  • Employers > Bulk Import

  • Providers > Bulk Import

If a user is granted these new permissions, they will be given visibility of the “Import Employers” and/or “Import Provider” buttons along with the relevant tabs on the bulk upload screen.

Note that his does not grant them all bulk import actions, these are still controlled via their respective permissions.

For example, following these changes if you wanted to allow a provider sub-user to bulk import apprentice assignments for other provider sub-users they should be granted the following permissions:

  • Providers -> Bulk Import - So that they can see and interact with the provider import screen

  • Provider Sub Users -> Assign Apprentices - So that they can assign apprentices to other provider sub users



The new permissions have been given to the following roles by default, this is based on the current access and functionality these roles already have:

  • Providers -> Bulk Import - owner, awardingorganisation

  • Employers -> Bulk Import - owner, awardingorganisation, provider

New Provider Import Tab

We have added a new “Import Providers” button to the provider listing screen and also a new “Provider” tab within the bulk upload screen. This is to accommodate the two new bulk upload imports for provider sub-users. The user requires the create permission for providers Providers -> Bulk Import permission to see this button, along with the relevant permissions for each import.
