Versions Compared


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  • Standard/Specialism

  • Estimated Gateway Date

  • Assessment Plan Number (a.k.a., Assessment schema)

Any information relating to the above can be amended prior to submission - changing this information will update the apprentice record with the new details automatically.

Once an apprentice has been confirmed for gateway, the standard and estimated gateway (expected ready for EPA) date become locked - the gateway must be unconfirmed before changes can be made. Unconfirming an apprentice follows the previous flow (pressing the “Unconfirm” button within the confirm screen within the gateway menu).

Note that once an apprentices details have been updated via the verification process, unconfirming the details will not revert the apprentice to the previous standard / estimated gateway date against that apprentice. If these details are submitted incorrectly, they can be changed after the unconfirming process via the normal methods (API, apprentice screen, update apprentice bulk upload).

The rest of the gateway process has not been changed as part of this development.

The gateway confirmation process within epaPRO has been enhanced to allow Provider users the opportunity to confirm (and change, if necessary) key pieces of information before confirming an apprentice. This should provide an easier way for provider users to update the apprentice details at the point of confirmation, and provide EPAO users with more accurate information.
