summary | Ability to copy existing entities, We are pleased to announce that these changes will allow you to copy the entityentities, as well as certain child attributes , including specialisms, milestones, questions etc to make the task quicker and easier. Date of release to be confirmed. This will be available in:- Assessment Components Assessment Schema Gateway Component Gateway Specifications We have also added this additional function to Standards as well |
title | 3jmjqf18uc3p |
content | {"config":{"view":"list","designStyle":"announcement","layoutStructure":["icon","text","arrow","date"],"displayNumberOfItems":1,"columns":1,"dateFormat":"HH:mm"},"announcements":[{"id":"1jqp4","date":"2023-06-20","overline":"Coming SoonCOMING SOON 20-06-23\n","icon":"bootstrap/CloudsFill","title":"Ability to copy existing entities","text":" We are pleased to announce that these changes will allow you to copy the entityentities, as well as certain child attributes , including specialisms, milestones, questions etc to make the task quicker and easier.\nThis will be available in:- \n\nDate of release to be confirmed. \nAssessment Components\n\nAssessment Schema\n\nGateway Component\n\nGateway Specifications\n\nWe have also added this additional function to Standards as well\n\n","linkText":"View the Coming Soon guide here","url":{"id":"2805039120","link":"","title":"Coming Soon EP-3085 Entity Management - Copying Entities","type":"page","source":"page"},"time":"","color":"#ff1d00ff","location":"Zagreb, Croatia","emoji":{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"},"emojiEnabled":false,"newTab":"true"}]} |