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Caelor announcements macro
summaryWork on hold pending release to UAT, We have removed this development from the Sandbox testing environment and we will keep this on hold pending a release which is likely to be on UAT 18th July with a release to live 15th August 2023 title3bbivlThis work is loaded to UAT , The work that is currently loaded to your UAT has had a small amendment, so that if you have the "Enforce Change Of Circumstance For Standard And Specialism Change" configuration is enabled, Providers will not be able to change the Standard/Specialism using the “Verify” option in Gateway. If they try to use the Edit Expected Gateway Date - these Standard/Specialism fields are also greyed out
content{"config":{"view":"list","designStyle":"announcement","layoutStructure":["icon","date","text","time"],"displayNumberOfItems":2,"columns":1,"dateFormat":"HH:mm"},"announcements":[{"id":"65p3ds","date":"2023-0708-0701","overline":"Announcement","icon":"bootstrap/CloudsFillMegaphoneFill","title":"Work on hold pending release This work is loaded to UAT\n\n","text":"We have removed this development from the Sandbox testing environment and we will keep this on hold pending a release which is likely to be on UAT 18th July with a release to live 15th August 2023The work that is currently loaded to your UAT has had a small amendment, so that if you have the\n\n\"Enforce Change Of Circumstance For Standard And Specialism Change\" \n\nconfiguration is enabled, Providers will not be able to change the Standard/Specialism using the “Verify” option in Gateway.\nIf they try to use the Edit Expected Gateway Date - these Standard/Specialism fields are also greyed out\n\n","linkText":"Link to Sandbox","url":{},"time":"1110:3000","color":"#0052ccff#ff4310ff","location":"Zagreb, Croatia","emoji":{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"},"emojiEnabled":false,"newTab":"true"}]}


Changes to Functionality

🆕 The provider Provider screen has been updated to have a new “Settings” tab - this is only visible to Awarding Organisation users. A new setting has been added to this screen called “Uses Gateway Verification Method” - this new setting enables the new gateway process outlined in this release.
