Standards Entity Listing Screen
The following changes have been made to the standards listing/entity screens.
Listing screen
Introduced a new IfATE ST Reference filter.
Added the IfATE ST Reference to the table.
Amended the search box to also search on the IfATE ST Reference.
Reordered the listing screen columns to read in order of specificity (IfATE Ref, Level, Title, Version, External ID…)
Added new filter to default to “Active” standards only. This can be changed by resetting the screen filters, or by using the dropdown to select an alternative to “Active”
Entity screen
Renamed IfATE ST Reference to IfATE Reference
Added the IfATE ST Reference to the related versions table.
Added the apprentice and specialism counters to the related versions table.
Added a badge that shows which standard is the current standard being edited within the related versions table.
Support Materials
Assessment Schema
Status | ||||
Status | ||||
We have updated the system has been globally to allow greater control when filtering standards, which will provide a more uniform experience when viewing your standards information.
Changes to Functionality
The system has been globally updated to allow greater control when filtering standards, and provide a more uniform experience when viewing standards information. Details of these updates are below:
IfATE Reference casing
The casing of the IfATE ST Reference has been updated system-wide to reflect the official casing (previously it was displayed as IFATE or Ifate).
Standard search
The system has been updated to allow for filtering based on IfATE Reference instead of individual standard. Filtering by IfATE reference will return all standards that share the same IfATE ST Reference code configured against them. As part of these changes, the pre-existing “Standard” filter has been updated to be renamed to “Standard Title” instead, to highlight that this is the title assigned to an individual standard record.
Note |
Please note that this new filter requires any pre-existing standards to have their IfATE Reference correctly assigned. Initially this was not a mandatory field, and thus some standards may be missing this information. |
Consistent display of Standard information
The system has been updated to display standard details in a uniform manner, to help improve readability & consistency. Anywhere that displays standard information (excluding communication templates) has been updated to display standard information in the following order (including filters):
IfATE Reference | Level | Title | Version
In areas where the standard information is stored in separate columns from within a table, the order of the columns has been changed to match this order. Reports that display this information in their columns have also been reordered to display in the same way, followed by the standard sector (where available).
Note |
Please note that, due to these changes, it is thoroughly recommended to update existing standards to no longer contain the standard level within the standard title, as this will prevent duplication of this data. |
Standard entity management screen
The standards entity listing screen has been updated to display the standard details within the table in a more meaningful way. The column order for displaying standards should now be:
IfATE Reference | Level | Title | Version | Remaining fields
The listing screen has also been updated to only show active standards by default, controlled by the new “Active” drop-down. Clearing the filters or selecting a different value from the Active filter will allow inactive standards to be displayed.
In addition to the above, the edit/view standard screen has been updated to show which standard record is currently being accessed within the “Related Versions” tab.
Impacted Areas
Due to the number of areas that display standard information, this work has an impact on the vast majority of epaPRO.