Versions Compared


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We have added some exciting key extensions to the functionality of apprentice notes across epaPRO.

The primary changes that we have taken place created to extend the apprentice notes are the followingas follows:

1️⃣ Ability to flag apprentice notes against any number of specific areas of epaPRO when adding or editing an apprentice note.

For example, a note can be flagged against the planning areas if it is relevant to any of these sections.

2️⃣ Shortcuts to view apprentice notes via the side drawer from any of the available areas that the notes can be flagged against.

For example, clicking an “Open apprentice notes“ button from an assign apprentice screen will show notes flagged against the assign apprentice area.

3️⃣ Ability to filter apprentice notes in the side drawer to see notes that are relevant to any specific areas.

4️⃣ A small notification


showing the count of notes is displayed on the various “Open apprentice notes” buttons


This lets you know that the apprentice has notes that should be checked for


that specific area of epaPRO


, allowing for better and more accurate decision making.

Changes In Functionality

Apprentice Profile - Add/Edit apprentice notes:

A new area field has been added to the apprentice notes when you create or edit one. This field will allow you to specify one or more areas that the apprentice note is relevant to.


It is an optional field and when an area is selected it will allow the note to be shown when looking at the apprentice notes for a relevant screen.


The note will also be added to the count that appears for apprentice notes on relevant screens.


  • Assign Apprentice

  • Certification

  • Gateway

  • QA

  • Assessment

  • Planning

  • Appeals

  • ESFA

Apprentice Profile - Viewing Notes

The apprentice notes that appear under the notes tab of the apprentice profile screen, can now be filtered by the area field. You can select any number of areas and all notes for those specific areas will be displayed.

Apprentice Side Drawer - Notes Changes

From the apprentice side drawer, we have added a new field that allows you to filter the displayed set of notes by the area in the same way as the apprentice profile screen.


In various key areas of epaPRO you will find a new “Open Apprentice Notes“ button. Clicking this button, from any page, will open the apprentice side drawer for the relevant apprentice, displaying only the apprentice notes section. The notes displayed will automatically be filtered to only show notes that are flagged against the area that you are currently in, thus rapidly highlighting any important considerations for this apprentice.


In addition to opening the side drawer, this button will also display a count of the number of notes that are currently flagged against the apprentice for this area.


This is designed to easily let you know, from the screen, that there are notes to consider when carrying out work on the page.


The following are the areas that currently contain the “Open Apprentice Notes Button“ and the section in which it shows:


Finally, the “Open apprentice notes“ button has been added to some listing screens within the relevant 3 dots menu under actions for the given apprentice. This button also contains the count of notes relevant to that area.


The following are the listing screens containing the “Open Apprentice Notes“ button:
