Production Release Date: | Version: 5.17.0 |
UAT Release Date: |
Info |
The Release webinar will be available from here (following the Friday demo meeting); Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation |
Note | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:
This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.
Tip |
We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases. What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications . |
Epic | Key | Type | Action Required | Summary | Release Notes Description | Potential Impact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| New Apprentice Dashboard |
OverviewWe have adjusted the URL for our dashboard to better reflect it as the application’s home page and also redesigned the apprentice’s dashboard to provide key information up front and everything they need in one place. Changes to FunctionalityDashboard URL ChangeTo better reflect the dashboard as being epaPRO's home screen we have adjusted the URL to be at the root of the application. We have introduced a redirect for the old URL so any bookmarks should continue to function and the browser may update them automatically. New Dashboard LinksWe have added a dashboard link to the top of the navigation menu, providing quick access to getting back to your dashboard. This has always been possible by clicking the logo but is now much clearer. On mobile devices a small house will be visible within the top bar, providing a quick shortcut as the menu is not always visible. Support Materials View ScreenThe component filter has been added to this screen. Milestone DescriptionWe have added a new description field to assessment milestones. This will allow for some additional details to be added for the apprentice dashboard. New Apprentice DashboardThe apprentice’s dashboard has been completely redesigned to provide key information in a clear and concise manner. The new screen has also been mobile optimised, being the apprentice’s dashboard it is likely to be more commonly used on mobile devices. The key features of the dashboard include:
To reduce clutter and elements that apprentices are currently not able to make use of the actions toolbar icon has been removed for apprentices. Impacted Areas
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| Skilltech - Update branding | The epaPRO and Skilltech branding/logos have been updated. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Reporting - Assessment 1st Time Pass/Fail - amend to include cancelled plans | OverviewAmended the result selection criteria for the Assessment → Assessment 1st Time Pass report & updated report descriptions to detail this. Changes to FunctionalityUpdated the Assessment → Assessment 1st Time Pass report to include results from cancelled plans. This brings the report in line with the Assessment → Assessment Pass/Fail report. The report descriptions for both the above reports have been updated to highlight that results from cancelled plans are included. Impacted Areas
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| Reporting - Apprentice Completions Report | OverviewThe Apprentice Completions report has been extended to include apprentices at a status of “Completed”. This is so that the report correctly captures all apprentices that are going through assessment and are prior to certification. Impacted Areas
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| Reporting - Certification Billing report | OverviewA new certification billing report has been added to epaPRO within the finance category of reporting. The contract lookup for this report uses the apprentice’s start date and the price used is the certification_price against the standard assigned to the contract. Impacted Areas
Suggest training and testing hence medium if you use Contracts | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| OverviewWe have added new features to the assessment component milestones functionality within epaPRO. The highlights of this include:
Changes to FunctionalityMilestone assigned userWe have added functionality that allows an assessment component milestone to be assigned to a user as the component is being booked via the assessment plan screen. The assignment can also be undertaken using the element side drawer from the assessment profile screen, where the component has already been booked. As part of this work, we have also added a tooltip to the milestone display on the assessment profile screen that when clicked on will show the user that is assigned to the milestone.
The assignment for the element side drawer is a two step process, where a limited number of users in the system are returned in the initial dropdown. By selecting “other” from the results that are returned, it is possible to enter a search criteria in the text field that appears under the initial dropdown that will then return any matching users in a dropdown that will appear under the text box. The ability to assign milestones to other users is controlled by the Assign Assessment Element Milestone found under the Assessment section on the user permissions screen. This has been assigned to Awarding Organisation, EPA Manager and EPA roles by default. We have also added the following notifications, which are only sent to the person that is the subject of the milestone assignment:
We have also added the assigned user to the Assessment Element Milestones report. As part of the changes to this report, we have also added a filter to allow filtering between assessment milestones for the apprentices most recent programme and previous programmes. By default, all assessment milestones are displayed. Milestone alertsThe assessment alerts that are shown on the Assessment profile, Element side drawer and the counts for which are shown on the Assessment progress listing screen have been updated to include milestones. These alerts will be included where the milestone has not been assigned or the milestone is overdue. Milestone My To-DosWe have integrated milestones into the user My To-Do’s task list, so that any outstanding milestones assigned to that user can be seen along with their due dates. As part of this, we have also added milestone tasks to the Digest email. This information can be added by using the {{milestone_details}} email variable. As with the other digest information, this will show the number of milestones the user has outstanding, the number about to breach and the number that have breached their due dates. Milestone default assignedWe have added the ability to set which user type a milestone will default to when booking an element. This can be configured within the schedule milestone configuration per component, allowing for a different default per-schema/assessment plan. The options are Apprentice, Provider, and Element EPA.
If a milestone is manually edited, then it will no longer be recalculated when the attendees or element EPA is changed. Editing an existing booking will not trigger the milestone assignments to be recalculated based on the configured defaults. The assignments already against the milestone, if any, will be left as they are. If multiple provider users have been added as attendees then the first in the list will be used. Additional featureWe have also added the functionality for milestones to be copied over to a rescheduled/resit/retake element booking (on the assessment plan screen). This will copy the person assigned, the file that was used, and the completed date as well as the person that it was completed by. The copy switch will be “on” by default for all milestones, but can be turned off allowing a complete fresh-start for that milestone under the new element booking. Where the copy switch has been turned on, any custom selection in the assigned user drop down will be ignored.
Impacted Areas
PermissionsAssign Assessment Element Milestone - controls the ability to assign milestones to other users. This has been assigned to Awarding Organisation, EPA Manager and EPA roles by default. |
Recommend testing and training. This isnt High as you dont have to use these. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Authentication - epaPRO Account Switching | OverviewUser account switching has been introduced into epaPRO to allow users who perform multiple business roles to switch seamlessly between their accounts. Changes to FunctionalityUser ProfileThe existing “Linked accounts” tab has been renamed to “External Calendars & SSO”, as this helps differentiate from the new functionality and also gives a better description of the contents within that tab. A new tab has been introduced called “Associated epaPRO Accounts”. This tab can be used to keep track of the accounts linked to the logged in user, as well as link new accounts. Note that adding a linked account from within this screen will label the current logged in account as the “primary” account. Once this has been done, only the primary account can make changes to linked accounts. Because of this, please be sure to link accounts from the account you use most often. Associating a new user accountA new user account can be linked by clicking the “Associate epaPRO User” from within the new “Associated epaPRO Accounts” tab. Clicking this button will open a new modal, with the following options to link accounts:
In both of the methods above, the user will need to tick the confirmation boxes at the bottom of the modal, to confirm that:
Note that an account cannot be linked under the following situations:
Viewing/removing associated accountsOnce an account has been linked, it will display in the main table within the “Associated epaPRO Accounts” tab. If logged in with the primary account, the user can unlink an account by using the three dot menu within the Actions column and selecting “Delete”. A user account can be re-linked at any time should it be needed in the future. The table also shows three status columns which contain the following information:
Top menuThe user dropdown in the top-right corner of the epaPRO window has been enhanced with the following:
QA checksAs part of this development, the QA engine has been updated to prevent users from QAing their own work when associated accounts are in use. If a user has an EPA(M) account that has completed an assessment and a Quality Manager user that passes other QA rules, the QA user will no longer be able to perform the QA - this is because the QA engine is now aware that this user is the same person, and therefore prevents them from QAing their own work. Impacted Areas
PermissionsNone |
Testing and training recommended | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Login - Error when logging in with a deleted username | OverviewFixed a bug where when trying to log in with a username that has been deleted, the user was presented with an error page rather than a validation message. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Issue with duplicating entries from saving and exiting or continuing | OverviewFixed a bug that could occur on any saving screen across epaPRO. Before this fix it was possible to create duplicate entries of entities by double clicking either the save and exit button or save and continue buttons within a very short window. This is now no longer possible and the entities will not be duplicated. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Assessment Progress - EPA can see apprentices from cancelled plans | OverviewFixed a bug where an apprentice would show for an EPA/EPAM when that EPA/EPAM is assigned to an element on a cancelled assessment plan. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Employer - Unable to deactivate | OverviewFixed a bug where users were unable to deactivate an employer entity. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Assessment Progress - Memory issue | OverviewFixed a memory issue on the assessment progress screen for EPA/EPAM users that were assigned to many apprentices. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Dashboard Targets - Error on empty | OverviewFixed a bug where an empty value in a dashboard target would cause the dashboard to error on load. Empty values are now valid and handled properly. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Assessment Plan - Teams meetings error when changing organiser | OverviewFixed an issue where a Teams meeting connected to an assessment booking would not be updated properly if the organiser was changed. Now if the organiser is changed the original Teams meeting is cancelled and a new one is created. This is because Microsoft do not allow the organiser to be altered. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Gateway Billing - Possible for duplicate transactions to be added | OverviewFixed an issue where it was possible to create a duplicate transaction at gateway. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Reporting - Milestone reports error for provider users | OverviewFixed an issue where milestone reports were not able to be ran by a provider user. Impacted areas
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| Start New Programme - Errors when not passing in epa_date | OverviewFixed a bug where not passing an epa_date when starting a new programme caused an error. This occurred via the API, bulk upload, or screen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Assessment Milestone - due date update prior to plan completion | OverviewFixed a bug that caused the assessment milestones due date to not be updated with a new date or time when an assessment plan element was updated prior to plan completion. The assessment milestones due date will now update as expected. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Assessment Profile - admin user should not be able to upload assessment info for elements pending approval | OverviewFixed a bug that allowed the admin user to upload assessment info against elements pending approval. Changes to FunctionalityThe element side drawer has been updated to ensure that the admin user cannot upload assessment info files against elements that are pending approval. Impacted Areas
PermissionsNone |