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Caelor announcements macro
summaryDevelopment In progress, This work is still currently under development, so the article is subject to change, Announcement
content{"config":{"view":"list","designStyle":"news","layoutStructure":["icon","text","link","overline","location","participants"],"displayNumberOfItems":4,"columns":1,"dateFormat":"HH:mm"},"announcements":[{"id":"dc8onb","date":"2024-10-01T14:42:24.945Z","overline":"Announcement","icon":"bootstrap/CloudsFill","title":"Development In progress","text":"This work is still currently under development, so the article is subject to change","linkText":"More details","url":{},"time":"18:00","color":"#0065FF","location":"Zagreb, Croatia","emoji":{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"},"emojiEnabled":false,"newTab":"false"}]}


An optional extra stage has been added to epaPRO that will allow you to delay the releasing of results/certifications to the public. This work also comes with SLA enhancements.


If either of the above are not true, ie. the result needs QA and the provider isnt set to automatically release outcomes, then the result submission will instead place the result in a “pending outcome release” state


The functionality surrounding resits and retakes has been amended to take the new outcome release step into consideration. From now on, resits and retakes will not be considered available, until the result is released.


Any failure type grade that requires a resit, will now not be possible to rebook, until the failed grade is released to the external users.

As mentioned above, void results will not require this manual releasing step.


If the grade is not released at this stage, a new action will be created for any user that has the Process “Process Outcome Releases Releases” permission to release the outcome.


Selecting the “Now” option will release the outcome as soon as the submit button is pressed, allowing for immediate availability.

If the “Schedule” option is chosen, the outcome can be released at a date/time of the user’s choosing, providing the date/time selected is not in the past.


The declaration box has been updated within the QA screen to now show an additional toggle - “Release Outcome with QA?”. Setting this toggle to “on”, before submitting the QA, will cause the outcome to be released at the same time as the QA being completed.


  • Certification is pending outcome releaserelease

    • Is created when a certification QA is completed

    • Is assigned to any users that have the new Process Outcome Releases permission

    • Completes when the certification outcome is released (either automatically due to the provider setting, or via the “Now” or “Scheduled” methods from within the new Assessment → Release Outcomes screen)

    • Will pause when an apprentice enters an apprentice status not deemed “active” (such as “Back into Learning”, “Retake Review”, etc.)

  • Result is pending outcome release

    • Is created when either a result QA is completed, or a result is submitted and deemed to not require QA

    • Is assigned to any users that have the new Process Outcome Releases permission

    • Completes when the result outcome is released (either automatically due to the provider setting, or via the “Now” or “Scheduled” methods from within the new Assessment → Release Outcomes screen)

    • Will pause when an apprentice enters an apprentice status not deemed “active” (such as “Back into Learning”, “Retake Review”, etc.)


  • A new SLA has been introduced to measure the Time from Result Completed to Outcome Released

    • This will record the time from the result being marked as “complete” (either by passing QA, or not requiring QA at the point of submission) to the time the result is released (either via the “now” or “schedule” options)

  • A new SLA has been introduced to measure the Time from Certification Completed to Outcome Released

    • This will record the time from the certification being marked as “complete” (by passing QA) to the time the result is released (either via the “now” or “schedule” options)

  • The pre-existing combined SLA of “Time from Element Scheduled to QA Published” has been extended to become “Time from Element Scheduled to Outcome Released”

    • This is so that the SLA can continue to monitor based on it’s original function (time from element scheduled to the outcome being available), but with additional benefits

      • Because Outcome Release will always happen regardless of the QA requirement, this grants a much more consistent endpoint

      • It also allows for the element to change between these stages, as the endpoint of the SLA is guaranteed, and will only happen once

    • This should not affect previous reporting data (regarding breaches vs non-breaches) as it is assumed that results were released at the point as they became available, though the columns in the report have been updated to reflect the new measuring point (outcome released date is shown, instead of the QA completion date)

  • The pre-existing SLA “Apprentice Time in EPA” has received various tweaks

    • Prior to this development, this SLA was introduced into the System Management screen, but had very little code to measure this information. There was also not a report available to see any data

    • This work will now (due to changes under the hood within epaPRO) correctly monitor the total time an apprentice is in EPA - from gateway approval through to certification outcome release

    • This SLA will pause when an apprentice enters an apprentice status not deemed “active” (such as “Back into Learning”, “Retake Review”, etc.)


Note that it has not been possible to retrospectively start these timers for apprentices that have either been through, or are currently going through, EPA - although the gateway approved date is known, it would not be possible to know of any change of circumstances that would have paused this timer during their EPA.

Reporting changes

The following reports have been created/amended as part of this development:
