| Agenda Items |
1 | Overview of the last three months: Tip |
Last Quarter x Bugs fixed
🆕 x Feature Requests |
🛠️ Released Development in last 3 months |
2 | 🗺️ Roadmap Items:- |
3 | 👋 Welcome to new customers |
4 | Accolade |
5 | Points for Group Discussion |
6 | Changes around resits/retakes Removal of Capping on assessment resits. Employers decision should an Apprentice go back into further learning after failing an assessment, a discussion is held with the Apprentice / Employer to see what if any further training is required, this is not the decision of the EPA (Assessor)
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | a2269739-3244-3b4d-bb8f-c582148d7bba |
key | SD-9665 |
7 | Validation on surname casing, such as McCarthy Currently the code will tidy up any issues with names entered for example like:- ”aNN aPPrentice” There has been a request to see what could be done where names have a “Son of” derivative (Mac, Mc or O') as the casing on the ROA appears with the single capital letter i.e. Mccarthy. The issue is if we remove the current code that tidies up casing, this would mean that you would need to tidy up every apprentice entry where the casing is incorrect manually?
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | a2269739-3244-3b4d-bb8f-c582148d7bba |
key | SD-7404 |
8 | Integrated feedback forms for Assessment Results for Providers (relates to Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | a2269739-3244-3b4d-bb8f-c582148d7bba |
key | SD-9502 |
| ) Is this something customers use in addition to the fields in epaPRO? If yes, can you send us some examples of these please so we can see the level of detail you want? Would you ever move away from these forms that you currently use if we developed something within epaPRO to help us ascertain if the work would be utilised?
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