Agenda Items | |||||||||||
1 | Overview of the last three months:
🛠️ Released Development in last 3 months | ||||||||||
2 | 🗺️ Roadmap Items:- | ||||||||||
3 | 👋 Welcome to new customers | ||||||||||
4 | Accolade
| ||||||||||
5 | Points for Group Discussion | ||||||||||
6 |
[INTERNAL] Yes/No/Maybe poll | ||||||||||
7 | Validation on surname casing, such as McCarthy
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8 |
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Is this something customers use in addition to the fields in epaPRO?
Would you ever move away from these forms that you currently use if we developed something within epaPRO to help us ascertain if the work would be utilised?
Are customers using the Confirmed Toggle on the Planning Meetings?
mentioned on SD-10286
It was added to allow you to confirm the attendees at the time of the meeting being scheduled if known. These then appear on the Element Info list of attendees.
We would like to know if anyone is using it as there is no other functionality linked to it and we are wondering if it should be removed?
Apprentice - Data Retention Anonymising (relates to SD-10068) & Data Retention
This is a very large scale undertaking.
[INTERNAL] Need to present a high level scale of issue and the problem, suggest collating all of the Compliance contacts to arrange large discussion. Then we would write a spec/statement of works for them to agree to.
Suggest a long consultation period as this is a massive project with far reaching implications
How we anonymise - we will need to create a standardised process that all agree to and also the method of anonymising e.g. ****
For dates e.g. DOB we can use a date such as 01/01/1645
Ethnicity is a specified list, we cant nullify the entry.
Type of data to anonymise.
Note the ULN number would need to go, we cannot replace that with a random number as there is a risk of the number actually matching another apprentice.
Please note that we are not responsible for updating the data that third parties hold e.g. Aptem in linked systems (via API & Integrations)
We cant anonymise data in attachments/files/recordings/Tasks/Notes etc.
Anonymised records would need to be flagged in some way as locked down, to prevent editing as they would fail validation if you attempted to update them
The date would need to cycle naturally out of backups, so potentially could take 6 months or so to disappear from those areas
Once its gone its gone for good and we cannot restore it
Questions Question for users
How long the ESFA will hold data for certificate reprints, we believe it is 6 years?
With regards to general apprentice data retention, are you all agreed its 6 years, and what sort of data are you required to retain?
Reasonable Adjustments - “bilingual dictionary” -
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Apologies this has yet to process, we do have it logged internally and we will get to it as soon as we reasonably can.
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