Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Production Release Date:

Version: 5.32.0

UAT Release Date:


The Release webinar is /will be available from here (following the Friday demo meeting);

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation


We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

- some setup will be required to use this element

- new permissions have been added

- training is recommended - usually for new major features.


- changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

titlelow impact
titlemedium impact
titlehigh impact
We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.


We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact



Composer and NPM updates


Updated various packaged used by epaPRO to ensure continued security and functionality enhancements.

Changes to Functionality

The underlying packages that support epaPRO have been updated to ensure that epaPRO is running with the latest security and vulnerability fixes. These updates also provide additional developer tools.

Impacted Areas

  • System Wide


  • None




Support Materials - Mock Tests - Adding support for Surpass html tests


Surpass mock tests come with either Flash or Html support. The mock test support material option will now natively support the html option from Surpass.

low impact



Role Filter Added to Awarding Organisation Screen


A Role filter has been added to the Awarding Organisation screen to make it easier to manage users by their rolesGateway - Calculate and display apprentice age at programme start date


Added the apprentice’s age at the point of their start date to the gateway and the apprentice side drawer.

Changes to Functionality

  • You can now filter users by their roles on the Awarding Organisation screen.

  • The "admin" role is not shown in the filter options.

  • When no filter is applied, all users are shown.

Impacted Areas

-> Awarding Organisation screen


No changes to permissions. Users see roles based on their existing access.

EP-4906The gateway screen has been enhanced with the following additional fields within the “Apprentice Details” section of the process gateway modal window:

  • Date of Birth

  • Programme Start Date

  • Age at Programme Start Date

In addition to this, the apprentice side drawer has also had the following field added within the “Programme” section:

  • Age at Expected Start Date

In both cases above, the age is shown in the format “24 years 11 months”, shortening to “25 years” when no whole months have elapsed since their last birthday.

Impacted Areas

  • Gateway

  • Apprentice Side Drawer


  • None

titlelow impact



Certification - Ofqual Report - Showing Correct Date in Completion Date Column


This update ensures the "Completion Date" column in the certification Ofqual report shows the correct date. It resolves inconsistencies where the date was not accurately reflecting the outcome release or certification process.

Changes to Functionality

  • The "Completion Date" now shows the outcome release date if it is available.

  • If the outcome release date is not available, it uses the existing certification completion date.

  • When no valid date is available, the report will display "2999-12-31".

Impacted Areas

-> Certification Ofqual report
-> "Completion Date" column


No new permission.

EP-4879Support Materials - Mock Tests - Adding support for Surpass html tests


Surpass mock tests come with either Flash or Html support. The mock test support material option will now natively support the html option from Surpass.

titlelow impact



Result - New Reschedule next action


Introduction of a new “Reschedule” next action for void type resultsRole Filter Added to Awarding Organisation Screen


A Role filter has been added to the Awarding Organisation screen to make it easier to manage users by their roles.

Changes to Functionality

A new next action of “Reschedule” has been made available when adding a void type outcome. This new next action performs similarly to the pre-existing “Resit”, however it does not appear on the Assessment → Assessment Attempts report and the earliest date field is unavailable when adding a result.

In addition, any report that shows the next action of a result has been updated to correctly show this new “Reschedule” next action type. The reporting filter for next action has also been updated to offer the new “Reschedule” next action.

To ensure that results with this new next action don’t get lost, the Assessment Bookings → Resits and Retakes screen has been updated to show these.

The API documentation has been updated to show the new “Reschedule” next action against the AssessmentResultActionModel.

Impacted Areas

  • API

  • Assessment Result

  • Assessment Plan

  • Assessment Profile

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Attempts

  • Reporting → Assessment → Result Tracking

  • Reporting → Financial → Result Outcome Actions

  • Reporting → Assessment → Result Adjustment

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Elements (deprecated)


  • None



Support Materials - rewrite screen to merge lists and screen types.


The support materials Manage and View screens have been rewritten to be more efficient and consistent with other epaPRO listing screens.

Changes to Functionality

The support materials screens (both manage and view versions) have been rewritten. The main changes are:

  • The old tabbed system has been replaced with a listing screen reflective of other epaPRO listing screens. Filters are provided to limit the main content within the list, and available actions have been moved into three-dot menus

    • Manage will offer “Edit” and “View”, permissions depending

    • View will offer “Open”

  • Both the manage and the view screens have been updated with performance improvements, in both memory and speed

  • The manage screen has been updated to show support materials depending in a less limited fashion, as this is primarily for EPAO users. A new restriction has been added to not show support materials in cases where the related entity has been deleted

    • i.e. a “Standard” type support material will not show if the corresponding standard has been deleted

  • The view screen has been updated to have the same delete rule as the manage screen mentioned above. The view screen however limits the returned results on many more rules, such as:

    • user type restrictions

    • user restrictions depending on entity type, standards, user assigned standards (in the case of providers and employers), qa standards, etc.

    • live status (or scheduled where the current date sits between the available date

Please note that only the listing screens should be affected by this change - the create/edit/view functionality will be updated at a later date.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials → Manage

  • Support Materials → View


  • None



API - Adding default limits and pages to endpoints


Added default result limits and pagination to all API listing routes.

Changes to Functionality

To prevent memory issues within the epaPRO API, default result limits and pagination have been added to the following API listing routes:

  • GET /certification

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /gateway

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /meeting

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /plan

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /provider

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /queue

    • Default limit: 100

  • GET /result

    • Default limit: 10

For all routes, the default limit can be changed using the optional query parameter limit (maximum of 100, unless otherwise stated), and the page number can be specified using the optional query parameter page. If no page is defined, 1 is assumed.

For example, to fetch 58 results in batches, using the new API system, the following would be used:

Code Block
GET // 20 returned.
GET // 20 returned.
GET // 10 returned.
GET // 8 returned.

Impacted Areas

  • API


  • None

  • You can now filter users by their roles on the Awarding Organisation screen.

  • The "admin" role is not shown in the filter options.

  • When no filter is applied, all users are shown.

Impacted Areas

-> Awarding Organisation screen


No changes to permissions. Users see roles based on their existing access.

titlelow impact



Certification - Ofqual Report - Showing Correct Date in Completion Date Column


This update ensures the "Completion Date" column in the certification Ofqual report shows the correct date. It resolves inconsistencies where the date was not accurately reflecting the outcome release or certification process.

Changes to Functionality

  • The "Completion Date" now shows the outcome release date if it is available.

  • If the outcome release date is not available, it uses the existing certification completion date.

  • When no valid date is available, the report will display "2999-12-31".

Impacted Areas

-> Certification Ofqual report
-> "Completion Date" column


No new permission.

titlelow impact



titlerecommend training

Result - New Reschedule next action


Introduction of a new “Reschedule” next action for void type results.

Changes to Functionality

A new next action of “Reschedule” has been made available when adding a void type outcome. This new next action performs similarly to the pre-existing “Resit”, however it does not appear on the Assessment → Assessment Attempts report and the earliest date field is unavailable when adding a result.

In addition, any report that shows the next action of a result has been updated to correctly show this new “Reschedule” next action type. The reporting filter for next action has also been updated to offer the new “Reschedule” next action.

To ensure that results with this new next action don’t get lost, the Assessment Bookings → Resits and Retakes screen has been updated to show these.

The API documentation has been updated to show the new “Reschedule” next action against the AssessmentResultActionModel.

Impacted Areas

  • API

  • Assessment Result

  • Assessment Plan

  • Assessment Profile

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Attempts

  • Reporting → Assessment → Result Tracking

  • Reporting → Financial → Result Outcome Actions

  • Reporting → Assessment → Result Adjustment

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Elements (deprecated)


  • None

titlemedium impact

Suggested medium due to training/knowledge sharing



Support Materials - rewrite screen to merge lists and screen types.


The support materials Manage and View screens have been rewritten to be more efficient and consistent with other epaPRO listing screens.

Changes to Functionality

The support materials screens (both manage and view versions) have been rewritten. The main changes are:

  • The old tabbed system has been replaced with a listing screen reflective of other epaPRO listing screens. Filters are provided to limit the main content within the list, and available actions have been moved into three-dot menus

    • Manage will offer “Edit” and “View”, permissions depending

    • View will offer “Open”

  • Both the manage and the view screens have been updated with performance improvements, in both memory and speed

  • The manage screen has been updated to show support materials depending in a less limited fashion, as this is primarily for EPAO users. A new restriction has been added to not show support materials in cases where the related entity has been deleted

    • i.e. a “Standard” type support material will not show if the corresponding standard has been deleted

  • The view screen has been updated to have the same delete rule as the manage screen mentioned above. The view screen however limits the returned results on many more rules, such as:

    • user type restrictions

    • user restrictions depending on entity type, standards, user assigned standards (in the case of providers and employers), qa standards, etc.

    • live status (or scheduled where the current date sits between the available date

Please note that only the listing screens should be affected by this change - the create/edit/view functionality will be updated at a later date.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials → Manage

  • Support Materials → View


  • None

titlelow impact



API - Adding default limits and pages to endpoints


Added default result limits and pagination to all API listing routes.

Changes to Functionality

To prevent memory issues within the epaPRO API, default result limits and pagination have been added to the following API listing routes:

  • GET /certification

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /gateway

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /meeting

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /plan

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /provider

    • Default limit: 10

  • GET /queue

    • Default limit: 100

  • GET /result

    • Default limit: 10

For all routes, the default limit can be changed using the optional query parameter limit (maximum of 100, unless otherwise stated), and the page number can be specified using the optional query parameter page. If no page is defined, 1 is assumed.

For example, to fetch 58 results in batches, using the new API system, the following would be used:

Code Block
GET // 20 returned.
GET // 20 returned.
GET // 10 returned.
GET // 8 returned.

Impacted Areas

  • API


  • None

titlelow impact



Bulk Import - employer sub user


 We have added functionality to allow employer users to be uploaded in bulk to epaPRO.

Changes to Functionality

 Two new bulk uploads have been added to the Employer}}tab of the bulk upload screen. These are {{Create Employer Sub-User and Update Employer Sub-User which are given access to via the Employer Users > Bulk Import permission.

The import for this bulk upload has the following columns:

  • employer_id - This is the ID of the employer that the sub-user belongs to and is required

  • given_name - This is the given name of the user and is required

  • family_name - This is the family name of the user and is required

  • can_login - Determines if the user can log into epaPRO

  • email - This is the email address of the user and is required

  • telephone - This is the telephone number of the user and is required

  • preferred_name - This is the preferred name of the user

  • pronunciation - This is the pronunciation of the user

  • user_pronouns_id - This is the pronoun of the user. There is a finder provided within the bulk upload area called User Pronouns to aid with determining the correct id

  • purchase_order_number - A purchase order that can be associated with the user

  • job_role_id - The job role that is associated with the user. There is a helper provided within the bulk upload area called Employer Job Roles to aid with determining the correct id

  • is_technical_expert- Determines if the user is a technical expert

  • additional_information - Any additional information that is associated with the user

When updating a employer sub user there an additional field:

  • id - this is the id of the user that is being updated

Impacted Areas

 Bulk upload > Employers


Employer Users > Bulk Import

titlelow impact



Communications - update SMS API to no longer rely on the first-party package


Amended the SMS sending code to no longer rely on a first-party package.

Changes to Functionality

Messages were currently being sent using PHP software provided by our SMS provider. Due to irregular updates, plus already coding around some issues within the package, a custom implementation has been written. This implementation will now be maintained by Skilltech, allowing greater control over upgrades and bug fixes.

Impacted Areas

  • Communications → SMS


  • None

titlelow impact



Bulk Import - employer sub user


 We have added functionality to allow employer users to be uploaded in bulk to epaPRO.

Changes to Functionality

 Two new bulk uploads have been added to the Employer}}tab of the bulk upload screen. These are {{Create Employer Sub-User and Update Employer Sub-User which are given access to via the Employer Users > Bulk Import permission.

The import for this bulk upload has the following columns:

  • employer_id - This is the ID of the employer that the sub-user belongs to and is required

  • given_name - This is the given name of the user and is required

  • family_name - This is the family name of the user and is required

  • can_login - Determines if the user can log into epaPRO

  • email - This is the email address of the user and is required

  • telephone - This is the telephone number of the user and is required

  • preferred_name - This is the preferred name of the user

  • pronunciation - This is the pronunciation of the user

  • user_pronouns_id - This is the pronoun of the user. There is a finder provided within the bulk upload area called User Pronouns to aid with determining the correct id

  • purchase_order_number - A purchase order that can be associated with the user

  • job_role_id - The job role that is associated with the user. There is a helper provided within the bulk upload area called Employer Job Roles to aid with determining the correct id

  • is_technical_expert- Determines if the user is a technical expert

  • additional_information - Any additional information that is associated with the user

When updating a employer sub user there an additional field:

  • id - this is the id of the user that is being updated

Impacted Areas

 Bulk upload > Employers


Employer Users > Bulk Import

EP-4804Reporting - Provider/Employer Sub User reports - Primary user and Active filters


The reporting of Employer and Provider Sub-Users has been enhanced with the addition of Is Active User and Is Primary User filters.

Change to Functionality

Is Active and Is Primary user filters has been added to the following reports:

  • Employer → Employer Sub-Users

  • Provider → Provider Sub-Users

Impacted Areas


  • Employer → Employer Sub-Users

  • Provider → Provider Sub-Users



titlelow impact



Gateway - Add side drawer link for apprentice name and for EPA name


The gateway listing screens now display a drawer link for each Apprentice / EPA name, accessible by clicking on the respective name.

Changes To Functionality

The Apprentice/EPA name, previously plain text with no interactivity, now includes drawer links, allowing users to access summary details by clicking on either Apprentice/EPA name, which opens a drawer on the right side of the screen.

Impacted Areas

Gateway listing screens



titlelow impact



Entity Screens - Add filter for Active/Inactive


A new Active/Inactive filters has been added to the entities listing screens to enhance user experience across entities listing screens.

Changes to Functionality

  • Added active/inactive filter to entities listing screens

  • Active/Inactive dropdown is set to "Active" by default on entities screens

  • Users can filters by selecting active and inactive values from the dropdown

  • Users will be able to filter records based on the selected active/inactive filter from the dropdown in the entities listing screens.

Imapcted Areas

  • Provider listing screen

  • Employer listing screen

  • EPA/EPA(M) listing screen

  • QA listing screen

  • Awarding Organisation (AO) listing screen



titlelow impact



Communications - update SMS API to no longer rely on the first-party package


Amended the SMS sending code to no longer rely on a first-party package.

Changes to Functionality

Messages were currently being sent using PHP software provided by our SMS provider. Due to irregular updates, plus already coding around some issues within the package, a custom implementation has been written. This implementation will now be maintained by Skilltech, allowing greater control over upgrades and bug fixes.

Impacted Areas

  • Communications → SMS


  • None



Reporting - Provider/Employer Sub User reports - Primary user and Active filters


The reporting of Employer and Provider Sub-Users has been enhanced with the addition of Is Active User and Is Primary User filters.

Change to Functionality

Is Active and Is Primary user filters has been added to the following reports:

  • Employer → Employer Sub-Users

  • Provider → Provider Sub-Users

Impacted Areas


  • Employer → Employer Sub-Users

  • Provider → Provider Sub-Users





Gateway - Add side drawer link for apprentice name and for EPA name


The gateway listing screens now display a drawer link for each Apprentice / EPA name, accessible by clicking on the respective name.

Changes To Functionality

The Apprentice/EPA name, previously plain text with no interactivity, now includes drawer links, allowing users to access summary details by clicking on either Apprentice/EPA name, which opens a drawer on the right side of the screen.

Impacted Areas

Gateway listing screens





Entity Screens - Add filter for Active/Inactive


A new Active/Inactive filters has been added to the entities listing screens to enhance user experience across entities listing screens.

Changes to Functionality

  • Added active/inactive filter to entities listing screens

  • Active/Inactive dropdown is set to "Active" by default on entities screens

  • Users can filters by selecting active and inactive values from the dropdown

  • Users will be able to filter records based on the selected active/inactive filter from the dropdown in the entities listing screens.

Imapcted Areas

  • Provider listing screen

  • Employer listing screen

  • EPA/EPA(M) listing screen

  • QA listing screen

  • Awarding Organisation (AO) listing screen





Milestones - Phase 3


Various enhancements to the existing Milestones functionality within epaPRO, including reject/revert options for file uploads, editing of completed dates against milestones, extensions to incomplete milestones, and various screen tweaks.

Changes to Functionality

The pre-existing milestones functionality has been enhanced to provide more administrative tools, mainly focusing around correction of data. These are details below:

Changes to element alerts

Assessment type milestones would show as alerts against an element, if the result was not input at the time of the scheduled timestamp. Assessment type milestones should now no longer show as alerts, as these deadlines are already covered by the pre-existing warnings shown at component level, reminders, etc.

Label changes

The “Select version” button text has been changed to “Accept version”, as this is now a more accurate reflection of this button’s functionality. The label showing which file upload is selected has also been changed to say “Accepted”.

New custom drop-downs

The following custom drop-downs have been introduced, for use within this new milestones development:

  • Assessment Element Milestone Edit Completed Date Reason

  • Assessment Element Milestone Edit Due Date Extension Reason

  • Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejection Reason

Ability to reject/revert a file upload

It is now possible to reject and revert uploaded files against a milestone that is a type of “File Upload”.

Rejection is available via the new “Reject Version” button, that will display against any non-accepted file. When rejecting, the user is asked to provide a reason via the side drawer

titlerecommend training


Milestones - Phase 3


Various enhancements to the existing Milestones functionality within epaPRO, including reject/revert options for file uploads, editing of completed dates against milestones, extensions to incomplete milestones, and various screen tweaks.

Changes to Functionality

The pre-existing milestones functionality has been enhanced to provide more administrative tools, mainly focusing around correction of data. These are details below:

Changes to element alerts

Assessment type milestones would show as alerts against an element, if the result was not input at the time of the scheduled timestamp. Assessment type milestones should now no longer show as alerts, as these deadlines are already covered by the pre-existing warnings shown at component level, reminders, etc.

Label changes

The “Select version” button text has been changed to “Accept version”, as this is now a more accurate reflection of this button’s functionality. The label showing which file upload is selected has also been changed to say “Accepted”.

New custom drop-downs

The following custom drop-downs have been introduced, for use within this new milestones development:

  • Assessment Element Milestone Edit Completed Date Reason

  • Assessment Element Milestone Edit Due Date Extension Reason

  • Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejection Reason

Ability to reject/revert a file upload

It is now possible to reject and revert uploaded files against a milestone that is a type of “File Upload”.

Rejection is available via the new “Reject Version” button, that will display against any non-accepted file. When rejecting, the user is asked to provide a reason via the side drawer (see custom drop-down Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejection Reason), alongside an optional free-text description. This will mark the file as rejected, showing that this file is not to be used.

Once a file is accepted, it can also be reverted - reverting a file upload works in a similar way to the rejection above, where a reason needs to be provided (the reason codes are the same as the rejection codes). Note that reverting a file upload will cause the completed milestone to become incomplete, as there is now no accepted file against the milestone.

Note that the Accept button remains available against milestones, so that the currently Accepted file can be easily swapped to a new one - in this instance, the completed date is not updated (as a file is still accepted), and a default reason code is applied for the swap (this is configurable against the Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejection Reason custom drop-downs).

Editing the completed date for a completed milestone

It is now possible to edit the completed date for a completed milestone, providing the user has sufficient permission (see the new Assessment -> Edit Assessment Element Milestone Completed Date permission). Please note that assessment type milestones cannot be edited, as this is managed by the result being added.

The edit can be performed using the pencil icon against the complete date within the milestone side drawer - clicking this button will allow for a new milestone complete date to be set (in the past), along with a reason (see custom drop-down Assessment Element Milestone Edit Completed Date Reason), alongside an optional free-text description.

Note that editing a completed milestone date will recalculate the due date for all incomplete milestones, using the rules provided against the schema

Editing the due date extension for an incomplete milestone

It is now possible to provide an extension to an incomplete milestone, providing the user has sufficient permission (see the new Assessment -> Edit Assessment Element Milestone Due Date Extension permission). Please note that assessment type milestones cannot be edited, as this is managed by the scheduled timestamp against the element.

The edit can be performed using the pencil icon against the due date within the milestone side drawer - clicking this button will allow for a new milestone due date extension to be set (both positive and negative numbers are accepted, along with “0"), along with a reason (see custom drop-down Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejection Edit Due Date Extension Reason), alongside an optional free-text description. This will mark the file as rejected, showing that this file is not to be used.

Once a file is accepted, it can also be reverted - reverting a file upload works in a similar way to the rejection above, where a reason needs to be provided (the reason codes are the same as the rejection codes). Note that reverting a file upload will cause the completed milestone to become incomplete, as there is now no accepted file against the milestone.

Note that the Accept button remains available against milestones, so that the currently Accepted file can be easily swapped to a new one - in this instance, the completed date is not updated (as a file is still accepted), and a default reason code is applied for the swap (this is configurable against the Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejection Reason custom drop-downs).

Editing the completed date for a completed milestone

It is now possible to edit the completed date for a completed milestone, providing the user has sufficient permission (see the new Assessment -> Edit Assessment Element Milestone Completed Date permission). Please note that assessment type milestones cannot be edited, as this is managed by the result being added.

The edit can be performed using the pencil icon against the complete date within the milestone side drawer - clicking this button will allow for a new milestone complete date to be set (in the past), along with a reason (see custom drop-down Assessment Element Milestone Edit Completed Date Reason), alongside an optional free-text description.

Note that editing a completed milestone date will recalculate the due date for all incomplete milestones, using the rules provided against the schema

Editing the due date extension for an incomplete milestone

It is now possible to provide an extension to an incomplete milestone, providing the user has sufficient permission (see the new Assessment -> Edit Assessment Element Milestone Due Date Extension permission). Please note that assessment type milestones cannot be edited, as this is managed by the scheduled timestamp against the element.

The edit can be performed using the pencil icon against the due date within the milestone side drawer - clicking this button will allow for a new milestone due date extension to be set (both positive and negative numbers are accepted, along with “0"), along with a reason (see custom drop-down Assessment Element Milestone Edit Due Date Extension Reason), alongside an optional free-text description.

Note that editing the due date for an incomplete milestone will recalculate the due date for all incomplete milestones, using the rules provided against the schema

Copying assessment element milestones

In the case of a reschedule/resit/retake, where the copy option is offered for existing milestones, the following rules apply.

If one or more milestones are completed and are copied, any due date extensions are also copied alongside these. Incomplete milestones will not have their due date extension copied.

Copying a milestone will migrate the audit history (moved, not copied) from the old milestone to the new, copied milestone - this ensures that all of the audit history is visible against the latest booking, without clogging up the milestone audit report (see below).

Milestone audit log

Due to the number of manual changes that can now be made against a milestone, an audit log has been introduced to track any manual changes applied using the new functionality. This can be found within the milestones side drawer and clicking the audit log button near the milestone title. This will show various changes to a milestone, such as file accept/reject/revert, editing of due date extensions, and editing of completed dates.

This activity will allow users to track changes to milestones.


The following new communications have been introduced to help track the changed detailed above:

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejected

    • Enabled against the entity subject by default

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestone Upload Reverted

    • Enabled against the entity subject by default

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestone Upload Selected

    • Enabled against the entity subject by default


The following changes have been made to reporting, to cater for the new functionality:

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestones

    • Added column element_milestone_due_at_extension, which shows the currently applied due date extension

    • Added column element_milestone_completed_at_edited, which shows “Yes” or “No”, depending if the completed date has been edited

    • Added column assigned_user_type, which shows the user type of the user assigned to the milestone

    • Added column element_milestone_created_at, which shows the milestone created date

    • Added filter User Type, which will filter based on the milestone’s assigned user’s user type

    • Added filter Created At to the list of dates within the available date filters

    • Added filter Element Type, which will filter based on the milestone element’s element type

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestones Audit

    • Controlled by new permission Reporting -> Assessment Element Milestones Audit

    • New report that shows the audit entries against each milestone

    • Can be filtered using all the normal filters, including Milestone Type, Milestone Component, and Audit Type

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Milestones Side Drawer

  • Reporting

  • Communications

  • Assessment Profile


  • Assessment → Edit Assessment Element Milestone Completed Date

    • Provided to owner and awardingorganisation system roles by default

  • Assessment → Edit Assessment Element Milestone Due Date Extension

    • Provided to owner system role by default

  • Reporting → Assessment Element Milestones Audit

    • Provided to owner and awardingorganisation system roles by default

EP-4923-text description.

Note that editing the due date for an incomplete milestone will recalculate the due date for all incomplete milestones, using the rules provided against the schema

Copying assessment element milestones

In the case of a reschedule/resit/retake, where the copy option is offered for existing milestones, the following rules apply.

If one or more milestones are completed and are copied, any due date extensions are also copied alongside these. Incomplete milestones will not have their due date extension copied.

Copying a milestone will migrate the audit history (moved, not copied) from the old milestone to the new, copied milestone - this ensures that all of the audit history is visible against the latest booking, without clogging up the milestone audit report (see below).

Milestone audit log

Due to the number of manual changes that can now be made against a milestone, an audit log has been introduced to track any manual changes applied using the new functionality. This can be found within the milestones side drawer and clicking the audit log button near the milestone title. This will show various changes to a milestone, such as file accept/reject/revert, editing of due date extensions, and editing of completed dates.

This activity will allow users to track changes to milestones.


The following 🆕 communications have been introduced to help track the changed detailed above:

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestone Upload Rejected

    • Enabled against the entity subject by default

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestone Upload Reverted

    • Enabled against the entity subject by default

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestone Upload Selected

    • Enabled against the entity subject by default


The following changes have been made to reporting, to cater for the new functionality:

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestones

    • Added column element_milestone_due_at_extension, which shows the currently applied due date extension

    • Added column element_milestone_completed_at_edited, which shows “Yes” or “No”, depending if the completed date has been edited

    • Added column assigned_user_type, which shows the user type of the user assigned to the milestone

    • Added column element_milestone_created_at, which shows the milestone created date

    • Added filter User Type, which will filter based on the milestone’s assigned user’s user type

    • Added filter Created At to the list of dates within the available date filters

    • Added filter Element Type, which will filter based on the milestone element’s element type

  • Assessment → Assessment Element Milestones Audit

    • Controlled by new permission Reporting -> Assessment Element Milestones Audit

    • 🆕 New report that shows the audit entries against each milestone

    • Can be filtered using all the normal filters, including Milestone Type, Milestone Component, and Audit Type

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Milestones Side Drawer

  • Reporting

  • Communications

  • Assessment Profile


  • Assessment → Edit Assessment Element Milestone Completed Date

    • Provided to owner and awardingorganisation system roles by default

  • Assessment → Edit Assessment Element Milestone Due Date Extension

    • Provided to owner system role by default

  • Reporting → Assessment Element Milestones Audit

    • Provided to owner and awardingorganisation system roles by default

titlelow impact
titlemedium impact



Assessment Plan - inconsistent behaviour of “is invited” toggles for attendees.


Fixed an inconsistency between the default of the “is invited?” toggle when adding attendees via the assessment plan.

Changes to Functionality

Before this change, the Add Attendee and Add Guest Attendee buttons defaulted the “Is Invited?” toggle to on, but the Add On Programme Assessor and Add Workplace Mentor buttons defaulted to off.

This development brings all these buttons in line, defaulting the toggle to on in all instances.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan


  • None



Assessment Booking - business hours


 We have fixed a bug where missing business hours caused an error when displaying assessment booking capacity as the available capacity could not be accurately established.

Impacted Areas

 Assessment Booking


No new permissions



Notifications - clearing user overrides for subject-type notifications doesn't fall back to defaults


Fixes a bug that showed no methods for subject type users after reset of user overrides.

Changes to Functionality

If user overrides were reset against a subject type notification from within the communications management area, it would result as showing “no methods” enabled for the user within their own communication settings. This ticket resolves that issue.

Note that this will also fix an issue that incorrectly used invalid settings when showing restricted settings within the GUI.

Both of these should only be front-end changes - notifications were sending as per these rules already, prior to these changes.

Impacted Areas

  • Communications management


  • None



MS365 Events - Settings response requested


When booking MS365 events via epaPRO responses should be able to be collected by the organiser from the invitees. Per MS documentation this should be enabled by default to allow a better user experience but appears to not be so.

epaPRO will now set this to true so that invitees can respond to invites and the response will be sent to the organiser.



Assessment Plan - inconsistent behavour of is invited toggles for attendees.


Fixed an inconsistency between the default of the “is invited?” toggle when adding attendees via the assessment plan.

Changes to Functionality

Before this change, the Add Attendee and Add Guest Attendee buttons defaulted the “Is Invited?” toggle to on, but the Add On Programme Assessor and Add Workplace Mentor buttons defaulted to off.

This development brings all these buttons in line, defaulting the toggle to on in all instancesProfile - Unable to book a resit/retake/reschedule in some situations


Fixes a bug that prevented a user from booking a resit/retake/reschedule in limited circumstances

Changes to Functionality

If was possible for a resit/retake/reschedule to be unavailable if the logged in user’s entity id (i.e. provider, employer, qa) was the same as the id of the epa assigned against the element (and not the apprentice).

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment PlanProfile


  • None



Assessment Booking - business hoursApprentice files - delete security enhancement


 We have fixed a bug where missing business hours caused an error when displaying assessment booking capacity as the available capacity could not be accurately establishedenhanced the security surrounding the deletion of apprentice files.

Changes to Functionality

 It was previously possible to delete/unlink an apprentice file as the user that did not upload the file and did not have the Apprentice File > Delete Any permission.

Impacted Areas

 Assessment Booking Apprentice Files


No new permissions



Notifications - clearing user overrides for subject-type notifications doesn't fall back to defaults


Fixes a bug that showed no methods for subject type users after reset of user overridesBulk upload - apprentice update for usernames that are not email addresses


 Apprentice bulk upload now allows for usernames that are not email addresses when updating apprentices.

Changes to Functionality

If user overrides were reset against a subject type notification from within the communications management area, it would result as showing “no methods” enabled for the user within their own communication settings. This ticket resolves that issue.

Note that this will also fix an issue that incorrectly used invalid settings when showing restricted settings within the GUI.

Both of these should only be front-end changes - notifications were sending as per these rules already, prior to these changes.

Impacted Areas

  • Communications management


  • None

EP-4904 We have fixed a bug where the apprentice bulk upload update was not able to find apprentices that had usernames that did not contain @ symbols (where they were not email addresses)

Impacted Areas

 Bulk Upload > Apprentice Update


No new permissions




MS365 Events - Settings response requested


When booking MS365 events via epaPRO responses should be able to be collected by the organiser from the invitees. Per MS documentation this should be enabled by default to allow a better user experience but appears to not be so.

epaPRO will now set this to true so that invitees can respond to invites and the response will be sent to the organiser.


Support Materials - Editing the download URL allows users to see support material details


Fixes a potential security issue related to support materials download URL manipulation.

Changes to Functionality

An external user could (in some circumstances) use the download URL obtained via the “View Support Materials” screen to gain access to the edit/view versions of those support materials. The support materials rewrite prevents this from being possible.

Note in the case of gaining access to the edit screen, the user could not save changes to the support material - only see the data on the screen.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials


  • None.



Assessment Profile - Unable to book a resit/retake/reschedule in some situationsSupport Materials - Entity Type is changed to "generic" when an existing support material is saved


Fixes a bug that prevented a user from booking a resit/retake/reschedule in limited circumstancescaused non-generic type support materials to switch to generic when updated.

Changes to Functionality

If It was possible for a resit/retake/reschedule to be unavailable if the logged in user’s entity id (i.e. provider, employer, qa) was the same as the id of the epa assigned against the element (and not the apprentice).

Impacted Areas

Assessment Profile

a entity specific type support material to switch back to a “generic” type support material when updated via the edit support materials screen. This issue should now be fixed so that the entity type is preserved.

Note that the entity was still remembered, but the type changed to generic - this caused the entity to appear under the incorrect tab within the support material listing screens.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials → Edit


  • None



Apprentice files - delete security enhancementAssessment profile - Incorrect component progress colours


 We have enhanced the security surrounding the deletion of apprentice filesFixed the assessment component progress colour on assessment profile.

Changes to Functionality

 It was previously possible to delete/unlink an apprentice file as a users that did not upload the file and did not have the Apprentice File > Delete Any permissionFixed the issue where the assessment profile component incorrectly showed a yellow progress colour instead of blue for apprentices with booked bookings. Also it fixed the apprentices with pending booking, the progress is shown now with No Status. The assessment profile component progress colour now correctly appears as blue in booked bookings.

Impacted Areas

 Apprentice FilesAssessment


No new permissionsNone



Bulk upload - apprentice update for usernames that are not email addresses


 Apprentice bulk upload now allows for usernames that are not email addresses when updating apprenticesFix for Assessment Element Attendees report "Apprentice Status" and "Element EPA" Filters


We fixed an issue where the Assessment Element Attendees Report showed an error when using the "Apprentice Status" and "Element EPA" filters.

Changes to Functionality

 We have fixed a bug where the apprentice bulk upload update was not able to find apprentices that had usernames that did not contain @ symbols (where they were not email addresses)

Impacted Areas

 Bulk Upload > Apprentice UpdatePreviously the report did not load when "Apprentice Status" or "Element EPA" filters were applied and error message was displayed. Now, the report works properly when these filters are used.

Impacted Areas

-> Assessment Element Attendees Report


No new permissions.



Assessment profile - Incorrect component progress colours


Fixed the assessment component progress colour on assessment profileSupport Materials - linking to a component no longer prevents users viewing it


Fixes a bug that prevented component based support materials from displaying to external users.

Changes to Functionality

Fixed the issue where the assessment profile component incorrectly showed a yellow progress colour instead of blue for apprentices with booked bookings. Also it fixed the apprentices with pending booking, the progress is shown now with No Status. The assessment profile component progress colour now correctly appears as blue in booked bookingsIt was not possible for a provider to view a component based support material, as the standard checks were not functioning correctly. This bug has been fixed within the new support materials manage/view screens.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials → View


  • None



Fix for Assessment Element Attendees report "Apprentice Status" and "Element EPA" Filters


We fixed an issue where the Assessment Element Attendees Report showed an error when using the "Apprentice Status" and "Element EPA" filters.

Changes to Functionality

Previously the report did not load when "Apprentice Status" or "Element EPA" filters were applied and error message was displayed. Now, the report works properly when these filters are used.

Impacted Areas

-> Assessment Element Attendees Report


No new permissions.

EP-4790Assessment Booking - Fixed issue with incorrect schema displaying for apprentices


Fixed a bug that caused the new assessment bookings screen to display the incorrect schema for an apprentice when the schema had been manually changed through the assessment plan screen or gateway verification.

Changes to Functionality

We have updated how apprentices are displayed on the new assessment booking listing screens such that changes to the schema are displayed correctly.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Booking → Book, Pending, Rejected, Resit and Retakes.


  • None



Assessment Booking - Fixed issue with incorrect schema displaying for apprentices


Fixed a bug that caused the new assessment bookings screen to display the incorrect schema for an apprentice when the schema had been manually changed through the assessment plan screen or gateway verification.

Changes to Functionality

We have updated how apprentices are displayed on the new assessment booking listing screens such that changes to the schema are displayed correctly.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Booking → Book, Pending, Rejected, Resit and Retakes.


  • None

EP-4741Fix for Date Range Filters on Apprentice and Meeting Booking Screens


Issues with date range filters, such as "Next xx days" or "Last xx days," have been resolved across multiple screens, including "Assign Apprentice" and "Manage Assessment Planning Meeting Bookings." These filters now provide accurate, date-based results as intended.

Changes to Functionality

Previously, date range filters on screens like "View Awaiting Apprentices," "Pending Assign Apprentice," and "Manage Assessment Planning Meeting Bookings" returned inaccurate results, occasionally showing dates outside the specified range (e.g. from 2020).

Now, date range filters reliably display results within the selected timeframe, improving usability and ensuring users can view relevant records based on the specified range.

Impacted Areas

-> Assign Apprentice -> View Awaiting Apprentices Screen
-> Assign Apprentice -> Pending Assign Apprentice Screen
-> Manage Assessment -> Planning Meeting Bookings
-> Reasonable Adjustments Screen
-> Record of Achievement
-> Assessment Planning
-> Gateway Review Screens


No new permissions were introduced as part of this update.



Issues with date range filters, such as "Next xx days" or "Last xx days," have been resolved across multiple screens, including "Assign Apprentice" and "Manage Assessment Planning Meeting Bookings." These filters now provide accurate, date-based results as intended.

Changes to Functionality

Previously, date range filters on screens like "View Awaiting Apprentices," "Pending Assign Apprentice," and "Manage Assessment Planning Meeting Bookings" returned inaccurate results, occasionally showing dates outside the specified range (e.g., from 2020).

Now, date range filters reliably display results within the selected timeframe, improving usability and ensuring users can view relevant records based on the specified range.

Impacted Areas

-> Assign Apprentice -> View Awaiting Apprentices Screen
-> Assign Apprentice -> Pending Assign Apprentice Screen
-> Manage Assessment -> Planning Meeting Bookings
-> Reasonable Adjustments Screen
-> Record of Achievement
-> Assessment Planning
-> Gateway Review Screens


No new permissions were introduced as part of this update.


Fix for Date Range Filters on Apprentice and Meeting Booking Screens


Support Materials - now possible to download all support materials that can be viewed by the user


Fixes a bug that prevented some users from downloading support materials.

Changes to Functionality

In certain situations, it was sometimes possible for a user to see a support material within the main Support Materials → View screen, but was then unable to “Open” it due to permission checks.

The code has been updated so that any support material that appears within the new support materials manage/view pages should now be able to access that support material.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials → View


  • None



Provider / Employer Sub User - Standard Filter and Specialism Filter Dropdown does not close when user click on Apply filters or Clear filters


Fixed the filters dropdown issue on assign apprentices modal pop-up of Provider/Employer sub-user when an EPAO click on apply or clear filters buttons.

Changes to Functionality

Fixed an issue where, when an EPAO opens the "Assign Apprentices" modal pop-up for a Provider/Employer sub-user and filters by "Standard" or "Specialism," the dropdown for these filters would not close after clicking the apply or clear filters buttons.

Impacted Areas

Provider / Employer Sub-Users





Support Materials - Out of memory errors


Fixes a bug that prevented the support material manage/view screens from loading.

Changes to Functionality

Due to the number of support materials that are available on some customer sites, it was possible in some instances to overload the support materials manage/view screens so that they were unable to load, resulting in an “Out of memory” error.

This has now been resolved by rewriting / designing the support materials screens, making them much more scalable.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials → Manage

  • Support Materials → View


  • None



Update Event Issue in Microsoft Teams Meeting for Assessment Planning


An issue was identified where users encountered an error while attempting to update the date and time of a Microsoft Teams meeting from the Manage Assessment Planning Meeting screen. This error has now been resolved, and the functionality works as expected.

Changes to Functionality

Previously, updating the date and time for a Microsoft Teams meeting in the Manage Assessment Planning Meeting screen caused an error, preventing users from completing the update. This was due to the system being unable to locate the associated event in the calendar. Now, users can successfully update the date and time for Microsoft Teams meetings without encountering any issues.

Impacted Areas

→ Planning → Manage Planning Meeting → edit → Date Scheduled field


No changes to permissions.



Support Materials - Potential filter problems


Fixes various bugs within the pre-existing support materials page, as the screen has now been redesigned.

Changes to Functionality

Bugs regarding inconsistent filtering and “no items found” errors have been fixed by the new redesign of the support materials screen, as the tabs have been removed in favour of a more consistent combined list.

Impacted Areas

  • Support Materials


  • None



Improved Error Handling for Teams missing Meeting ID in EPAPro


A fix has been applied to epaPRO to improve how Teams meetings are handled during planning and rebooking. Previously, if a Teams meeting ID was missing, the system would fail and block the rebooking process. This update ensures the system gracefully handles missing meeting ID without causing disruptions.

Changes to Functionality

The system now skips the cancellation process for Teams meetings if no meeting ID is found. This allows users to proceed with rebooking without errors. Previously, users would encounter issues and need technical assistance to resolve them.

Impacted Areas

→ planning Booking Meeting → edit


No changes to permissions.
