Note we are embarking soon on new improvements to the ESFA Submissions page - in release 5.08.0 due in Production
Setting up Standards
Against the standard there is a field called "External Standard Code". This is the unique numerical reference that the ESFA uses to reference the standard (sometimes referred to as a LARS code) i.e. Carpentry & Joinery is 239.
"1" - leading digit
"xxxx" - 4 digits of EPAOrgId
"xxx" - 3 digits of LARS Standard Code (leading 0swill need a leading 0, if under 3 digits e.g. 80 will become 080)
"00 - 09" - 10 unique ulns per standard code
Example. For EPA0001, LARS Standard Code = ST023780, and 1st uln in the sequence
ULN uln = "1" + "0001" + "237080" + "01" = 1000123701FamilyName = 1000123701 1000108001
givenNames = Test
familyName = 1000108001 (same value as uln)
LARS standard code = 80
The next test ULN would be 10001237021000108002, then 100123703 100108003 etc.
Your EPAO registration number can be found on the Register of End Point Assessment Organisations if you do not know it