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Note we are embarking soon on new improvements to the ESFA Submissions page - in release 5.08.0 due in Production

New Feature - ESFA Improvements

Setting up Standards

Against the standard there is a field called "External Standard Code". This is the unique numerical reference that the ESFA uses to reference the standard (sometimes referred to as a LARS code) i.e. Carpentry & Joinery is 239.


  • "1" - leading digit

  • "xxxx" - 4 digits of EPA Org IdEPAOrgId

  • "xxx" - 3 digits of LARS Standard Code (leading 0swill need a leading 0, if under 3 digits e.g. 80 will become 080)

  • "00 - 09" - 10 unique ulns per standard code


Example. For EPA0001, LARS Standard Code = 80, and 1st uln in the sequence

  • ULN uln = "1" + "0001" + "080" + "01" = 1000108001

  • FamilyName givenNames = Test

  • familyName = 1000108001 (same value as uln)

  • LARS standard code = 80

The next test ULN would be 1000108002, then 100108003 etc.  
