Release notes
Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.07 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: ^zjJ3Kv9
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description | ||||||
| Assign Apprentice - Gateway date filter | We have added a filter to the assign apprentice screens to allow filtering by expected gateway date. The options include:
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| Gateway - Added a new confirm stage | We've updated the gateway process to include a new confirmation stage. This new stage will need to be completed by a provider prior to a gateway being processed and is an indication that the provider is agreeing that the EPA date is still correct and achievable. At the moment EPAPro will notify a Provider 14 days before the Gateway is due to review and confirm the Expected EPA Date. The current plan is to make this reminder customisable at a later date. e.g. 30 days, 7 days, etc. to suit your particular requirements. The enrolled gateway screen has been adjusted to now include this new 'Confirm' button along with an 'Edit EPA Date' button. The confirm button will log the date it was confirmed and move the apprentice into the 'Confirmed' screen. If the user does not have permission to update apprentices then they'll not be shown the Edit EPA Date button. The confirm screen is where the process button is and also includes a column with the date that was confirmed. AO users will be able to reverse a confirmation if they have the new `Reverse Confirmation` permission, this permission is only given to AO Owners by default. Clicking this button will move the apprentice back to the enrolled screen and clear the confirmed date that was set, the provider will then need to make any adjustments and reconfirm. A notification will be sent to the provider users informing them that the gateway has been unconfirmed. The enrolled and confirmed screens have a new EPA Date filter. This works similar to the reporting date filters and so it gives a lot of flexibility around the date or date range you would like to search for. The confirmed screen also includes a confirmed date filter allowing you to select a date where the gateway was confirmed. We've also adjusted the filters and pagination on the gateway screens adjusting the filters to have a more consistent look, include some additional functionality such as searchable dropdowns for standards, specialisms, providers and employers as well as enhancing the pagination to make it much more smooth and seamless when changing pages. We've adjusted the API's functionality for submitting a gateway, it doesn't require any additional data but will confirm and submit the gateway in the same request. | |||||||
| API - Allow creation and update of Providers | The API has been extended to allow the creation and update of Provider records. This does not allow management of provider users however the primary users' details are required upon creation and can be updated. The primary users' login method can be set to Password or all login methods removed via the can_user_login parameter - fine login method control is available within EPAPro. The API documentation has also been changed to correctly show that the update apprentice endpoint returns a 204 no content response on a successful update. All details can be found within the API documentation. In addition to this extension to the API there has been a bug fix to the Apprentice endpoint. The validation was not flagging a field as required when passed as an empty string or Null during an update. These changes were not saved to the apprentice record however no user feedback was previously given. Furthermore any CSV files used to perform Bulk Updates should only ever include columns that need to be updated as EPAPro will validate any columns that as passed in. This also means that if there are multiple apprentices that require updates of different column values that these should be broken up into separate bulk updates to ensure that only the required columns are updated at the same time in order to avoid validation or data overwrite issues. If there is ever uncertainty then manual updates via the apprentice screen can be completed or perform bulk updates of singular columns at a time. | |||||||
| New Reporting Categories and Reports moved | The following new reporting categories have been added:
The following existing reports have been moved into the labelled category:
The reporting page has also been altered to be more mobile friendly and to use more of the available space. | |||||||
| Reporting - Precision for date comparison filters | We have extended the reporting date comparison filters to include a precision (defaults to day) to determine the point at which the count for each new day starts (day, hour, minute or second). For instance, if you have an event that occurred 16/10/2020 10:00:00, with
To give some example outcomes, where an apprentice record was created on the 16/10/2020 10:00:00 and was updated on the 17/10/2020 10:00:30:
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| Apprentice Notes - Internal / External | Apprentice notes have been extended to allow users to flag them as being Internal only notes. This internal flag behaves in the same manner as the 'internal only' option against certain file uploads. User types that are considered internal are EPA, EPA Manager, QA, and Awarding Organisation. At the time of release all existing apprentice notes will be flagged as 'not internal' and therefore will be viewable by any user with permission. This means that all existing notes will behave in the same manner following this release. Furthermore any new notes will default to 'not internal' unless selected otherwise. | |||||||
| Bulk Upload - Identifying Mandatory Fields | A new "Documentation" submenu has been added to the "Helper" menu within the Bulk Upload import screen. This new submenu provides access to downloadable pdf documents that detail which fields are available for use when performing the following imports:
Note the documents are only offers to users that have the permission to perform that type of import. | |||||||
| Gateway - Add the apprentice's employer to the apprentice details tab | The employer name has been added to the Apprenticeship Details tab within the process Gateway popup. The "Edit Apprentice Details" link has also been given a button look to make the availability more obvious. | |||||||
| Surpass - Unable to book a test when an apprentice has started a new programme | We've fixed a bug where it was not possible to book a new surpass test for an apprentice if they've started a new programme onto a new standard/specialism. This has now been resolved, when booking an element if required the Surpass profile for the apprentice will be updated to include any new standards/specialisms that apprentice is on or has been on, allowing Surpass to recognise the new programme and new bookings. | |||||||
| Chrome - Menu items wrap on lower resolutions | We've tweaked the menu's width on different screen sizes to help reduce how often some menu items will fall onto multiple lines. | |||||||
| ESFA Submission - Town validation error didn't match the field name | We've fixed a bug where the error message given when the town field was empty mentioned 'city' it will now specify 'town'. The other validation errors have been adjusted to be easier to read. | |||||||
| Users - Remember login method on validation error | Fixed a bug where selected login methods (i.e. password) were not remembered when validation failed and the screen reloaded. | |||||||
| Assessment Centre - Manage button inconsistent with other styles | We've resolved an issue where the 'Manage Assessment Centres' button on the assessment centre edit screen was showing in italics, which is inconsistent with other screens. | |||||||
| Assessment Plan - Rescheduled element sometimes shows old schedule date | We've fixed a display bug where sometimes reopening the popup for a rescheduled element would show the old date in the schedule field. This should now only show the current date. | |||||||
| Assessment Plan - Rescheduled elements being shown twice | We've fixed a display issue where a rescheduled element would continue to show the old booking after an element has been rescheduled. This has now been corrected and the assessment plan will only show the new rescheduled booking. | |||||||
| Bulk Upload - 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' not accepted | We've adjusted the bulk upload validation to accept 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' on the relevant fields, this would previously not accept the uppercase version. | |||||||
| Menu - Visual highlight fix | Fixed a visual bug where menu items within the Gateway Components and Gateway Specification areas were not being highlighted on certain pages and sub-pages in the respective areas. This also highlighted that the Gateway Specification and Gateway Component areas were on the same URL root. This has now been changed so that they differentiate and appropriate redirects have been put in place. | |||||||
| Permission Options Missing | Fixed a bug where the permissions for granting access to the Late Registration report and the Result Outcome Actions report were missing from the permissions list against users. | |||||||
| Permission names mismatch | Changed the following permission names to match the report that they relate to:
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| UI - Making heading size consistent within user permissions | The sizes of the headings in the permissions tab for AO and QA users were not consistent with the other types. This has now been corrected. | |||||||
| EPA Managers unable to run reports | Fixed a bug where EPA and EPAM users were unable to access a range of reports (excluding User Details and Support Materials) outside of their default role even if permission was granted. | |||||||
| Bug Fixes for Provider and Employer sub users | Fixed a bug where an employer/provider user tries to access their profile and if this fails the system tries to redirect them. The redirect now works correctly. Fixed a bug where the view link for provider sub users was not opening in a modal window. Fixed a bug where a provider user is given 'Read Provider' permission but is unable to click the 'user' icon on the provider listing screen. | |||||||
| [UAT] Assign Apprentice - Unable to reject an apprentice | We’ve fixed a bug introduced in the 4.07 UAT release that prevented EPAs from rejecting an assigned apprentice. This also fixes a similar issue where the ‘View’ button on the assign apprentice rejected screen did not function. |
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