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Coming Soon - Gateway Confirmation of Pre-requisites

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We are making some changes into how we display the gateway to allow providers to confirm the estimated gateway date, standard version, assessment plan version, gateway specifications etc. before submitting to the EPAO for review

This will allow the providers the ability to double check all of the data in a clear fashion before they submit the apprentice.

This will require training for your Providers and other users

Enrolled Gateway

Within Enrolled Gateway under Actions, you will now note that the Confirm button has been amended to “Verify”.

When verifying you will now see a 3 step process.

Standard & Version

Below you will see an example of the 3 steps that a provider will need to complete before the gateway is verified.

On the first step the Standard and Specialism can be selected, the provider can then confirm this using the toggle at the end of the page or they can skip to step 2 and review that before making any confirmations.

Gateway & Components

On step 2 you will see the estimated gateway date and the components associated with that Standard, the date can be changed at this point and again these can be confirmed at this stage, or the provider can move to step 3 and then confirm everything at the end once satisfied the options are all correct.

Assessment Plan

Finally on step 3 the Assessment Plan can be set, epaPRO will automatically enter what we believe the assessment plan would be based on the apprentices start date, but this can be adjusted.

Note that all 3 steps must be confirmed before the gateway can be verified

If the provider forgets to do this, then a warning will appear, likewise if the estimated gateway date is insufficient, an alert will show for that too.

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