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Coming Soon: New Feature To-Do Lists

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Coming soon in release 4.27.0, which will be loaded to your UAT on we will be introducing new screens to show users a To Do list and a new Notification section

This will allow users more control over their actions and notifications, allowing them to be filtered based on status and the area they are in. The older actions and notifications are still present at the top right of your screen but this provides an easier way to manage them.

My ToDo’s

We have added a new actions screen that provides a way for users to see all of their actions and filter and search them. The screen also lists any custom tasks that have been created by the user in a clear visual display.

Users have the option to create a task using the “Add custom task” button in the screen header.

Custom tasks can be allocated to an area (Appeals, Assessment, Assessment Booking, Assessment Schema, Assign Apprentice, Certification, Contracts, Gateway, Integrations, Planning, QA and User) and have one of three statuses:

  • To Do

  • In Progress

  • Complete.

Buttons have been added to allow the transitioning of a custom task from To DoIn Progress, and from In ProgressCompleted.

The default view is that all tasks/actions that are in the statuses “To-do”, and “In Progress” are shown by default, along with any tasks that have been completed that day. The date a task was completed, can be found by hovering over the green completed badge. When filtering by type and area, the same tasks/actions will appear dependent on the filters selected. The exception is when the completed option on the status task is selected, in which case all completed tasks are shown regardless of the date they were completed.

The due date for new actions that are raised during the day, will be filled in by an automated overnight cron that runs at 2:30AM daily. This due date will show as ‘Calculating’ until the date is calculated. Where no SLA is attached to an action, the due date will be displayed as ‘Unknown’.


This screen introduces new permissions (assigned to the following user roles by default: Owner, AO, QA, EPA and EPAM) under the “Todo ” heading, listed below:

  • Create Custom Task This will allow the user to create a custom task

  • Delete Custom Task This will allow the user to delete a custom task that the own

  • Read Custom Task This will allow the user assess to the My To-do’s listing screen

  • Update Custom Task This will the user to edit a custom task that they own

Notifications Screen

We have added a new notifications screen that provides a way for users to see all of their notifications and filter and search them. This has the advantage of making it much easier to look through a long list of notifications as they can be filtered down by Area.

The screen also provides bulk actions for marking the selection as read, unread or delete.

We have also added a new “Make Task” button which will automatically create a new task for the notification.

The notification side drawer now also shows the most recent notifications, with a link to the screen to see all of them.

  • No labels


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