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Coming Soon EP-3878 Fix for Linked inactive Standards

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We have improved how the inactive toggle behaves for standard entities. These changes should introduce a way to clean-up retired standards while still maintaining historic visibility in reporting.

Changes to functionality

Standards can now be made inactive, even if they are in use.

An inactive standard will no longer be selectable on screens, unless the entity (Apprentice, EPA, Assessment Schema, etc.) already has it selected. The standard will also be removed from screen filters (except reporting) and will be hidden, by default, from the standard listing screen.

Display of the standard, for example when veiwng an apprentice’s profile, will still function. As will editing an entity that has the standard selected. Adding the standard to an entity that does already have it, will not be possible. If this is still needed then the standard should not be made inactive.

A new filter has been added to the standard listing screen so that inactive standards can be seen, and optionally made active again.

The delete logic of a standard has also been improved to check additional entities that may have it linked and also improve the performance of the checks made.

These changes fix a bug where an inactive standard would be hidden on linked entities, making it appear as not in use, but deletion was being blocked.

Impacted Areas

The below lists the most impacted, however, due to how interconnected standards are, these changes would have some impact across epaPRO.

  • Standards

  • Apprentices

  • EPAs

  • EPAMs

  • Quality Managers

  • Employers and Employer Sub-Users

  • Providers and Provider Sub-Users

  • Assessment Schemas

  • Assessment Components

  • Gateway Components

  • Gateway Specifications

  • Informational listing screens such as, but not limited to:

    • Assessment Progress

    • Assessment Profile

    • Apprentice Profile

    • Appeals

  • No labels


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