Standards Entity Listing Screen
The following changes have been made to the standards listing/entity screens.
Listing screen
Introduced a new IfATE ST Reference filter.
Added the IfATE ST Reference to the table.
Amended the search box to also search on the IfATE ST Reference.
Reordered the listing screen columns to read in order of specificity (IfATE Ref, Level, Title, Version, External ID…)
Added new filter to default to “Active” standards only. This can be changed by resetting the screen filters, or by using the dropdown to select an alternative to “Active”
Entity screen
Renamed IfATE ST Reference to IfATE Reference
Added the IfATE ST Reference to the related versions table.
Added the apprentice and specialism counters to the related versions table.
Added a badge that shows which standard is the current standard being edited within the related versions table.