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Coming Soon EP-3641 Assessment Plan Completed -Summary Notification & EPA Bio

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Coming in release 5.13.0 we have made a number of changes to the notification that an Assessment Plan has been completed.


  • EPA screen now has a new “Biography” text area.

  • The Planning → Plan Completed communication has been updated to have new variables.

  • The assessment plan screen has been enhanced to allow you to choose to not send the “plan complete” communication when a plan is submitted instead this can now be sent at a later date & sent on demand.

  • Minor display tweaks have been made.

Changes to Functionality

EPA screen

The EPA Details screen within the EPA entity page has been updated to have a new text area field, titled “Biography”. This new field allows a formatted text area to be input that can store information about the EPA.

Plan Completed communication

The Planning → Plan Completed communication template has been updated to have the following new variables.

  • assessment_information: this is a block of text containing all of the details for the booked elements against the plan.

    • Note that this variable is very large & contains HTML formatting, and thus should not be included in the SMS version of the template.

  • epa_bio: contains the apprentice EPA biography text mentioned above

  • epa_email: contains the apprentice EPA email address

  • epa_telephone: contains the apprentice EPA telephone number

Assessment Plan enhancements

The assessment plan screen has been enhanced to have the following additional functionality:

  • When submitting a plan, the user can choose whether to send notifications or not by using the “Submit” and “Submit & Notify” buttons.

  • Once an assessment plan is complete, a “Notify Completed” button will appear, depending on whether the notification has been sent before.

    • If the plan completed communication has been sent before, the last date/time that it was sent will be displayed within the button.

Minor display tweaks

As part of this work, some minor display changes have been made to ensure that the headings within the EPA(M) screen are a uniform size. The changed headings are:

  • Availability Notes

  • EPA Hours

  • EPA Absences

  • Contact Details

  • EPA Details

  • Standards / QA Standards

Email templates

As part of this work, the styling of bullet pointed lists has been updated to make them match the styling of the surrounding text - previously bullet pointed lists appeared bolder than the rest of the text.

Note that this is a change that will effect all email templates, not just the Plan Completed email.

Impacted Areas

  • EPA

  • Assessment Plan

  • Communications



  • No labels


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