Released to UAT in 5.19.0
We have redesigned the contracts screens within epaPRO to give a more user friendly experience when creating and managing contracts. This includes updates to the listing screen, create screen and editing screen for contracts.
Changes to Functionality
Listing screen:
The contracts listing screen contains two new filters. These are the standard sector and contract status filters. These allow you to filter the contracts based on the contracts standards sectors and the contracts status respectively.
New collapsed menu for actions on a contract.
Management Screen:
A new “Prices” tab has been added to change the process for adding standard based pricing and schema component pricing for components.
Standards can be added to the contract from the “Prices” tab. In order to do this choose the standard(s) you wish to add from the add standards select box and click the add standards button. They will then be provisionally added to the contract in a “Pending“ state, as shown by the label before the standards title. To remove a pending standard you can click the delete button found in the actions menu for that standard.
Please Note: In order to edit these new standards you must first hit the save and continue or save and exit buttons so that they are fully stored against the standard and are no longer pending.
In order to edit the pricings for a standard you must press the edit pricing button found in the standards actions menu. After doing this a pop up window will appear listing the various pricing criteria. You can then enter your pricing values in the relevant boxes. Entering nothing into one of the boxes will set the price to £0.00.
Additionally you can delete a standard against a contract by pressing the delete button from the standards action menu and confirming that you wish to delete the standard from the contract.
Component Pricing:
In order to edit the individual component pricings for a standard against a contract you can open the action menu for a standard and click the edit component pricing button. This will navigate you to a new screen.
Please Note: If you have pending standards or other changes to input that have not been saved, you will see a pop up warning you that if you continue to the new screen your changes will not be saved. If you wish to save them please cancel the action and click either save and continue or save and exit.
In order to add schemas to the contract for component pricing, select the desired schema(s) from the add schema select box and click add schema. This will then be added to the list of schemas on screen. You can also remove a schema by click the remove schema button at the top right of each schema.
Warning: As shown in the confirmation message when attempting to remove a schema from a contract. Deleting a schema that is currently in use from a contract may have unexpected effects to reporting for contracts, and may cause charges to not display correctly for effected apprentices.
Under each schema you will now see a list of components for which you can edit the individual pricing as well as the resit/ retake threshold. In order to edit these, open the actions menu for the desired schema component and click the edit pricing button. Similar to standard pricing you will now see a list pop up window with a set of pricings for the component. You can edit these as desired and hit the save button when finished.
Previous Contracts Process:
The old contracts screens are still currently available. You can find them by clicking the old contract screen button in the top right of the new contracts screen page. This will allow you to access the old management process.
However we do not recommend using these and they may be removed in the future.
Impacted Areas
Entity Management → Contracts
No new permissions