Please find below the agenda for our next epaPRO User Group meeting
Meeting Date
11:00 - 12:00
If there is anything you would like to add to the Agenda, please let us know before the date of Meeting - just drop us an email Thanks.
Agenda Items
Overview of the last three months:
Last Quarter
40 x Bugs fixed
🆕 25 x Feature Requests
🛠️ Released Development in last 3 months
Release 5.28.0 Result Certification - Result Releasing
Release 5.26.0 Phase 2 Reasonable Adjustments
Coming soon in 5.30.0
EP-4219 Booking attendees - allow attendees to just be notified and not invited
🗺️ Roadmap Items:-
EP-3804 Accolade - General Awarding
EP-4113 Skilltech “One”
EP-3795 Skilltech Identity - One Global Login
EP-4660 Phase 3 - Assessment Milestones
EP-4589 Phase 2- Assessment Booking
EP-4487 Refactoring of reporting filters
👋 Welcome to new customers
Progress update
Points for Group Discussion
Changes around resits/retakes.
Removal of Capping on assessment resits.
It is the Employers decision should an Apprentice go back into further learning after failing an assessment, a discussion is held with the Apprentice / Employer to see what if any further training is required, this is not the decision of the EPA (Assessor) We would like to discuss with group if they are happy for us to take it away and look at this, is everyone in agreement that a change needs to take place?
Validation on surname casing, such as McCarthy Currently the code will tidy up any issues with names entered for example like:- ”aNN aPPrentice” There has been a request to see what could be done where names have a “Son of” derivative (Mac, Mc or O') as the casing on the ROA appears with the single capital letter i.e. Mccarthy. The issue is if we remove the current code that tidies up casing, this would mean that you would need to tidy up every apprentice entry where the casing is incorrect manually?
Apprentice - Data Anonymising (relates to SD-10068) & Data Retention
This is a very large scale undertaking if we progress down the data anonymisation route.
We would like to form a “Task Force” group from our customers with the people who deal with your compliance so this can be discussed in more detail.
How we anonymise - we will need to create a standardised process that all agree to and also the method of anonymising e.g.
use of **** in certain areas such as names and emails etc
For dates e.g. DOB we can use a date such as 01/01/1645
Ethnicity is a specified list, we cant nullify the entry.
Type of data to anonymise.
Note the ULN number would need to go, we cannot replace that with a random number as there is a risk of the number that is generated would actually matching another apprentice.
We cant anonymise data in attachments/Files/Recordings/Tasks/Notes etc.
Anonymised records would need to be flagged in some way as locked down, to prevent editing as they would fail validation if you attempted to update them
The data would need to cycle naturally out of backups, so potentially could take 6 months or so to disappear from those areas
Once its gone its gone for good and we cannot restore it
Please note that we are not responsible for updating the data that third parties hold e.g. Aptem in linked systems (via API & Integrations)
Question for users /Task Force
How long the ESFA will hold data for certificate reprints, we believe it is 6 years?
With regards to general apprentice data retention, are you all agreed its 7 years, and what sort of data are you required to retain?
With regard to general qualifications (Accolade) we understand that the learner can request a certificate reprint at any time so this data has to be retained “forever” is this your understanding of it too?