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Feature - EP-3085 Entity Management - Copying Entities

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Released in 5.10.0 - we have implemented a new dedicated system for copying certain entities. This new system is designed to allow you to copy the entity, as well as certain child attributes of the entity. For example copying a standard, will now allow you to copy its specialisms. Using this new copy system we have also made a few new entity types copyable.

The following entities are now able to be copied:

  • Assessment Components

  • Assessment Schema

  • Gateway Component

  • Gateway Specifications

In addition to these, we have also changed Standards to use the new copy system.

Changes to Functionality

The process for copying an entity is now almost identical, regardless of which entity type you are copying. The only thing that will change, is the way you decide to configure the copy.

Step 1

In order to copy an entity, find the record that you wish to copy from on its respective listing page.

For example the “Assessment Components“ page.

Step 2

Next click on the 3 dots icon on the right hand side of the screen. You should see an option called “Copy“.

After clicking the “Copy“ button you will see an new pop up open on your screen. This is the new copy dialogue that will allow you to configure what you want to copy.

Please Note: Depending on the entity you are copying, you may see the blue information field at the top of the copy dialogue. This will contain some key details for you to keep in mind when copying the entity.

Step 3

Using the example of an assessment component, you will see a field titled “New Assessment Component“. By default this will contain the previous entities name with the word “(copy)” after it. You may edit this to alter the copies name when it is created.

Some entities may also have additional field here, for example Standards will have a “New External Standard Id“ field.

All fields here are required.

 Examples of other Copy Screens

Below are examples of the other entities you can copy, above we show an Assessment Component and a Standard, therefore I have not shown them here again.

Gateway Specification

Gateway Component

Assessment Schema

Step 4

Next you will see the “Additional Options“ section.

This is the bulk of the changes in functionality to copying. Using this will allow you to copy sub-entities or connections between entities, for the item that you are copying. For example with the assessment components, you will see everything from the components standards and milestones, external services to proctoring services. For a complete list of the new copyable elements and their additional options, please click here to view.

Step 5

In order to select an option to copy, click the corresponding check box on the right of the dialogue. As noted on the page, certain additional options will rely on others. For example, in order to copy the Assessment Schema Milestone Rules, you will need Assessment Schema Milestones. However this will not cause an error and will be handled for you, epaPRO will only copy the entities that it can.

Step 6

Once you have selected your desired additional options, you can click the “Copy“ button bottom right. This will create your new entity with the selected configuration. Once the entity is copied it will automatically be opened so that you can further edit it. Your entity will by default, be created with the “Inactive“ status which can be changed when managing the entity.

Inactive/Active Status Changes

We have also done the following additional work under this epic.

Gateway Component

We have moved the active/inactive status for gateway components so that it is now a switch that appears under the Component Description input on the Gateway Component Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the gateway component status has been removed as a result.

Gateway Specification

We have moved the active/inactive status for gateway specifications so that it is now a switch that appears under the Start Date/End Date inputs on the Gateway Specification Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the gateway specification status has been removed as a result.

Assessment Component

We have moved the active/inactive status for assessment components so that it is now a switch that appears under the Communication Attachment input on the Component Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the assessment component status has been removed as a result.

Assessment Schema

We have moved the active/inactive status for assessment schemas so that it is now a switch that appears under the Version input on the Schema Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the assessment schema status has been removed as a result.

As a part of this work, we have also fixed a bug where overlapping dates were not being checked for locked-down schemas (schemas currently actively in use), meaning that it was possible to create/edit a schema with an end date overlapping the start date of another assessment schema.


You will require the following permissions in order to copy the corresponding entities:

  • Assessment Componentscreate-assessmentschema

  • Assessment Schema → create-assessmentschema

  • Gateway Component → create-gatewayspecification

  • Gateway Specifications → create-gatewayspecification

  • Standards → create-standards

These permissions match the currently required permission to create the corresponding entity.

Additional Information

Below you will find a breakdown of all the copyable entities and their fields and additional options.

Assessment Components


  • New Component Name

Additional Options

  • Component Standards

  • Component Milestones

  • External Services

  • Questions

  • Exercises

  • Proctoring Services

Assessment Schema


  • New Schema Name

Additional Options

  • Schema Components

  • Schema Milestones

  • Schema Milestone Rules

Gateway Component


  • New Component Name

Additional Options

  • Component Questions

Gateway Specifications


  • New Specification Name

Additional Options

  • Specification Components

  • Specification Standards



  • New Standard Name

  • New External Standard Id

Additional Options

  • Specialisms

  • No labels


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