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Version 4.1.0 - 07/07/2020

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Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-2051StoryRecord of Achievement - add feedback fields to template downloadsWe've added new optional fields to the RoA downloads, add these new fields to your templates to include them:

    -- epa_feedback - the EPA feedback field against the result
    -- apprentice_feedback - the apprentice feedback field against the result
    -- epa_feedback - the EPA feedback field against the certification
EP-2039BugChange of Circumstance - Search not including all apprentice statusesFixed a bug where not all apprentice statuses were showing in the search results for the change of circumstance screen.
EP-2024StoryAdded assessment info uploads to the apprentice profileThe ability to add assessment info uploads has been added to the apprentice profile. A new popup can be opened by clicking the new upload assessment info button against each component within the profile. This new popup allows for uploads without seeing/amending the attendee information.

Note that apprentices will need the create & edit assessment info permissions to see this popup. Apprentices will only see their own uploads, and can delete these documents provided they have the delete assessment info permission.
EP-2008StoryAdded external_component_id to API Plan EndpointThe API has been extended to include the external_component_id field against the /plan endpoint.
EP-2004StoryAdded external_ao_id to the API apprentice endpointThe API has been extended to include the external_ao_id field against the /apprentice endpoint. This includes both creating and updating an apprentice record, as well as when retrieving details.
EP-1971StoryCreation of the new ESFA submissions report.A new ESFA submissions report has been created - this will show the information sent to the ESFA, along with basic apprentice/certification information.

The permission to view this report has been automatically applied to the admin, awarding organisation, owner & provider roles (as per the pre-existing Certification Overview report).
EP-1969BugAssessment Schema - Selected components do not persist on errorWe've fixed a bug with the assessment schema screen where the components were not being saved after a validation error. The screen should now remember the ticked components, preventing the need to recheck them.
EP-1925StoryESFA default address selectionWe have changed this screen to make it possible to select a default address the apprentices certificate to be sent out to. These addresses can be manually changed for individual apprentices if required.
To bring this area in-line with other parts of the application, we have also added a popup that will ask the user to confirm that the details are correct before submitting the apprentices to the ESFA.
EP-1911StoryView Assessment Info now available for previous results.The view assessment info button has now been made available for previous results, within the assessment progress screen.
EP-1864StoryQA/EPA - Replace global EPA QA Minimum Percentage with percentages per standard/specialism for EPAsWe've updated EPA's QA Minimum Percentage option to provide finer grain control over the percentages for the EPA within each standard/specialism. When adding new specialisms or standards to an EPA you'll now need to enter the QA percentage which will be used to determine if the result needs to be QAed.

To accommodate the additional fields for this functionality we have also redesigned the standards tabs for EPAs to help tidy up the screen and make it easier to use while still providing all of the information needed. We're looking to roll out the same look for the user types/entities where the standards tab is used in the future, but please provide us feedback on the new layout if you have any.

The global QA Minimum Percentage field has been removed, instead the field on the standards/specialisms should be used. There will be no change to the current percentages as we've ensured all of the percentages for the individual standards/specialisms have been set to the previous global value. Meaning no changes are needed to the EPAs unless you would like to adjust the values.
EP-1829StoryAPI - Allow access for AO usersThe API has been extended to allow Awarding Organisation users to interact with the existing endpoints. If you are already allowing API access for your provider users then no change is required. For AO users the following endpoints will require a provider_id to be sent along with the normal data:
 - Apprentice (create and update)
 - Start New Programme
 - Change of Circumstance
For more details please see the API documentation.
EP-1274StoryExtended resit / retake report functionality to utilise resit thresholdThe resits/retakes report has been extended to include cancelled plans, along with plan id & status to help differentiate between them. Contract title has also been added to show which contract has been used for threshold figures.

The contracts page has been updated to show the threshold has a resit/retakes threshold, not just resit as it was previously.
EP-1143StoryAssessment Info Upload Details ExpansionWe have added in logging capabilities so that it is now possible to see who uploaded files to the Assessment Info area, when and what files.

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