We have created a new Appeals process so that EPAOs can track Appeals from Candidates or Providers so that they can be managed and tracked.

The create screen has introduced two new permissions with have been given to some system roles by default. These are detailed below and will need to be applied to any custom roles as required.


The create screen introduces a new notification “Appeal Created” this is mentioned below but for more details on this new notification please read the release notes for Appeals - Notifications

The create screen introduces a new notification “Appeal Created” this is mentioned below but for more details on this new notification please read the release notes for EP-3058 - Appeals - Notifications QA Appeals - Notifications

A new appeal create screen has been added as part of the new Appeals functionality. This screen provides the relevant details about the entity (certification or element) that is being appeals along with the apprentice’s details and a form where basic information about the appeal can be entered. This screen is also used for editing an existing appeal via the “Edit Appeal” button when viewing the details.

Creating An Appeal

Appeals can be created from the Manage Element or Manage Certification side drawers. The following criteria are required for this button to show:

Element / Certification Details

This new screen has a very similar layout between an appeal for a certification or an element. The section at the top of the screen will change depending on the entity being appealed:

Appeal Fields

This screen then allows the user creating the appeal to enter the following details:

During the creation of the appeal, a user can also attach one or more files. The appeals system uses our recently release Apprentice Files system and so any file already uploaded can be linked or new ones uploaded and linked.

Alerts / Element & Certification Status

To make it clear when an element or certification has an open appeal the status of the element or certification will show as “Under Appeal”. An alert will also be shown indicating what elements/certification are under appeal and provide a link to “view details” if the user has permission.


Two new permissions have been added to control who can create appeals. These new permissions are available under the “Appeals” heading and are called:


A new notification has been added that is sent when a new appeal has been created. The new notification is called “Appeal Created” and by default is configured as an In App notification to the following users:

For more information on this notification please read the release notes for Appeals - Notifications.

The create screen has introduced two new permissions with have been given to some system roles by default. These are detailed below and will need to be applied to any custom roles as required.


The create screen introduces two new notifications “Appeal Updated” and “Appeal Closed” these are mentioned below but for more details on the new notifications please read the release notes for Appeals - Notifications

The create screen introduces two new notifications “Appeal Updated” and “Appeal Closed” these are mentioned below but for more details on the new notifications please read the release notes for EP-3058 - Appeals - Notifications QA Appeals - Notifications

A new appeal details screen has been added that allows for the full management of the appeal. This is where the bulk of the appeal process will be controlled with result adjustments being used to link back up the changes with the appeal.

This new screen has four main tabs; Details, Comments, File Uploads and Activity. These will be detailed below. Similar to the create appeal screen, the top section of this screen also contains the apprentice’s details and the element or certification details, depending on which the appeal is linked to. A shortcut “Result Adjustment” button is also shown which will automatically select the adjustment reason to “Appeal” and select this appeal.

When an appeal has been closed a box will show at the top of the appeal details screen indicating the appeal has been resolved. It’ll show the date it was resolved along with who and the description they entered. This box will be collapsed on mobile but can be expanded by tapping.

New Permissions

Five new permissions has been added to control this screen.

The details and default roles for each are below:

Details Tab

This tab provides some useful actions for the appeal along with the base information about the appeal, as entered when creating it. This is the first tab shown when viewing the details of an appeal.

The available actions are:

Comments Tab

The comments tab is an area where all parties involved will be able to comment on the appeal. Each comment can be up to 1000 characters long and the current length of the message is indicated by the counter under the field.

The list of comments can be sorted with the newest shown first (default) or the newest shown last. The add comment form will also move to the top/bottom of the list depending on the sort. As you can see from the image below they appear similar to text messages with your comments “right justified” and the responder “left justified”.

When adding a comment an internal user can choose to automatically toggle the status of the appeal to “Awaiting Provider Response” and external users can automatically toggle the appeal to “Awaiting EPAO Response”. If a comment needs to be added but the user still needs to action something they can untick the box to keep the status of the appeal the same.

File Uploads Tab

This tab will be familiar to those that have been using the result, certification or QA screens with the recently released apprentice files work. This allows the user to attach files to the appeal using the same apprentice file system.

Activity Tab

An appeal requires an audited trail of changes and so this activity tab will keep track of everything that happens with the result. It’ll be shown with the newest first and display what happened, who did it and when. The following activity will be logged against an appeal and shown on this tab:


Two new notifications have been added that are sent whenever the appeal has been updated or closed. The notifications are called “Appeal Updated” and “Appeal Closed” by default both are configured as an In-App notification to the following users:

For more information on these notification please read the release notes for Appeals - Notifications

Assessment Element Changes

A new “Appeals” widget has been added to the manage element side drawer. This widget provides a way to create an appeal for the element, providing the creation criteria has been met, and also see a history of past appeals linked to the same element.

Each appeal row in the side drawer will display the title and current status and then when clicked on will also show the following details:

The list of past appeals are shown in order with the most recent first.

This widget will also show an info box at the top informing the user of the date the appeal window ends and that the appeal window has finished.

The view adjustments section of the manage element drawer has also been updated to include a link to an appeal if the type of change is “Appeal”.

Assessment Component Changes

This change requires the assessment components to be updated with the relevant appeal window. By default this value will be 0 days when deployed and so external users will not have the ability to raise an appeal against an element.


This change stamps a last appeal date against the result when the QA is published. This means existing results have not been retroactively updated to have a last appeal date. These results will be assumed to have passed the appeal window.

This change stamps a last appeal date against the result when the QA is published. This means existing results have not been retroactively updated to have a last appeal date. These results will be assumed to have passed the appeal window.

A new Appeals Window field has been added to the assessment components. This is the number of days after the QA has been published that an external user can raise an appeal. Once this date passes external users will lose access to the create appeal button. Internal users will still have access to this button.

When a QA is published for the result the current date plus the defined appeal window will be used to calculate the final date. Once this final date has arrived external users will lose the ability to create an appeal.

If the appeal window has passed and an appeal is still created a warning will be shown indicating the window has passed.

For certifications the appeals window uses the existing certification appeal window that is found within the Configuration → ESFA → Appeals setting.

Result Adjustment

The result adjustment functionality has been extended to integrate into the new appeals system. Past adjustments will be unaffected by these changes. A result adjustment for any reason other than an appeal will still work as it did before, no changes have been made for these.

When selecting “Appeal” as the reason for a result adjustment a second dropdown will now be shown, allowing an appeal to be selected from the list. By default the result adjustment screen will automatically select the most relevant appeal, i.e. one that is linked to the element/certification being adjusted, however, the adjustment can be linked to any appeal if needed.

The new dropdown will show all open (including awaiting response status) appeals for the apprentice and will show the title of the appeal, the component name or “Certification” it’s linked to and the current status of the appeal.

A result adjustment due to an appeal will now require an appeal record to have been created and not be in a closed status.

When saving the adjustment this will trigger the adjustment to be linked up to the appeal and will automatically add a new activity entry on the appeal indicating a result adjustment has been linked.

When the result adjustment is saved EPAPro will automatically change the apprentice’s status as required based on the new state of their assessments and certification.

Certification Changes

The criteria around when a certification can be QAed has been updated to now take into account the new appeals system. A certification can not be QAed if there is an open appeal.

Manage Certification Changes

A new “Appeals” widget has been added to the manage certification side drawer. This widget provides a way to create an appeal for the certification, providing the creation criteria has been met, and also see a history of past appeals linked to the certification.

Each appeal row in the side drawer will display the title and current status and then when clicked on will also show the following details:

The list of past appeals are shown in order with the most recent first.

This widget will also show an info box at the top informing the user of the date the appeal window ends and that the appeal window has finished.

The view adjustments section of the manage certification drawer has also been updated to include a link to an appeal if the type of change is “Appeal”.

ESFA Submission Screen

The ESFA screen has been updated to exclude any apprentices that have an appeal in a non-closed state. Once the appeal has been closed they will then show on the screen.

Appeal Notifications

The appeals functionality has added three new notifications:

Appeal Created”, “Appeal Updated” and “Appeal Closed”.

They all default as an In-App notification that will be sent to Providers, Awarding Organisations and the Subject user.

The subject user for all three, is the EPA assigned to the element, or the EPA assigned to the apprentice, if the appeal is linked to a certification.

These notifications have some special conditions when a provider or employer triggered the notification. In this instance, the notification will not be sent to the other users of the provider or employer. The notification will also not be sent to the user that triggered the notification.

Email and SMS templates have also been given two new variables:

Appeals Summary Report

A new permission has been added to control visibility of this report.

A new report has been added to a new “Appeals” category within reporting. The new report is called “Appeal Summary” and will provide summary details about an appeal. This report can also be filtered by the usual reporting filters, standard, provider, specialism, employer and via a new “Appeal Status” filter.


A new permission has been added under the reporting heading called “Appeal Summary” this permission has been given to the “owner” and “awardingorganisation” roles by default