Version 3.2.0 - 23/07/2018
Version 3.2.0 - 23/07/2018
Release notes
- [IEP2-297] - Limit the access of EPA Manager to the Training Provider that they are associated with
- [IEP2-438] - Apprentice Registration - Separate Site name from Company Name
- [IEP2-439] - Enhancements to help manage Support Materials
- [IEP2-440] - Record notes on an apprentice
- [IEP2-448] - Issue with Sub Users accessing Reports
- [IEP2-441] - Reporting - Pull a report based on standard and categories (including the document name, but not the actual document)
- [IEP2-442] - Ability to be able to categorise support materials for standards
- [IEP2-443] - Ability for search filtering
- [IEP2-445] - Ability to sort support materials by headings - last updated and created dates etc.
, multiple selections available,