Version 5.07.0 - 28/03/2023

Version 5.07.0 - 28/03/2023

Production Release Date: Mar 28, 2023

Version: 5.07.0

UAT Release Date: Feb 28, 2023


The Release webinar can be viewed via this link - epaPRO Release Demo 5.07.0

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation, the recording includes chapter markers so you can skip to the relevant section using these

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact





Apprentice - Block Registering learners in past for external users


The validation against the expected ready for EPA date has been updated to prevent external users (i.e. providers and employers) from setting a date in the past. This is to prevent provider users from backdating apprentice estimated gateway dates.

Note that awarding organisation users do not have this restriction.


Note also that this is only one small part of the work covered off under the epic of GATEWAY PREREQUISITES and is not the entire epic.

The rest of the Epic work for this is now loaded to the shared sandbox environment https://sandbox.epapro.co.uk/login as of Mar 10, 2023 an email has been sent to all of you that are signed up to the Sandbox testing. This is outlined here - Coming Soon EP-3658 Gateway Confirmation of Pre-requisites

high impact

Placed as high as it will be a change for your Providers,





Reporting - Assessment Feedback

We have added a new report to the assessment category. This new report will provide an output of the three feedback fields against results; Apprentice Feedback, EPA Feedback, and EPA Next Steps.

The report also includes the normal apprentice/standard information for filtering along with the component name.

Note: This report includes the full content of the feedback fields. Depending on the number of records being fetched and the contents of this field the report could be large, thus it could take longer than other reports to load and download.

low impact





Reporting - New columns in QA Tasks report

Two new columns have been added to the QA → QA Tasks report:

  • task_description shows the description against the QA task record.

  • qa_type shows whether the QA is for a "Result" or "Certification".

A QA Type filter has also been added to the report, to allow filtering on the qa_type report column added above.

low impact





QA - Restrict EPA's from editing/deleting QA feedback

The QA screen has been updated to prevent EPA(M) users from updating question template answers on a QA when they own the element/certification that is being assessed.

low impact

But would recommend training /information to be passed onto EPA(M) users





Reporting - Additional filter on Completed QA Report

The “Completed QA Report” has been extended to include an Assessment Type filter. This filter works exactly the same as it does in the “Results Pending QA” report and should not be confused with the column of the same name in this report.

The existing column will always be ‘Result’ or ‘Certification’.

The new filter is designed to look at the Assessment Type set against the Assessment Component; see screenshot from the Entity Management area.

low impact





Planning Meeting Booking - amendments to the Planning Meeting Booking Helper

The Planning Meeting Booking Helper has been updated with the following changes:

  • The “There is no capacity available" has been moved from the top of the list to the bottom.

  • The “Booking Notice Additional Info” configuration text has been moved from the bottom of the modal to the top.

low impact





Change of Circumstance - Add expected completion date logic

The change of circumstance screen has been extended so that if you are bringing an apprentice back to in assessment then the system will give you information on how many days were left in their EPA window and suggest an updated expected completion date to maintain those number of days. This new date can be overridden by the user.

low impact




screen_changes SETUP_REQUIRED


MFA - Multi-factor Authentication

We have added Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to the epaPRO login process. MFA will be available to all epaPRO users and can be configured for each user via the Multi-factor Authentication tab of the User Profile screen. When setting up App based MFA authentication there are a variety of MFA applications that can be used: Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Twilio Authy etc. MFA authentication can also be deactivated via the Multi-factor Authentication tab of the User Profile screen.

Changes to Functionality
Once MFA authentication has been configured against a user account, they will be prompted to authenticate themselves the next time they log in to epaPRO. If they select the option to remember their MFA confirmation for 14 days, they will be "Remembered" and not have to MFA authenticate again within those 14 days as long as they are always logging in from the same device/computer. We do advise that this functionality is not used on shared devices.

Impacted Areas
epaPRO login and the User Profile screen

There are no new permissions relating to this feature.

Further information can be located here - Feature - EP-3559 Multi Factor Authentication in epaPRO


high impact

Given that many EPAO’s may need to enable this functionality for security reasons such as accreditation.








Proctoring - Configurable Proctoring Services by Standard/Employer/Provider.

Proctoring - Configurable Proctoring Services by Standard/Employer/Provider.


The proctoring services available for an assessment plan can now be configured by standard, for both providers and employers. Additionally the overall proctoring services available can also be configured for a provider, irrespective of the standard.

In addition to this, two new proctoring options have been added to assessment plan components, which can be enabled from the assessment plan component page.

Changes to Functionality

Provider Available Proctoring Services

A new drop down has been added to the providers configuration page. This dropdown contains all the available proctoring options on the system. You can use this dropdown to select any number of proctoring services that should be available to assessment plans for this provider. To prevent you having to configure all your providers again, if no option is selected then all the proctoring options will be available.

This dropdown also decides which services are available in the standard proctoring option dropdowns for both providers and employers. This will allow you to limit those options, giving you better modular control.

Please Note: Before editing the standard proctoring options below, please save any changes to the providers available proctoring services, so that these changes will be reflected correctly in the standard proctoring fields.

Standard Proctoring Option Provider/Employer

Opening the Standards tab for either a provider and employer, will show a new standard options section attached to each standard on the page. If you expand the dropdown by clicking it, you will see a new select that will allow you to pick a proctoring option from the list made available in the providers available proctoring services.

Choosing a proctoring service for a standard will lock that standard to the chosen proctoring service. This will allow you to enforce the use of a given proctoring service for that standard.

There is a helpful button in the top right of the section that allows you to set all the standard options at once. Clicking the button will reveal a small menu where you can choose the service you wish to set them to and then apply. This will set all the standard services to the selected option. If you set all the standards by accident, just refresh the page and they will all return to their original settings.

Please Note: The standard proctoring service can be added for both the provider and the employer, however as described in the priority section below, the employers setting will override the providers when on the assessment plan element. Additionally, if no available options are set, then you will not be able to select a standard option.


It is important to understand the priority of how the options interact. The below section will break down which settings have priority and override others:

  • The providers available proctoring options is the bottom level and will be overridden by other settings.

  • The providers standards proctoring option is next and will override the providers available proctoring options.

  • The employers standards proctoring option is next and will override both the previous settings.

  • If an option is disabled on the assessment components proctoring options, this will override all previous settings and the option will not appear.

  • Finally, if an assessment plan element is already set to a proctoring service but the option should be disabled, that option will display as selected on the element until it is unselected and rebooked/resit in which case it will no longer appear.

New Proctoring Services

We have added two new proctoring service options for assessment plan elements that are designed to give you better control over the assessment plan. These options are:

  • Other - This option is for any other external proctoring service. When on an element, it allows you to enter the name of the service and any details that will be required to access it, these fields are kept generic so that any service could be used.

  • Centre Assessed - This option is for when proctoring is to be carried out without using an external service. It currently has no configuration fields and is there to make it easier for you to keep track of proctored elements, without them displaying as not using proctoring.

Please Note: In order to use these new options they must be enable on the assessment plan components page. When editing or creating a component, you will see a new “Additional Proctoring” tab. Clicking this will show the toggle switches for the two new options.


The following reports have been updated to display the proctoring services in their various locations:

  • Assessment Elements

  • Assessment Resits

  • Provider Details

  • Provider Standards

  • Employer Standards

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Provider

  • Employer

  • Component

  • Reporting


Some new permissions have been created for administering these new proctoring settings they are described below:

  • Manage Provider Proctor Services - This permission will allow you to edit the available proctoring services dropdown when configuring a provider.

  • Manage Provider/Employer Standard Proctor Services - This permission will allow you to set the proctoring service, per standard for provider and employers.

  • Overwrite Assessment Proctor Service - If you have this permission then all the available proctoring options for that component will be displayed in the assessment plan, regardless of the provider or standard settings. This is very important for any cases that do not fit into this model and need overriding.

Important Setup Detail: By default all these permission are enabled on the Owner, Admin and Awarding Organisation user types. Therefore, by default, any AO user will see all the available proctoring options on an assessment plan regardless of the options configured against the provider and employer.

Further information can be located here - Feature - EP-3317 Configurable proctoring services, on a standard/employer/provider basis


high impact

Whilst optional this is a new feature and if required it will need setup/training etc





Assessment Profile - Manage element result layout issue

We’ve fixed a display issue with the result widget within the manage element side drawer to resolve a layout issue with longer outcome labels.






Awarding Organisation - AO user with create/update permissions unable to set custom role on another AO user

We’ve fixed a bug where an Awarding Organisation user with permission to create/update AO users were unable to change the role to a custom one.






Communication Templates - system_name variable now displays in Preview mode

Fixed a bug that prevented the {{system_name}} variable from working within the communications template manager.






EPA RAG Ratings Report - QA users can now view EPA rating details

The EPA RAG ratings history report has been updated to allow QA users to see EPA RAG ratings for all EPA(M)s in the system, effectively making their limitations the same as Awarding Organisation users. This is due to QA users not having allocated EPA(M)s, meaning they can see all users when given access to user data.






IQA Permissions - user now able to view/edit Additional Details

Fixed a bug that prevented Quality Manager users from editing their own additional details, accessed from the top-right menu - previously it would show a 403 error message.






Appeals - Internal users now able to raise appeal post appeal window

Fixed a bug that prevented internal users from being able to raise an appeal after the appeal window has passed.






Appeals - EPAM now able to see appeals

Fixed a bug that prevented EPAM users from seeing the appeals for the EPAs that they manage.






Assessment Plan - Retry sometimes fails to work

We have adjusted the assessment plan screen to better handle when an error has occurred during a booking of an element. There was an odd issue where if the plan was signed off while an existing element has an error, it would be difficult to get the errored element rebooked.

This has been adjusted so that a plan cannot be signed off while one or more elements has an outstanding error. This is also made clearer via a new “Error on last save” badge against affected elements and an alert above all components.

In some cases you may want to just clear the error so that you can proceed, this can be done via the new “Clear Error” button next to “Retry”.






QA - Internal tweak to improve error logging

We have internally adjusted part of the QA logic to improve our error logging.






Users - editing AO user / QA user / log in as URLs now show nicer errors.

Error handling has been improved to prevent unsightly errors when attempting to edit/view an invalid awarding organisation user.

The error handling has also been improved when attempting to log in as an invalid user.






Support Materials - Add error logging for mock test "file not found" error

Added internal logging for when an invalid mock test fails to open. This should not bring about any functional changes, and should just be used to log errors that may help future debugging of the issue.


epic link key type labels release notes title release notes description