Version 3.35.0 - 09/12/2019
Version 3.35.0 - 09/12/2019
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description |
EP-1593 | Component QA Setting - Text descriptions for Never and Always are reversed | Switched over the descriptions, no functionality changes have been required. | |
EP-1591 | Gateway - E-portfolio Password | The E-Portfolio password field is currently a 'password' type which causes the browser to hide it from view. This has been changed so that the user can view and copy the password for use. | |
EP-1583 | Gateway Specification - Display bug for long text | Long descriptions against gateway components caused a display issue on the table listing. | |
EP-1575 | Assessment Component - New External ID field | This new field is designed to hold the external id of a component record from another system managed by the EPAO | |
EP-1574 | Apprentice - Added external_ao_id field | This new field is designed to hold the external id of an apprentice record from another system managed by the EPAO | |
EP-1573 | Provider - External EPAO ID field | This new field is designed to hold the external id of a provider record from another system managed by the EPAO | |
EP-1543 | Rewrite - Login Screen | The login screen has been fully rewritten and redesigned. This also includes the forgotten password request process. | |
EP-1180 | Rewrite - Manage/Add EPA Managers and EPAs | The management screens for EPAs and EPAMs have been rewritten into the new framework and been brought into line with the other user management based screens. |
, multiple selections available,