Version 3.35.0 - 09/12/2019

Version 3.35.0 - 09/12/2019

Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-1593BugComponent QA Setting - Text descriptions for Never and Always are reversedSwitched over the descriptions, no functionality changes have been required.
EP-1591BugGateway - E-portfolio PasswordThe E-Portfolio password field is currently a 'password' type which causes the browser to hide it from view. This has been changed so that the user can view and copy the password for use.
EP-1583BugGateway Specification - Display bug for long textLong descriptions against gateway components caused a display issue on the table listing.
EP-1575StoryAssessment Component - New External ID fieldThis new field is designed to hold the external id of a component record from another system managed by the EPAO
EP-1574StoryApprentice - Added external_ao_id fieldThis new field is designed to hold the external id of an apprentice record from another system managed by the EPAO
EP-1573StoryProvider - External EPAO ID fieldThis new field is designed to hold the external id of a provider record from another system managed by the EPAO
EP-1543StoryRewrite - Login ScreenThe login screen has been fully rewritten and redesigned. This also includes the forgotten password request process.
EP-1180StoryRewrite - Manage/Add EPA Managers and EPAsThe management screens for EPAs and EPAMs have been rewritten into the new framework and been brought into line with the other user management based screens.

key type release notes title release notes description