EP-3534 Communications - Allow users to control the Subject recipient type, separately from their "user type" recipient
Released in 5.20.0 Apr 2, 2024
We have extended the user-based configuration of communication to allow for different settings depending on if the user is the “subject” of the communication (e.g. EPA assigned to an apprentice) vs a non-subject recipient (e.g. the EPAM of the EPA assigned to an apprentice). Allowing for more fine-grained control for each user. For example, an EPAM may want to receive their “subject” communication via SMS as it relates to work they need to do, vs, receiving non-subject communication via Email or In-App notification as it may relate to EPAs they manage.
Changes to functionality
Communication Engine
The communication engine has been updated to take into account the additional configuration fields available to a user.
This applies to all communication within epaPRO.
Previously when sending a communication, epaPRO would consider user overrides for both the “Subject” type and the user’s user type as the same.
Now, this has been split. The user’s “Subject” override will be considered when sending to a “Subject” recipient, otherwise the user’s non-subject overrides will be considered.
Allowed Methods For Subject
The allowed methods dropdown has been re-added to the subject “special user type” when viewing the system-based management screen.
This was previously removed as it had no impact, but now does control the methods listed for the new subject-based configuration fields.
Users own Communication Management Screen
New controls have been added to each communication so that the user can apply different settings to both the subject and non-subject options. The layout of this screen has been tweaked to accommodate the additional fields now being similar to the system-based management screen. Clicking on a communication will expand and show the additional options available to the user.
The methods dropdown for the subject type will be populated based on the allowed methods of the subject global settings, much like the method for each user type. The restricted toggle will also disable the ability for the user to toggle that version of the communication.
We have added a data migration so that when this functionality is deployed, any user overrides will be duplicated to the new Subject based configuration. This should maintain currently functionality for existing users.
Impacted areas
Communication Management
All Communication