Importing Items in risr/assess

Importing Items in risr/assess


Importing can be done from a csv file.

There is a template for every question type on risr/ that you can use as a guide.

Select Import Items → when you select the type of import - the sample import file is available to download from the page.


Below is an example Single Best Answer item template.

Below is an example of how this may look

Item Type


Live or Mock

Answer Ordering


Question Text





Correct Answer

Item Type


Live or Mock

Answer Ordering


Question Text





Correct Answer





Demo using MCQ as example




You would store both questions for Live or Mock in the same item.




Default is alpha-numeric

Level 4 ->Construction Site Supervisor v1.0>K1-Explain the risk assessment of activities carried out and the importance of behaviours in a safety critical environment


The dimension is the tag on the question, so here you can see its mapped to L4 Construction Site Supervisor Standard/Version and to the KSB

What is…?

Answer 1

Answer 2

Answer 3

Answer 4

Answer 4


Dimension - the question is uploaded and it is mapped specifically to that Standard and KSB

The versioning is key here in the dimension, as items need to be tagged to the new version, a new exam blueprint would be needed too for any new versions.

So in epaPRO Assess if you select L4 Construction Site Supervisor, it will pick up the exam blueprint tagged to that version and generate a set of questions based on that.

The version control is very important within the backend of risr/ assess.


New Standard Versions & Duplication

To prevent duplicate items, where a new version of a standard has come out, but the new version doesn't have new questions. The existing question would be tagged to both versions e.g. 1.0 and 1.1

Need to ensure the blueprint in the system is not showing both versions - they need to be separate versions for the candidate feedback report.


If you have images you can reference an image file and add that in at the same time as the import.

Select Import Items → when you select the type of import - the sample import file is available to download from there.



If you are happy that you have qa’d your questions then you can automatically approve them - we would recommend though that you select No for this. It just adds another level of QA for your organisation.

You then follow the guidelines on page:-




Map the fields to the Item above in the table e.g. SBA-> MCQ-> default->L4 Construction Site Supervisor ->K1 etc then select Confirm.