š±Ā Example of the Operations Departmental Manager Standard (ST0385)
Below is a step by step guide on how to build a standard within epaPro under the Entity Management screen. Further guidance is available on how to set up ProctorU, External Assessments, Questions and Assessment Centres on our Support Portal
Step 1 - The first step to building a Standard on epaPro, is to select the Standards tab which is under Entity Management
Step 1 | |||
Standards | |||
Standard Details Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Level | Yes | Select the level of the standard from the dropdown options available to you | Level 5 |
Title | Yes | Free text field - to add the name of the standard | Level 5 (ST0385) Operations Departmental Manager |
Description | Yes | Free text field - here you add a description of this particular standard to your choosing | Level 5 (ST0385) Operations Departmental Manager |
Planning Meeting Availability Source | Yes | This is selected if you are currently using the planning meeting process where Training Providers can book ālive availableā slots on epaPro. If not then leave the option as Default. | Default |
Minimum Programme Duration | Yes | This is how long the Apprentice needs to be āon programmeā for before coming through Gateway | 366 Days |
Maximum Assessment Duration | Yes | This is how long an Apprentice has to complete their EPA once passed Gateway | 152 days (5 months) as stipulated in the assessment plan |
Last Registration Date | No | This is when you want to close registrations down, this date will stop Training Providers from registering their Apprentices on this standard | Date as required by Customer |
QA Minimum % | No | Minimum QA % for this standard. | 100% |
Planning Meeting Length | Yes | Length of how long a planning meeting (initial meeting will last) for this standard | 30 mins |
Standards | |||
External Details Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
External Standard ID | Yes | This is for use when undertaking tasks that require use of the bulk upload or the EPAPro API. It allows you to identify a unique standard record. This can be an internal reference number alternatively the STO IFATE reference number | STO0385 1.2 |
Standard Version | Yes | The version of the standard you are building | 1.2 |
Version Earliest Start Date | No | As per the 5.01 release these fields will not longer validate, these can be used for reference only, data is available on IFATE website | |
Version Latest Start Date | No | As per the 5.01 release these fields will not longer validate, these can be used for reference only, data is available on IFATE website | |
IFATE ST Reference | Yes | This is the IFATE ST code. This code has the following format āST0000ā, where 0000 is any four digit number. This information can be located here: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/ | ST0385 |
Publication Date | No | This is not a mandatory however date is available from IFATE website | |
External Subject Reference | Optional | Internal reference number can be used here alternatively the IFATE ST reference number | ST0385 |
External Standard Code | Optional | This is used within the ESFA submission integration. This must match the standard code as defined by the ESFA (this is known as the LARS code and is available on the IFATE website) | 104 |
Step 2 - Once you have set up the EPA standard, select the Gateway Component tab which is also under Entity Management, here you will be able to build the gateway components for the standard.
Step 2 | Multiple Gateway Components can be built against a standard | ||
Gateway | |||
Gateway Component Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Component Name | Yes | Free text field - add the name of the Gateway Component | Level 1 maths (or equivalent) |
Component Description | Yes | Free text field - add a description of the Gateway Component (will be visible to Training Providers where uploading Gateway evidence, so can be used to provide information to your Training Providers on what evidence is required to be uploaded) | Equivalent to a GCSE Grade E-D (2-3) |
Step 3 - Once you have built all the Gateway components required for the standard, you will then need to move onto the next step and that is to build the Gateway specification, this is also under the Entity Management tab
Step 3 | |||
Gateway | |||
Gateway Specification Details Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Specification Name | Yes | Free text field - name of the gateway specification you are building | Level 5 End-point Assessment for ST0385/AP03 Operations/Departmental Manager - |
Description | Yes | Free text field - here you can add a description of the standard. | An Operations or departmental manager is someone who manages teams and/or projects, and achieving operational or departmental goals and objectives, as part of the delivery of the organisations strategy. |
Single Sign Off | Optional | By selecting this you will allow the Training Provider to come through gateway without the need to confirm their gateway uploads | |
Require File Uploads or E-Portfolio Link | Optional | Option to be able to upload E-Portfolio links or additional evidence (if part of the EPA and is required to be uploaded at gateway) | |
Confirm Mentor, Address and Apprentice Details | Optional | By selecting this option the Training Provider will be prompted to check the Apprentice details, a new screen will display showing all Apprentice details provided at registration, Training Provider will simply toggle to confirm information is correct (should any information need to be corrected the link to āeditā Apprentice details will be provided) | |
Declaration | Yes | Free text field - Here you can bespoke a declaration that the Training Provider will need to sign off (electronically) before submitting an Apprentices gateway | I confirm that the apprentice has passed the employer gateway review, and there are accurate and authentic records that the apprentice:
Start Date | Yes | This is the date that Apprentices can come through Gateway, it is advised that you use the āapproved for delivery dateā as stipulated on the IFATE website, (by choosing the date you as an EPAO gained approval, will restrict registering those Apprentices who have an āon programme date, prior to the date added here) as this date will validate against an Apprentices 'on programme dateā | 1st June 2016 |
End Date | Yes | This is the date where you will no longer allow Apprentices to come through gateway, we would recommend adding a date well into the future to ensure that this does not become a blocker for registrations | 1st June 2040 |
Gateway | |||
Gateway Components Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Component | Yes | A list of all Gateway Components you have built will be displayed, select the Gateway Components required for this standard. | Level 2 maths (or equivalent) |
KEY | |||
Enable File Upload | Optional | By selecting this you will be giving the Training Provider the option to upload evidence against this gateway component | As per example below |
Mandatory File Upload | Optional | Training Providers will have to upload evidence as part of this gateway component (if selected the Training Provider will not be able to progress through gateway until something has been uploaded) for example Functional Skills is a mandatory requirement for upload of evidence at gateway | As per example below |
Gateway | |||
Gateway Standards Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Standard | Yes | Select the standard from the dropdown, which this gateway specification relates to (ensuring you select the add standard tab once selected) | As per example below |
Step 4 - Once you have completed your Gateway build, progress to the Assessment Component tab under Entity Management - here you will build the assessment components that need to be undertaken by the Apprentice
Step 4 | Multiple Assessment Components can be built against a standard | ||
Assessment Components | |||
Component Details Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Name | Yes | Free text field - name of the Assessment Component you are building | Assessment of portfolio of evidence and presentation |
Upload Required | Optional | By ticking the box, you are stating that evidence does need to be uploaded for this assessment component, please note that by selecting this option alerts will display to all users stating evidence is required. | 14 days (this will inform the Training Provider that evidence is required 14 days prior to the scheduled EPA date taking place) |
Upload Advanced | Optional | If selecting the upload required option (as above) you can determine how long the Training Provider has to upload evidence before the EPA event takes place. This will validate against the Apprentices EPA date that has been booked and will alert the Training Provider to upload evidence as part of this assessment component | 14 days |
Record of Component Achievement Template | Optional | If you are wanting to issue Record of Achievement to Apprentices, you can do this by uploading the template of the ROA here, (Please note this is not the ESFA Certificate, its an internal ROA only) | |
External Component ID | Optional | The external ID is used to match an assessment component with an external system | |
First Assessment Component Reminder | Optional | This is the number of days before a scheduled EPA date that the first reminder will be sent to attendees. Setting this at 0 will ensure the reminder is sent on the day of the EPA event | 7 |
Second Assessment Component Reminder | Optional | This is the number of days before a scheduled EPA date that the second reminder will be sent to attendees. Setting this at 0 will ensure the reminder is sent on the day of the EPA event | 0 |
Appeal Window | Yes | This is the number of days after a result has been published that an appeal can be made on the element. | 10 days |
Notice Period Required For Booking | Optional | The notice period is how long the Training Provider will have before being allowed to book the assessment for; | 7 Days |
Duration Allowed | Yes | How long the EPA event will take (for example the Project Proposal, Presentation and Questioning is 75 mins) | 75 mins |
Grade Profile | Yes | Grades available to use for this assessment component | Pass, Merit, Distinction, Fail |
Alternative Grade Profile | Optional | The number of non-void results before the alternative grade profile (if set up) is used | 1 |
Maximum Number of Resits | Yes | Total number of resits allowed for this component (use 0 if infinate) | 0 |
QA Minimum % | Optional | Note that '0' will result in QA never taking place, unless manually flagged. To ignore this check, please leave this field blank | |
Require Invigilator | Optional |
Assessment Component | |||
Standards Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Standards | Yes | Select the standard the assessment component is related to | as per example below |
Assessment Component | |||
Assessment Type Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Method of Assessment | Yes | Drop down box will display all options available | as per example below |
Assessment Centres | Yes | This option is where you want to use the functionality of Assessment Centres (different venues) | as per example below |
Description | Yes | Free Text Field - Here you can give a description of the assessment that needs to be undertaken by the Apprentice | as per example below |
Assessment Component | |||
Assessment Milestones Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Milestone | Yes | Free Text Field - Here you can add a description of the evidence which needs to be uploaded | As per example below |
Type | Yes | Select from the drop down menu (options available are; assessment, or file upload | As per example below |
Step 5 - Once you have built all your Assessment Components, you will then need to build the Assessment Schema as shown below
Step 5 | |||
Assessment Schemas | |||
Schema Details Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Name | Yes | Free Text Field - Here you can add the name of the assessment schema | Level 5 (ST0385) Operations Departmental Manager |
Description | Yes | Free Text Field - Here you can add a description of the EPA standard | Level 5 (ST0385) Operations Departmental Manager |
ROA Template | Optional | If you are wanting to issue record of achievement to Apprentices, you can do this by uploading the template of the ROA here, (Please note this is not the ESFA Certificate its an internal ROA only) | |
Standard | Yes | Select the standard this assessment schema relates to from the options available to you from the dropdown available | Level 5 (ST0385) Operations Departmental Manager |
Start Date | Yes | This is the date where EPA bookings can be taken from | 01/06/2016 |
End Date | Yes | This is the last date from where EPA bookings can take place | 01/06/2024 |
Review Date | Optional | Date of review |
Assessment Schemas | |||
Components Tab | Mandatory | Description | Example of Text / Dropdown options |
Components | Yes | Select the assessment components, which need to undertaken by the Apprentice for this standard (they will display in the drop down tab) | As per example below |
Order | Yes | Then select the order of assessments that the Apprentice needs to take them in | As per example below |
šĀ Additional guidance
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