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Coming Soon -EP-3853 Grade Profile Screen Improvements

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We have made a number of UI changes, based on feedback, in order to make this screen easier to use. Below you will find a full list of changes made to the screen and their intended purpose.

Changes to functionality:

  • Help Section: A new collapsed section has been added at the top of the screen. This details some basic information about the fields on the screen to make them a little more clear.

  • Column Headings: We have added headings above the various fields on the screen to show you what each area of the screen is for, the headings currently on the screen are: category, type, description, active and delete.

  • Value Layout: We have made changes to the layout of the grade profile values to make them clearer and easier to digest. We have move the category to be first, renamed secondary to alternative and added various other tweaks to spacing and layout to break up the values.

  • Inactive Values: When loading the page, the currently inactive grade profile values will be put into a separate, collapsed section. This should reduce the number of values on screen and break up the list. This new section can then be found under the active values.

  • List Order: The grade profile values will now show in alphabetical order based on the category. If two values have the same category, they will be further sorted alphabetically by their description.

New Grade Profile Values Section: When clicking the add new value button, the newly added value will be put into a new section, above the button, dedicated to new grade profile values. This should make it clearer which values are currently being added. After saving the changes the new values will be added to the current list of grade profile values.

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