epaPRO Issues, We have applied a temporary preventative measure, that has stabilised the problem and we will continue monitoring this, whilst we conduct a full investigation with our service providers to find the root cause.<br><div><div>Once again we apologise for the inconvenience this caused you and your customers, we will update you with the incident report once it is available. </div></div>, Announcement
{"config":{"view":"list","designStyle":"announcement","layoutStructure":["icon","date","text","link","overline","location","participants","time"],"displayNumberOfItems":4,"columns":1,"dateFormat":"HH:mm"},"announcements":[{"id":"ref1lq","date":"2025-01-24T10:40:16.963Z","overline":"Announcement","icon":"font-awesome/ExclamationTriangle","title":"epaPRO Issues","text":"We have applied a temporary preventative measure, that has stabilised the problem and we will continue monitoring this, whilst we conduct a full investigation with our service providers to find the root cause.<br><div><div>Once again we apologise for the inconvenience this caused you and your customers, we will update you with the incident report once it is available. </div></div>","linkText":"More details","url":{},"time":"12:30","color":"#0052ccff","location":"Zagreb, Croatia","emoji":{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"},"emojiEnabled":false,"newTab":"false"}]}
There was an issue from from approx. 14:50 that was impacting some of our customers from being able to load epaPRO, or made the site is slow to load, a reoccurrence of this issue occurred this morning on the issue should now be fixed as per the above announcement.
We have a number of planned infrastructure upgrades over the next couple of months that we want to complete by the end of the year. The dates for these are listed below in the table.
In between those dates, there will also be the release of 5.29.0 epaPRO onto UAT and onto Production/Live.
5.29.0 → UAT
5.29.0 → Production
Scheduled Day/Time
Scheduled Day/Time
Infrastructure Upgrades
Out of Hours
- this will be actioned at the same time as part of the usual release. All user sessions will be cleared, meaning all users will be logged out during this time. They will be able to login once it has been completed