Meeting Date: | |
Attendees: |
Tomiwa Jimoh - C&G Sherryl Arellano - HEE.NHS Alex Kossifos - Innovate Angela Dhariwal -PAL Deb Webb -PTA Kamron G -Skills Education Group Dan Russell -SIAS Richard Keel -Steadfast Mike Warner-TQUK |
Info |
Thank you for attending our User Group ReviewThe recording of this meeting, including the items demoed can be viewed and also shared with the link below: 📽EPAPro User Group Meeting Recording 08-09-22.mp4 📽. I have added chapters to the video so you can scroll along the timeline to select a section. The meeting polls are still open and visible for you via the Teams meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Zjc4Nzk3ZTctOTA3MS00Y2IzLWI5NTEtNWQ3ZDBmZTNkMDMy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2230d65c95-d037-4c01-8e02-549276d95541%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226ae0c913-986d-417a-8581-ed7875496f07%22%7d |
Feedback Form
The feedback form, which should take approx 6mins to complete, can be viewed via this link, it will duplicate those Polls from the meeting so can be passed on to users who werent able to attend along with the video link.
The date for last submission is at 17:30 please try to complete this as your feedback really does help us improve and inform us for future development in EPAPro
Or via this QR code, that you can scan with your mobiles camera and then complete ➡
Info |
Powerpoint Slides
A copy of the Powerpoint |
, in PDF format is below. |
View file | ||
Meeting Agenda
1 | CRM Functionality - what would you like? | ||||||||
2 | Discuss ideas of simplifying Standard setup (view/edit) | ||||||||
3 | Discuss the future development of Contracts - what do you need? | ||||||||
4 | EPA Time Management Tools | ||||||||
5 | New Upcoming Work
| ||||||||
6 | Overview of last three months:
| ||||||||
7 | Roadmap Items:-
| ||||||||
8 | Scheduled events - would you find regular Q&A meetings or demo sessions useful? | ||||||||
9 |
by apprentice work | ||||||||
10 |
Feedback from Meeting Polls
Tip |
Poll information at end of the User Group Meeting. |