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Caelor announcements macro
summaryLoaded Live in 5.17.0, This work is live
content{"config":{"view":"list","designStyle":"announcement","layoutStructure":["icon","date","text"],"displayNumberOfItems":4,"columns":1,"dateFormat":"HH:mm"},"announcements":[{"id":"amna0bn","date":"2024-01-09","overline":"Announcement","icon":"bootstrap/CloudsFill","title":"Loaded Live in 5.17.0","text":"This work is live","linkText":"More details","url":{},"time":"","color":"#0065FF","location":"Zagreb, Croatia","emoji":{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"},"emojiEnabled":false,"newTab":"false"}]}

Release Notes Description


Please be aware that this change does have a small impact on all user’s and not just apprentices.


We recommend that AO Users review their Support Materials and how they are setup/ configured and consider restricting them to user type, or ensure when they are created, they specify the related Standard/Assessment Schema/Component/Provider or Employer. This will then ensure when the Apprentices dashboard work goes live that they see the relevant support materials specifically aimed at the apprentice.


Released Live in 5.17.0 we have adjusted the URL for our dashboard to better reflect it as the application's home page and also redesigned the apprentice's dashboard to provide key information up front and everything they need in one place.

Changes to Functionality

Dashboard URL Change

To better reflect the dashboard as being epaPRO's home screen we have adjusted the URL to be at the root of the application. We have introduced a redirect for the old URL, so any bookmarks should continue to function and the browser may update them automatically.

We have added a dashboard link to the top of the navigation menu, this will provide quick access to allow you to get back to your dashboard. This has always been possible by clicking the logo, but is now much more intuitive. On mobile devices a small house will be visible within the top bar, providing a quick shortcut as the menu is not always visible.


Support Materials View Screen

The component filter has been added to this screen.

Milestone Description

We have added a new description field to assessment milestones. This will allow for some additional details to be added for the apprentice dashboard.


New Apprentice Dashboard

The apprentice’s dashboard has been completely redesigned to provide key information in a clear and concise manner. The new screen has also been mobile optimised, being the apprentice’s dashboard, it is likely to be more commonly used on mobile devices.



To reduce clutter and elements that apprentices are currently not able to make use of, the actions toolbar icon has been removed for apprentices.

Impacted Areas

  • User dashboards

  • Support Materials

  • epaPRO Top bar

  • epaPRO Menu