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EP-4831 Apprentice files - delete permission

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 We have added a new permission to make it possible to restrict which users can delete apprentice files. Previously users who had the File Upload permission would be able to delete their own files, for example if uploaded in error.

To prevent users from being able to delete their own files, you would need to ensure they do not have this new Delete permission.

Changes to Functionality

 We have added a new permission to the Apprentice Files section of the user Permissions screen, called Delete.

This new permission should not be confused with the existing Delete Any permission, that will allow a user to delete any file that has been uploaded, not just their own. Though this is limited by the apprentices stage somewhat, the further through their epa the tighter the restrictions.


These changes are also implemented on the Apprentice Files tab of the Apprentice Profile screen, to use this new “Delete” permission.

To maintain existing system functionality we have granted this new Apprentice Files > Delete permission to any user/system role/custom role that currently has any of the permissions listed below:

  • Assessment > Create Assessment

  • Assessment > Update Assessment

  • Assessment > Create Assessment Info

  • Assessment > Update Assessment Info

  • QA > Create

  • QA > Update

  • Certification > Create

  • Certification > Update

  • Gateway Review > Update

  • Apprentice Files > Upload

This means that users will continue to only be able to delete their own files, unless they have the Apprentice Files > Delete Any permission.

Going forward, for any user that does not have the Awarding Organisation / Owner role that needs to be able to delete apprentice files, this new permission will need to be given;

  • to either the role they are assigned to (giving everyone assigned to that role the same permission)

  • or given to the the user directly.

Impacted Areas

 Apprentice Profile > Apprentice Files tab


🆕 Apprentice Files > Delete

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