Version 4.20.0 - 05/01/2022

Version 4.20.0 - 05/01/2022

Release notes

The Release webinar is available from here; Click here for the 4.20 release video Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation.



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Release Notes Title

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Video Link



SLAs - new SLA "Time from element scheduled to QA being published"

A new SLA has been introduced, entitled “Time from element scheduled to QA being published”.

This new SLA works by measuring the time taken between the two related SLAs (“Time from element scheduled to result being added” and “Time from result being added to QA being published”) with it’s own timings. This can be used to detect when one of the individual SLAs was breached, but the overall time given to providers was not. An example of this is would be:

  • The following SLAs are set:

    • 3 days allowed for element scheduled to result added

    • 2 days allowed for result added to QA published

    • 5 days allowed for element scheduled to QA published

  • 4 days is taken from element scheduled to result added

  • 1 day is taken from result added to QA published

  • The element scheduled to result added SLA has breached, but the 5 day element scheduled to QA published SLA has not

Note that if a QA is not required for a particular result, the SLA simply measures from element scheduled to result added.

Though all SLAs are recorded individually, the time remaining against the actions displayed to users will now dynamically change. In the above example, the action created for the QA user would state 1 day remaining, not the 2 days that may be expected as the result was added late, thus giving the QA user less time to complete their work.

A new report has been created that will show data recorded for this new SLA.




Emails - Password care message for password reset and user created emails

We have added a new password care message to the password reset and welcome emails. This cannot be edited and will always be appended to the end of these emails. The text shown is:

“Please ensure that you follow best practice with your password; Use a minimum length of 10 characters, include upper and lower case and include special characters. Always use different passwords for different sites and avoid easily guessed passwords such as pets names, birthdays, addresses etc. Change your password regularly, avoid writing it down or leaving it where it may be seen. Never share your password with others.“




Dashboard - Performance Improvement

Fixed an issue where the 'Apprentices at Gateway' widget was being built even when it was not shown on a user's dashboard. This resulted in an increased load time for the dashboard.




Reporting - Add EPA active field and filter to EPA Information report

The EPA Information report has been extended to include the ‘active’ field against the user as well as a filter.




Menu - Caseload calculation performance

The calculation for the caseload count in the menu has been refactored for improved performance.




Essentials - Remove bulk assign apprentice / bulk caseload.

Two new permissions have been created (available to Enterprise customers only):

  • Apprentices → Bulk Assign to EPA (previously used Apprentices → Assign to EPA)

  • EPAs → Bulk Decision in Caseload (previously used EPAs → View Caseload)

Splitting out these permissions allows for greater control when allocating permissions out to users.

These permissions have been given to any roles/users who had their predecessor permissions.




Assessment Centre - Assessment methods and components now persist on error.

Updated the assessment centre to persist the assessment methods and components changes when an error occurs during saving.




EPAs - remove error highlighting on successful CPD upload.

Uploading a CPD file successfully will remove previous errors against the CPD fields, if an error had occurred with a previous upload.




Roles - The last updated column now updates when permissions are added/removed

The “Last Updated” column within the Roles screen will now update when a permission is changed - previously only updating the role name triggered this to update.




Apprentice Profile - Error when viewing past programmes

We’ve fixed a bug with the apprentice profile where an error would be shown when trying to view an apprentice’s previous programme and they did not have an active plan for that programme.




Conflict of Interest - user search now only shows the primary provider/employer user.

The conflict of interest code has been amended to only show the primary user of the provider/employer. This fixes a bug whereby a sub-user could be added in error, preventing the conflict of interest from working correctly.




Reporting - Assessment Attempts - Grade type unavailable causes error

Fixed a bug where selecting “Unavailable” on the Grade Type filter within the Assessment Attempts report would return an error.




Certification attachments - delete button fix

We have fixed a bug where the delete button was no longer available for certification attachments.




EPA QA percentage history

Fixed a bug where changes to the minimum QA percentage for EPAs against standards and specialisms were not being logged in the change log.




Reporting - Planning Meeting History - Errors for non-AO users

Fixed a bug where the Planning Meeting History report failed to run for non-AO users


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