epaPRO API changes - since Sept 2021

epaPRO API changes - since Sept 2021




Release Notes Description




Release Notes Description




ESFA submission will now send the 2nd address line if it is either available against the selected address or populated manually within the address block.


Mar 1, 2022


Fixed a bug where course options for version 1.0 of a standard were not being pulled through correctly to epaPRO from the ESFA API following an update on their platform.


Feb 1, 2022


The Change of Circumstance API endpoint has been updated to now no longer accept Back Into Learning as a valid status. An error will be returned if this is provided.

If the apprentice needs to be changed to a Back Into Learning status the correct Back Into Learning process should be followed.


Dec 7, 2021


As part of the Back Into Learning process, it’s now no longer possible to update an apprentice’s status to Back Into Learning via the change of circumstance screen, API or bulk upload. An error will be shown if this is attempted.

An apprentice can only enter Back Into Learning by following the correct Back Into Learning process.


Dec 7, 2021


As part of the back into learning process we’ve added restrictions to epaPRO for when an apprentice is in either a Retake Review or Back Into Learning status. The following restrictions will apply:

  • New assessments cannot be booked existing assessments cannot be rescheduled or rebooked

  • Elements cannot have their results added or edited

  • Elements cannot have assessment info uploaded or deleted

  • Results cannot be result adjusted

  • Apprentice’s cannot be change of circumstanced or have a new programme started

    • This applies to both the API and bulk upload too

  • QAs cannot be processed for the apprentice

  • Assessment plan will be in a read only state

  • ESFA screen will not show the apprentice

    • To accommodate this the ESFA screen has also been adjusted to only show apprentices with a certified status


Dec 7, 2021


We’ve fixed an issue with our API documentation where the tas_name field was a valid field to pass when creating / fetching an apprentice, but was missing from the documentation.


Nov 9, 2021


We’ve made it easier to identify apprentice workplaces that require “Covid-19 Compliance” and EPAs that are “Covid-19 Compliant”. This data is then shown when relevant to users when assigning EPAs to elements, making it easier to identify the most suitable EPA for the element.


It’s important to note that epaPRO does not have a definition of Covid-19 Compliance this will differ from business to business and is simply a helpful indicator that can be used when assigning EPAs.

The changes include:

  • Added a new Requires Covid-19 Compliance toggle to apprentices, this can be adjusted within the Workplace Details tab when editing an apprentice.

  • Added a new Is Covid-19 Compliant toggle to EPAs and EPAMs, this can be adjusted within the EPA Details tab when editing an EPA or EPAM.

  • Added the requires_covid_compliance column to the Apprentice Details report.

  • Added the is_covid_compliant column to the EPA Information report.

  • Added a warning when assigning EPAs to elements via the Assessment PlanAssign EPA to Elements or Manage Element Sidebar screens that the apprentice’s workplace Requires Covid-19 Compliance.

  • Added a new green Covid-19 Compliant tag to EPAs when listed on the Assessment PlanAssign EPA to Elements or Manage Element Sidebar screens.

  • Adjusted the Select EPA dropdown when editing the EPA assigned to an element via the Manage Element Sidebar. This will now highlight the “tags” against an EPA much better.

  • Adjusted the Assign EPA to Elements screen to include the relevant tags similar to the Assessment Plan.

  • Adjusted the Bulk Assign EPA to Elements to include a new Covid-19 Compliance column for the elements to indicate which apprentices require a Covid-19 Compliant EPA.

  • Added requires_covid_compliance to API create apprentice and update apprentice


Nov 9, 2021


A new field has been introduced to the apprentice record to hold the cohort id - this is a free text field with a limit of 50 characters. The cohort id can be updated via the create/update apprentice screen/API/bulk upload and start new programme screen/API/bulk upload functionality.

This cohort id can be used as an exact match on the following screens, in order to process apprentice cohort groups more effectively:

  • Gateway review

  • Assessment bookings

  • Manage assessment bookings

  • Assign EPAs to elements

  • Manage planning meetings

  • Assessment progress

Additional work will be conducted at a later date to add this functionality to more screens.

The cohort id has also been added to the following reports:

  • Apprentice → Apprentice details

  • Apprentice → Past programmes

  • Apprentice → Programme history


Oct 12, 2021


The API has also been updated with these changes, when creating and/or updating an apprentice the gender field will accept the new options, but will still accept “Unknown”, this will be internally mapped to “Undisclosed”.

When reading an apprentice via the API the gender field that was previously “Unknown” will now be shown as “Undisclosed”, if this is being used in an API integration then this will need to be accounted for.


Sep 14, 2021


This ticket implements the functionality to all an apprentice’s standard/specialism to be changed prior to gateway. This means that it is still possible to accomplish a standard/specialism change after the EPA date has been confirmed, so long as the gateway has not been started (by pressing the “Process” button on the Confirmed Gateways listing screen, making changes and then pressing “Save”).

This can be undertaken using either the apprentice management screen, the bulk import for updating apprentice details or the API.

There are no limitations on what the apprentice’s standard/specialism can be changed to, as long as it is a combination that is associated with the Provider that the apprentice is training with and the selected specialism is associated with the selected standard.



May 24, 2022



  • New 'Last Registration date' for standards - The last date at which an apprentice can be signed onto a standard based on when the apprentice is being assigned.

  • New validation rules for the last registration date field

  • Version latest start and end dates - These now act as the window in which an apprentice can be signed on to this version of the standard based on the apprentices expected start date

  • Last Registration date, earliest start date and latest start date fields added to standards report


Jul 19, 2022