Version 5.33.0 - 08/04/2025

Version 5.33.0 - 08/04/2025



Production Release Date: Apr 8, 2025

Version: 5.33.0

UAT Release Date: Mar 11, 2025


The Release webinar is available from here (following the Friday demo meeting);

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact

API - New Data API




API - Internal changes to V1 to prepare for V2 creation


Internal changes to API version v1, to prepare for the creation of v2.

Changes to Functionality

To cater for the impending creation of the v2 API, internal groundwork has been laid, to allow concurrent running of both versions.

Note that no functional differences should occur in v1 as part of these changes.

Impacted Areas

  • API → V1


  • None

low impact





Surpass - Extend to support multi-centre and up to 4 test papers


Added centre selection and additional test references for Surpass external assessments

Changes to Functionality

Centre configuration

It was previously only possible to have one centre configured for use in the Surpass integration within epaPRO - this was set by Skilltech against the epaPRO environment and had to be changed by a member of support. This centre has now been moved into a new custom drop-down (Surpass Centres) so that it can be configured by EPAO users directly within epaPRO. By default, the centre already configured will appear in this custom drop-down list, with the ability to add additional centres.

Test reference configuration

It was previously possible to configure two Surpass test references against an assessment component (External Test Reference and Alternative External Test Reference). To enhance this functionality, two more reference/description fields have been added, allowing up to four paper configurations against an assessment component (External Test Reference 3 and External Test Reference 4).

Assessment Booking / Assessment Plan changes

To cater for these new options, the following has been introduced into both the Assessment Bookings and Assessment Plan screens:

  • Configured centres now appear within a drop-down list, so the user can select which centre they wish to use for this Surpass booking

  • The tests drop-down will now show the two additional tests, if they are set up against the corresponding assessment component


The following reports have been updated to highlight the addition of the new test references:

  • Miscellaneous → Assessment Components

    • Shows the additional test references as the following columns:

      • external_assessment_ref_3

      • external_assessment_ref_4

Impacted Areas

  • Entity Management → Custom drop-downs

  • Entity Management → Assessment Components

  • Assessment Plan

  • Assessment Booking

  • Reporting


  • None

Medium impact

Potential Setup Required





API - Queue events


 We have enhanced the API triggered event queue writes to ensure that they are consistent.

Changes to Functionality

 When an apprentice is created/updated or a Change of Circumstance is processed via the API the action will now be written to either one of the event queues. So if the action was triggered by an AO user, the action will be written to the provider event queue and if the action was triggered by an external user, the action will be written to the AO event queue.

Impacted Areas


Queue (provider and AO)


No new permissions

Medium impact




Implement debouncing for searches on screens and globally


To improve the user experience and server performance a delay of 300ms has been added to the search inputs on the listing screens and individuals inputs of the system.

Changes to Functionality

  • Implemented 300ms debounce delay across all search operations

  • Added 300ms debounce delay to search enabled inputs fields on the system

  • Requests now wait for 300ms user in-activity before triggering

Impacted Areas

  • Listing screens

  • Search enabled input fields



low impact





Gateway - Lock evidence to prevent changes to approved files


Added the ability for administrators to lock gateway file evidence to prevent changes.

Changes to Functionality

The gateway process screen has been updated to allow users (with the new Gateway Review → Toggle Gateway File Locks permission) to lock/unlock gateway evidence files, both against individual gateway elements or against the “Evidence” tab.

Once locked, gateway files cannot be removed from the gateway, meaning these will not need to be re-checked during any resubmissions. Note that new uploads can still be added.

Impacted Areas

  • Gateway Review → Process


  • Gateway Review → Toggle Gateway File Locks

    • Granted to “owner”, and “awardingorganisation” system roles by default.

medium impact

Suggested medium due to training/knowledge sharing




screen_changes SETUP_REQUIRED

EPA - Add ability to Auto-Accept Apprentices


Adds the ability for an EPA to automatically accept apprentice assignments.

Changes to Functionality

A new toggle has been added to the EPA screen (default “off”) to control whether an EPA user automatically accepts any apprentice allocations given to them. This new toggle cannot be controlled by the EPA themselves (similar to the pre-existing auto accept elements toggle).

If an apprentice is allocated to an EPA with this new setting enabled, the awaiting acceptance part of the assignment process is skipped, with the apprentice immediately entering the EPA(M)s caseload.

To support the tracking of this new development, the following reports have been enhanced:

  • EPA → EPA Information

    • New column auto_accept_assign_apprentice_decisions introduced to show the current setting against the EPA(M).

    • New filter Auto Accept Apprentice Assignments? added to show results based on the new setting.

  • EPA → EPA Details

    • New column auto_accept_assign_apprentice_decisions introduced to show the current setting against the EPA(M).

    • New filter Auto Accept Apprentice Assignments? added to show results based on the new setting.

  • EPA → EPA Allocation

    • New column auto_accepted introduced to show the whether this allocation decision was made automatically or not.

    • New filter Include Auto-Accepted? added to show results based on the new setting.

Impacted Areas

  • EPA → Edit/View

  • Assign Apprentices

  • Reporting → EPA → EPA Information

  • Reporting → EPA → EPA Details

  • Reporting → EPA → EPA Allocation


  • None

low impact






Add "Please Select" Option to Gender Field


We have updated the Gender field to include a "Please Select" option. This ensures that 'Male' is no longer selected by default and provides users with an empty option to choose from.

Changes to Functionality

  • The Gender field now includes a "Please Select" option, which is empty by default.

  • This change brings the Gender field in line with other fields, such as Registration and Ethnicity, which also include a "Please Select" option.

Impacted Areas

→ Apprentice → Add Apprentice Button → Apprentice Details → Gender Field


No changes to permissions.

low impact





Bulk Import - EPA/EPAM users


 We have added functionality to allow EPA and EPA Manager users to be uploaded in bulk to epaPRO.

Changes to Functionality

Five new bulk uploads have been added to a new EPA/EPAM tab of the bulk upload screen. These are:

  • Create EPA

  • Update EPA

  • Create EPA Manager

  • Update EPA Manager

  • Assign Standards to EPA/EPA Manager

Access to these bulk uploads is given via the EPAs > Bulk Import, EPA Managers > Bulk Import and EPAs > Bulk Import Assign Standards and Specialisms permissions.

Create EPA bulk import

This import contains the following columns:

  • given_name - This is the given name of the EPA and is required

  • middle_name - This is the middle name of the EPA

  • family_name - This is the family name of the EPA and is required

  • email - This is the email address of the EPA and is required

  • telephone - This is the telephone number of the EPA and is required

  • preferrred_name - This is the preferred name of the EPA

  • pronunciation - This is the pronunciation of the EPA’s name

  • username - This is the username of the EPA and is required

  • external_standard_id - This is a single external standard id (more can be assigned to the EPA using the Assign Standards to EPA/EPA Manager bulk import. This is required.

  • standard_risk_rating - This is a risk rating associated with the external standard id provided.

  • specialism_id - This is a single specialism id where specialisms are associated with the external standard id given.

  • specialism_risk_rating - This is a risk rating associated with the specialism id provided

  • contact_address_line_1 - This is the contact address line 1 for the EPA and is required

  • contact_address_line_2 - This is the contact address line 2 for the EPA

  • contact_town - This is the town for the EPA contact and is required

  • contact_county - This is the county for the EPA contact

  • contact_postcode - This is the postcode for the EPA contact and is required

  • purchase_order_number - This is the purchase order number for the EPA

  • user_pronouns_id - This is the pronoun of the EPA

  • range_miles - This is the number of miles range for the EPAs work availability

  • caseload_limit - This is the maximum number of apprentices that should be assigned to an EPA at any one time

  • employment_type - This is the employment type of the EPA

  • accept_new_apprentices - This determines if the EPA is accepting new apprentices

  • is_covid_compliant - The determines if the EPA is covid compliant

  • auto_accept_element_assign_decision - The determines if the EPA is automatically accepting element assignments

  • training_provider_id - This is the training provider id of any provider that the EPA is associated with

  • employer_id - This is the employer id of any employer that the EPA is associated with

  • can_login - This determines if the EPA can log in to epaPRO

  • promary_lead_epa_id - This is the EPA Manager id that is given as the primary EPA Manager for this EPA and is required

  • lead_epa_ids - This is a comma separated list of EPA Manager ids that act as secondary EPA Managers for this EPA

Update EPA bulk import

This import contains the same columns as the Create EPA Bulk import, with the following exception:

  • id - the id of the EPA that is being updated

Please note standards and specialisms cannot be updated via the Update EPA bulk upload. Please use Assign Standards to EPA/EPA Managers instead. Please do not include the standard/specialism fields in the update file.

Create EPA Manager bulk import

This import contains the following columns:

  • given_name - This is the given name of the EPA Manager and is required

  • middle_name - This is the middle name of the EPA Manager

  • family_name - This is the family name of the EPA Manager and is required

  • email - This is the email address of the EPA Manager and is required

  • telephone - This is the telephone number of the EPA Manager and is required

  • preferrred_name - This is the preferred name of the EPA Manager

  • pronunciation - This is the pronunciation of the EPA Manager’s name

  • username - This is the username of the EPA Manager and is required

  • external_standard_id - This is a single external standard id (more can be assigned to the EPA Manager using the Assign Standards to EPA/EPA Manager bulk import. This is required.

  • standard_risk_rating - This is a risk rating associated with the external standard id provided.

  • specialism_id - This is a single specialism id where specialisms are associated with the external standard id given.

  • specialism_risk_rating - This is a risk rating associated with the specialism id provided

  • contact_address_line_1 - This is the contact address line 1 for the EPA Manager and is required

  • contact_address_line_2 - This is the contact address line 2 for the EPA Manager

  • contact_town - This is the town for the EPA Manager contact and is required

  • contact_county - This is the county for the EPA Manager contact

  • contact_postcode - This is the postcode for the EPA Manager contact and is required

  • purchase_order_number - This is the purchase order number for the EPA Manager

  • user_pronouns_id - This is the pronoun of the EPA Manager

  • range_miles - This is the number of miles range for the EPA Managers work availability

  • caseload_limit - This is the maximum number of apprentices that should be assigned to an EPA Manager at any one time

  • employment_type - This is the employment type of the EPA Manager

  • accept_new_apprentices - This determines if the EPA Manager is accepting new apprentices

  • is_covid_compliant - The determines if the EPA Manager is covid compliant

  • auto_accept_element_assign_decision - The determines if the EPA Manager is automatically accepting element assignments

  • training_provider_id - This is the training provider id of any provider that the EPA Manager is associated with

  • employer_id - This is the employer id of any employer that the EPA Manager is associated with

  • can_login - This determines if the EPA Manager can log in to epaPRO

Update EPA Manager bulk import

This import contains the same columns as the Create EPA Manager Bulk import, with the following exception:

  • id - the id of the EPA Manager that is being updated

Please note standards and specialisms cannot be updated via the Update EPA Manager bulk upload. Please use Assign Standards to EPA/EPA Managers instead. Please do not include the standard/specialism fields in the update file.

Assign Standards to EPA/EPA Manager

This import contains the following columns:

  • id - this is the EPA id of the EPA or EPA Manager

  • external_standard_id - This is a single external standard id. This is required.

  • standard_risk_rating - This is a risk rating associated with the external standard id provided.

  • specialism_id - This is a single specialism id where specialisms are associated with the external standard id given.

  • specialism_risk_rating - This is a risk rating associated with the specialism id provided

Please note that only one standard/specialism can be added per row. Where there are multiple standards/specialisms being assigned to a single EPA or EPA Manager, multiple rows will be need to be added to the file for each of the standards/specialisms.

Please also note that there is no update option for this import. It is only possible to assign new standards and specialisms to EPA’s and EPA Manager’s using the bulk upload.

Impacted Areas

 Bulk upload


There are three new permissions:

  • EPAs > Bulk Import

  • EPA Managers > Bulk Import

  • EPAs > Bulk Import Assign Standards and Specialisms

medium impact

Suggested medium due to Setup required, new permissions and training / knowledge/sharing





Assessment Element Side Drawer - Release Outcome Button


The "Release Outcome" button in the Assessment Element Side Drawer has been updated to improve its appearance and alignment.

Changes to Functionality

The button now has proper spacing around it, making it look more consistent with other similar buttons like "Result Adjustment." This makes it easier for users to find and use.

Impacted Areas

→ Assessment profile → Assessment Element → manage (side drawer) → Results → Release Outcome Button


No new permission.

low impact





Outcome Release - delay the publishing of QA/entity attachments until outcome release.


Fixes a bug that now causes the publishing of result/certification/QA attachments to happen at outcome release, if enabled.

Changes to Functionality

When the outcome release process was enabled, the publishing of result/certification/QA attachments was still occurring at result submission / QA publish stage, not outcome release.

This ticket now brings this process in line with the rest of the outcome release process.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment results

  • Certification

  • QA

  • Outcome release


  • None

low impact





Gateway - Clean up gateway files if they no longer apply to the committed gateway specification


Fixes a bug that prevented apprentice files from being deleted if they were linked to a gateway that subsequently changed gateway specification.

Changes to Functionality

It was possible for an apprentice file to become stuck, via the following process:

  • Provider links an apprentice file to a gateway element, but does not press “Save” at the declaration stage

  • Gateway specifications / apprentice data is updated which results in the apprentice moving to a different gateway specification

  • The provider makes additional changes to the gateway & saves/submits the gateway at declaration stage.

This resulted in the evidence linked in the first step still being linked, but not visible to the EPAO - the file could not be unlinked to allow the file to be deleted.

This work helps clean up these left over files, so that the apprentice file can accurately be deleted if it was not required.

Impacted Areas

  • Gateway


  • None

low impact





Fixing Attendee Invitations emails


We have made improvements to how invited and non-invited attendees receive emails. This update ensures that the attendees get the correct email based on the selected filters.

Changes to Functionality

Before this update, the system sent both Component Invitation email and Component Scheduled Info email to the attendees even when a filter was applied. Now, the filtering works correctly, and users will only receive one email based on the toggle.

  • Toggle ON ("Is Invited"): Only the Component Invitation email is sent.

  • Toggle OFF ("Is Invited"): Only the Component Scheduled Info email is sent.

Impacted Areas

→ Planning → Manage Planning Meeting → components → section → Attendees → is_invited toggle


No changes to permissions.

low impact





Assessment Plan - editing multi-booking dates causes issue with elements scheduled date


Fixes a bug that prevented the scheduled date time from updating consistently throughout the system when a multi-block booking is amended from the assessment plan screen.

Changes to Functionality

When a multi-block booking was made within the new assessment bookings screens, these were not handled correctly when attempting to edit the dates via the assessment plan screen, post booking. The scheduled timestamp would not update consistently, leaving the data confusing in areas such as the assessment profile.

This ticket looks to bring these changes into line & prevent inconsistencies.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan


  • None

low impact





Assessment Schema - overlapping dates checking inactive schemas


Fixed an issue where when the user try to update/edit the copied assessment schema.

Change to Functionality

Fixed an issue where users encountered a date overlapping validation error when attempting to update/edit a copied assessment schema, even if the copied assessment schema was inactive by default.

With this fix, users will no longer receive the overlapping date validation error while editing a copied assessment schema if the copied assessment schema is inactive.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Schema



low impact

Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact