Version 4.24.0 - 26/04/2022
Release Date: Apr 26, 2022 | Version: 4.24.0 |
The Release webinar will be available from here:- Click Here - to view the 4.24.0 release video. Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation
We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:
SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element
NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added
RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.
This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.
Following discussion and questions raised from the demo of this release please can you complete the following:
Feedback form for - Changes to Assessment Schema and Standards
We would appreciate your feedback and comments on both recent and proposed changes to support Standards Versioning & Assessment Plan numbering eg, ST0070 V1.0 AP03
The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Feedback should be submitted by end date Apr 19, 2022
Date for this has now Closed.
Epic | Key | Type | Action Required | Summary | Release Notes Description | Video link |
EP-2992 | FEATURE |
| API - Added support for AO and Provider queue usage | The EPAPro API has been extended so that the queue functionality can be used simultaneously by both a Provider and an Awarding Organisation user. The is primarily so that the AO can have an integration set up at the same time as allowing Providers to utilise the queue via their own means i.e. Aptem integration. |
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EP-3046 | FEATURE | RECOMMEND_TRAINING SETUP_REQUIRED | Standards - standard versioning | We have introduced standard versioning to EPAPro meaning that it is now possible to set a standard to a specific version as defined by IFATE. As a part of this the Standard Version, Version Earliest Start Date and IFATE ST Reference are all new and required fields when creating/editing standards. We have also added a new field for Version Latest Start Date (which is not required as this in often undefined until IFATE release the new version). As a part of these changes we have also created a new tab that contains the External Details pertaining to the standard (so they are no longer on the Standard Details tab):
We have also add another new tab to the Standard Management screen that details the standards that are related to the one you are editing/viewing (determined by the IFATE ST Reference) so it is possible to see all of the difference standard versions in one place. From this tab, you can click a link to the edit/view screens for the standard versions defined. We have also updated the certification submission to ESFA to include the standard version, where this has been defined on the Standard Management screen for the standard that relates to the apprentice being submitted to the ESFA. For the standard version to be included with the information submitted to the ESFA for the apprentice, you MUST have defined the version, correctly, on the Standard Management Screen. If the standard version has not been defined, it will not be included in the ESFA submission. This means that if you have apprentices on different versions of the same standard you will need to create a new standard for each of those versions. There have been other visual changes throughout the application to make it easier to identify standards, their versions and the specialisms that are related to said standards/versions. Where a version has been defined against a standard, it will now be visible in the standard and specialism filter (where the specialism filter is included) and the table display on the following screens:
Additionally, it is now possible to select multiple standards or specialisms from the filters and the specialism filter is now grouped by standard, so it's easier to see which specialisms belong to which standards when multiple standards are selected. Where a version has been defined against a standard, it will now be visible in the following locations:
Where a version has been defined against a standard, it will now be visible in the following reports:
Additionally we have also included the ifate_st_reference column in the Standards report. |
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| Assessment Schema - Added name, description & active/inactive status to editable fields | The assessment schema screens have been amended to no longer allow editing within the “view” mode. To allow for this, users are now always taken to the edit/view modes based purely on their permissions. If a user accesses the edit version of the screen whilst apprentices are actively on the assessment schema, the screen will set itself to a restricted mode - this mode works the same as the old view mode did previously, with the addition of assessment schema name, description and active/inactive status also now being editable. Please note, any users that were relying on having the ability to edit “in use” assessment schemas with just the “Assessment Schemas → Read” permission will now need to be given the “Assessment Schemas → Update” permission. |
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| Reporting - Gateway Submission Report | A new report for billing the first gateway submission has been added to EPAPro. This report mirrors much of the completed gateway billing report but is designed to work using the first submission of a gateway by a provider rather than the acceptance and approval of a gateway. The date used for contract comparison in this report is the apprentice’s programme start date. |
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| Reporting - EQAO report update for Ofqual | The EQAO report has been updated in the following ways to match closer the requirements set out by Ofqual.
Finally the report has been restructured so that past programme data is included. |
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| Standards listing screen - shared filters | As part of the work for Standards Versioning we have added shared filters to the standard listing screen. We have also included the standard filter on this screen so that you can filter the results for a specific standard. |
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| Support Material shared filters | We have added shared filters to the Support Materials screen. As a part of this work, the ordering on Schema, Component and Category filters has been made alphabetical. |
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| FEATURE | Support-Materials | Support Materials shared filters | We have added shared filters to Support Materials. As a consequence of this work it is now possible to search for standards, providers, employers, schemas, components, categories, support material status and type from within the filters themselves, making it easier to locate the item you are wishing to filter on (currently specific to the Support Materials management and view screens only). The standard, provider, employer, schema, component and category filters also now include “select all” and “deselect all” options to allow the clearing of a specific filter without having to clear them all. The “Apply filters” and “Clear filters” options that are a specific feature of the shared filters have also been integrated as a part of this work. All of these filters now have their options listed in alphabetical order. |
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| BUG |
| Menu/Chrome - Reduced performance on some screens | We have introduced performance improvements with the menu and the EPAPro chrome which should provide some improvements on some screens. |
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| BUG |
| Apprentice Files - Owner role does not have Delete Any permission | Fixed a bug where the Owner role was not granted the Delete Any permission. |
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| BUG |
| Apprentice History - added missing EPA confirmation date. | Code has been added to track changes to the EPA confirmation date when the apprentice is put on a new programme. The EPA confirmation date will also not be copied onto the new programme. |
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| BUG |
| Reporting - SLA - Time from certification created to certification QA published report now populates certification_qa_published column | A fix has been applied to the SLA “Time from certification created to certification QA published” report to correctly populate the certification_qa_published column. |
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| BUG |
| Grade Profile - Surpass now populates the alternative outcome fields when auto-creating an unknown grade outcome. | The Surpass integration has been updated to add entries into the alternative option title and alternative type fields, when it creates a grade profile entry for an unrecognised grade outcome. |
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| BUG |
| Assessment Plan - Surpass URL overlaps KeyCode | Fixed a display bug where the Surpass URL would overlap the KeyCode making it difficult to see. The Surpass URL will now be forced onto multiple lines. |
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| BUG |
| Back Into Learning - Inconsistent rejection character length | We have corrected an inconsistency between the Back Into Learning rejection character count and the Change of Circumstance character count. Change of Circumstance reason has a maximum character count of 200 The Retake Review Rejection reason field has been updated to have a character count of 160 characters to remain consistent, the rejection prepends additional text to the beginning of the reason. |
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| BUG |
| EPA - Trying to upload a CPD file on Firefox no longer submits the whole form | Fixed a bug with Firefox, whereby uploading a CPD file against an EPA(M) saved the whole EPA record, not just the CPD upload. |
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| BUG |
| Back Into Learning - Bulk upload cancel_meetings validation no longer mentions Back Into Learning | Updated the validation warnings that come back from Change of Circumstance to remove reference of the “Back Into Learning” status, as this has been removed as part of the Back Into Learning rewrite work. |
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| BUG |
| Bulk Upload - Error when using bulk create employer if the esfa_preferred_address field is empty | We fixed an error when using the bulk create employer functionality if the The internals of the bulk create employer field has been updated to use a new processing technique to help ensure correct handling of columns inside a CSV import. |
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| BUG |
| Assessment Profile - View Result: Editing URL of previous results no longer causes an exception. | Editing the URL of a previous result from “view” mode to “edit” mode will now display a warning & redirect back to the view mode of the page. Previously, an error was thrown. |
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| BUG |
| Assessment Progress - EPA Managers assigned to elements are now able to see the apprentice in assessment progress | The assessment profile code has been changed to allow EPAM users to see apprentices within the assessment profile screen, when an element has been assigned to them. |
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| BUG |
| EPAs - Previous EPA can no longer see an apprentice after component EPA change. | The code has been updated to prevent EPAs from having access to the assessment profile for apprentices where they were initially assigned to an element, but the element has since been rescheduled. Note the inverse also happens with this change, meaning that EPAs are no longer blocked from QAing apprentices where the above situation had occurred. |
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| BUG |
| Apprentice - now possible to blank apprentice fields / various internal enhancements | Internal changes have been made to standardise the way that apprentice information is stored via the various different methods in the system. In standardising these processes, apprentice fields that are allowed to be blank can now be emptied by deleting the contents and saving the record – previously these changes would be ignored. Aside from the above, no additional system changes should be reported as a result of this change. Please ensure that the following affected areas continue to function as per business requirements: