Version 4.27.0 - 19/07/2022

Version 4.27.0 - 19/07/2022

Release Date: Jul 19, 2022

Version: 4.27.0


The Release webinar is available from here; Release Demo 4.27.0 Video Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.


This months release sees the introduction of the new ToDos screen- more info can be located here - Coming Soon: New Feature To-Do Lists





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Video link




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Video link





ToDo - Notifications Screen

We have added a new notifications screen that provides a way for users to see all of their notifications and filter and search them. The screen also provides bulk actions for marking the selection as read, unread or delete.

We have also added a new “Make Task” button which will automatically create a new task for the notification.

The notification side drawer now also shows the most recent notifications with a link to the screen to see all of them.










My To-Do's - Actions

We have added a new actions screen that provides a way for users to see all of their actions and filter and search them. The screen also lists out any custom tasks that have been created by the user (via the use of the “Add custom task” button in the screen header). Custom tasks can be allocated to an area (Appeals, Assessment, Assessment Booking, Assessment Schema, Assign Apprentice, Certification, Contracts, Gateway, Integrations, Planning, QA and User) and have one of three statuses: To Do, In Progress, and Complete. Buttons have been added to allow the transitioning a custom task from To Do to In Progress, and from In Progress to Completed.

The default view is that all tasks/actions To-do, and In Progress are shown by default, along with any tasks that have been completed that day. The date a task was completed can be found by hovering over the green completed badge. When filtering by type and area, the same tasks/actions will appear dependent on the filters selected. The exception is when the completed option on the status task is selected, in which case all completed tasks are shown regardless of the date they were completed.

The due date for new actions that are raised during the day will be filled in by an automated overnight cron that runs at 2:30AM daily. This due date will show as ‘Calculating’ until the date is calculated. Where no SLA is attached to an action, the due date will be displayed as ‘Unknown’.


This screen introduces new permissions under the “Todo ” heading, listed below:

  • Create Custom Task This will allow the user to create a custom task

  • Delete Custom Task This will allow the user to delete a custom task that the own

  • Read Custom Task This will allow the user access to the My To-do’s listing screen

  • Update Custom Task This will the user to edit a custom task that they own

They are assigned to the following user roles by default:

Owner, AO, QA, EPA and EPAM

See above 3 videos, as they cover this section.






Standards - Last registration date and version start and end dates for standards

We have created a field for the Last Registration Date, so that as an AO user you are able to define a date at which a provider will be unable to register new apprentices on the standard.


  • New 'Last Registration date' for standards - The last date at which an apprentice can be signed onto a standard based on when the apprentice is being assigned. This is a Non-Mandatory field

  • New validation rules for the last registration date field

  • Under the Standards External Details there is a Version latest start and end dates - These now act as the window in which an apprentice can be signed on to this version of the standard, based on the apprentices expected start date

  • All of these new fields Last Registration date, earliest start date and latest start date fields added to Standards report

  • This also applies to the Bulk Import and API






Apprentice Profile - Relevant Date Added To Status Badge

Apprentice Profile:

  • Colour coded Label added under the apprentice profile title displaying the apprentices current status and the date that they were added to that status.

  • The “In Assessment” status label displays the audit submitted date.

  • The “Retake Review”, “Back Into Learning”, “Suspended”, “Withdrawn” and “Cancelled” status labels are given the Change of Circumstance date






Activity Log - Details for user logged in as added to activity log

Activity Log:

  • Details for a user logged in as another user added to activity log.

  • Changes made by a user that is logged in as another user are now displayed in the change log






Assessment Centres - shared filters

We have added shared filters to the Assessment centre listing screen in-line with other listing screens that have been updated in recent months. We have also provided filters for Standards and Components.

As a part of this work we have have also added AJAX paging (to prevent full page refresh when clicking the paging links).






News - Standard Linking

We have added the ability to link a news item to one or more standards. This will provide a way to filter down the news a user sees even further based on the standards assigned to them.

A new field has been added to the edit/create news screen called “Standards”. This new field will allow for multiple standards to be selected.

If no standards have been selected, the default for existing news items, then the news item will be shown to everyone, as it does now.

The standards are checked for editing, reading, dashboard, and the relevant listing screens to ensure that users only see entries relevant to their sector.

The standard checks are in addition to the user type checks that already exist for news items.

We have also tweaked the saving/retrieval of the user types for news items behind the scenes. This doesn’t change functionality but may improve performance and will also group the changes into a single activity log entry tied to the news item, rather than being individual entries.






Bulk Upload - Conflict of Interest

We have added two new bulk imports for Conflict of Interest.

One to create conflicts and one to delete.

The bulk import can be accessed via the new “Import Conflicts” button on the conflicts listing screen, as with other bulk uploads this requires the Bulk Upload permission.

Both imports have the same structure:

  • epa_id - This is the ID of the EPA that the conflict is for, if provided epa_username is not required

  • epa_username - This is the username of the EPA that the conflict is for, if provided epa_id is not required

  • conflict_type - This is the type of conflict and should be one of training_provided, employer, or apprentice

  • entity_id - This is the ID of the relevant entity and is determined by the conflict_type. This should be either an apprentice ID, provider ID, or employer ID

If a conflict already exists for the combination the row will be highlighted with an error.

When using bulk delete conflict of interest if the record does not exist in EPAPro we will display this as a successful deletion as showing an error may be confusing when it doesn’t change the outcome.

Currently the epa_id is not available on a report, a Feature Request has been logged to cover this. However, the epa_username is available on the User Details report, which can be filtered by User Type → EPA.






Assessment Booking - Add notice period checks for providers

We have added a notice period check to the assessment booking screen. If the time being booked does not provide enough notice, as defined against the component, the options will display “Invalid Notice” instead of the capacity.

For providers, this will also block the booking at that time, for AO users they would be able to ignore the warning and proceed.

EP-3082 Assessment Booking - Block providers that do not meet notice period






We have removed the .map files generated by our front end build process.






Pen Test - External Asset Integrity

We have updated external front end dependencies we include to now have a generated integrity hash, this allows the browser to verify the contents have not been manipulated in transit.







We have fixed a bug with our ProctorU integration where the timezone used was not consistent. This would cause issues where bookings would error due to no availability, however, we were displaying that a slot was available.






Apprentice Profile - Previous Programme notes displaying bug fixed

Apprentice Profile:

  • Notes tab no longer displays notes for previous programme.

  • Label added for Programme specific notes






Assessment Plan - Fixed creating a plan on rescheduled meetings

Assessment Plan:

  • Fixed ability to create an assessment plan on a rescheduled meeting.






Assessment Profile - Providers able to assign EPA when no EPA is assigned

Assessment Profile:

  • Fixed bug displaying assign EPA button to providers when no EPA is assigned to an assessment.






App Wide - Fixes to phone number validation

App Wide:

Changes to validation rules on all phone number inputs






Conflict of Interest - Epa selection bug fixes

Conflict of Interest - Add Conflict

  • Fixed issue where deleted Epa and Epa managers were still visible in the selection list.

  • Fixed issue where Conflict could be created with no Epa selected after searching for an epa.






Reporting - Descriptive error message for deleting a saved report

Reporting -

Implemented more detailed error descriptions when attempting to delete a report that is connected to schedules






Notification Settings - Default values changed for Gateway Submitted

Notification Settings:

  • Default values changed for gateway submitted, EPA and EPAM users.






Notifications - Reject_reason and rejected_reason_comment variables added to notification


  • Rejected_reason added to notification dispatch for use in notification emails.

  • Rejected_reason_comment added to notification dispatch for use in notification emails



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